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Нашли или выдавили из себя код, который нельзя назвать нормальным, на который без улыбки не взглянешь? Не торопитесь его удалять или рефакторить, — запостите его на говнокод.ру, посмеёмся вместе!
После хлопка на заводе "Кристалл" за медицинской помощью обратились 89 ватников.
var type = shape switch
Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0) => "Point at origin",
Circle((0, 0), _) => "Circle at origin",
Rectangle(_, var w, var h) when w == h => "Square",
Rectangle((var x, var y), var w, var h) =>
$"A {w}×{h} rectangle at ({x},{y})",
_ => "something else"
Какой бароп )))
> я на данный момент только выпустился из 11-го
> На мой взгляд у меня имеется неплохое резюме с кучей ачивок и хороший скилл,
который я день за днем совершенствую последние 8-9 лет.
Какой скилл )))
Помню свой 11 класс, где я понятия не имел что такое погромирование.
Раньше я дебажил и плакал.
Но с тех пор как я прочитал книгу Роя Искандеровича Ошерова
"Искусство автономного тестирования" моя жизнь изменилась к лучшему,
я познал настоящую радость всепрдбывающую!
Как же это здорово жить без ошибок!
Надо просто по другому взглянуть на проблему! Спасибо вам, спасибо...
Спасибо и вам, Стивен Спилбергович МакКонакал, за ваши мудрые советы...
Главный технический императив разаработки ПО - управление сложностью
- я помню!...
Общество анонимных дебаггеров на Кактусинской, 25 - и ты свободен!
array_filter($input, $callback);
array_map($callback, $input);
window["flags"] = {
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Taken from aircanada.com. Enjoy!
<div class="side-effects">
<div class="side-effects__text" v-html="text"></div>
export default {
name: 'SideEffects',
data () {
return {
text: '<strong>JORNAY PM can cause serious side effects, including: </strong>' +
'<ul>' +
'<li>' +
'<strong>Abuse and dependence.</strong> JORNAY PM contains methylphenidate. JORNAY PM, other methylphenidate-containing products, and\n' +
'amphetamines have a high chance for abuse and can cause physical and psychological dependence. Your healthcare provider should check\n' +
'you or your child for signs of abuse and dependence before and during treatment with JORNAY PM.' +
'<ul>' +
'<li>Tell your healthcare provider if you or your child has ever abused or been dependent on alcohol, prescription medicines, or street\n' +
'drugs. </li>' +
'<li> Your healthcare provider can tell you more about the differences between physical and psychological dependence and drug addiction. </li>' +
'</ul>' +
'</li>' +
'<li>' +
'<p class="mb-0"><strong>Heart-related problems, including:</strong></p>' +
'<ul>' +
'<li>sudden death, stroke, and heart attack in adults</li>' +
'<li>sudden death in children who have heart problems or heart defects</li>' +
'<li> increased blood pressure and heart rate </li>' +
'</ul>' +
'</li>' +
'</ul>' +
'Your healthcare provider should check you or your child carefully for heart problems before starting JORNAY PM. Tell your healthcare provider\n' +
'if you or your child has any heart problems, heart defects, or high blood pressure.' +
' <p>Your healthcare provider should check your or your child’s blood pressure and heart rate regularly during treatment with JORNAY PM. </p>' +
'<p><strong>Call your healthcare provider right away or go to the nearest hospital emergency room right away if you or your child has any signs of\n' +
'heart problems such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or fainting during treatment with JORNAY PM. </strong></p>' +
'<ul>' +
'<li>' +
'<strong>Mental (psychiatric) problems, including:</strong>' +
'<ul>' +
'<li>new or worse behavior and thought problems</li>' +
'<li>new or worse bipolar illness</li>' +
'<li>new psychotic symptoms (such as hearing voices, or seeing or believing things that are not real) or new manic symptoms </li>' +
'</ul>' +
'</li>' +
'</ul>' +
'Tell your healthcare provider about any mental problems you or your child has, or about a family history of suicide, bipolar illness, or\n' +
'depression. ' +
'<p><strong>Call your healthcare provider right away if you or your child have any new or worsening mental symptoms or problems during treatment\n' +
'with JORNAY PM, especially hearing voices, seeing or believing things that are not real, or new manic symptoms</strong></p>' +
'<strong>JORNAY PM can cause other serious side effects, including:</strong>' +
'<ul>' +
'<li>See <strong>“What is the most important information I should know about JORNAY PM?” </strong></li>' +
'<li><strong>Painful and prolonged erections (priapism). </strong>Priapism has happened in males who take products that contain methylphenidate. If you or\n' +
'your child develops priapism, get medical help right away</li>' +
'<li>' +
'<strong>Circulation problems in fingers and toes (peripheral vasculopathy, including Raynaud’s phenomenon). Signs and symptoms may\n' +
'include:</strong>' +
'<ul>' +
'<li>fingers or toes may feel numb, cool, or painful</li>' +
'<li> fingers or toes may change color from pale, to blue, to red </li>' +
'</ul>' +
'</li>' +
'</ul>' +
'Tell your healthcare provider if you or your child has numbness, pain, skin color change, or sensitivity to temperature in the fingers or toes. ' +
'<strong>Call your healthcare provider right away if you or your child has any signs of unexplained wounds appearing on fingers or toes during\n' +
'treatment with JORNAY PM.</strong>' +
'<ul>' +
'<li>' +
'<strong>Slowing of growth (height and weight) in children</strong> Children should have their height and weight checked often during treatment with\n' +
'JORNAY PM. JORNAY PM treatment may be stopped if your child is not gaining weight or height. ' +
'</li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<strong>The most common side effects of methylphenidate products in children, adolescents, and adults with ADHD include:</strong>' +
'<ul>' +
'<li>decreased appetite</li>' +
'<li>stomach pain</li>' +
'<li>irritability</li>' +
'<li>trouble sleeping</li>' +
'<li>weight loss</li>' +
'<li>mood swings (affect lability)</li>' +
'<li>nausea</li>' +
'<li>anxiety</li>' +
'<li>increased heart rate</li>' +
'<li>vomiting</li>' +
'<li>dizziness</li>' +
'<li>increased blood pressure</li>' +
'<li>indigestion</li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<strorg>The most common side effects of JORNAY PM in children age 6 to 12 with ADHD include: </strorg>';
Так вот зачем нужна data и v-html (VueJS)
В "Notepad" обнаружена уязвимость.
>>> -14 // 57
Отсосу питоноблядей!
In [9]: 0.14*100
Out[9]: 14.000000000000002
Питонобляди соснули!