1. Куча / Говнокод #25831


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    static F1(jtdrr){PROLOG(0055);A df,dg,hs,*x,z;B b,ex,xop;C c,id;I fl,*hv,m;V*v;
     // If the input is a name, it must be from ".@'name' which turned into ".@(name+noun)  - or in debug, but that's discarded
     // If noun, return the value of the noun.
     if(AT(w)&NOUN)R w;  // no quotes needed
     // Non-nouns and NMDOT names carry on
     v=FAV(w); id=v->id; fl=v->flag;
     I fndx=(id==CBDOT)&&!v->fgh[0]; A fs=v->fgh[fndx]; A gs=v->fgh[fndx^1];  // In verb for m b., if f is empty look to g for the left arg.  It would be nice to be more general
     hs=v->fgh[2]; if(id==CBOX)gs=0;  // ignore gs field in BOX, there to simulate BOXATOP
     if(fl&VXOPCALL)R drr(hs);
     xop=1&&VXOP&fl; ex=id==CCOLON&&hs&&!xop;
     b=id==CHOOK||id==CADVF; c=id==CFORK;
     if(!m)R spella(w);
     if(evoke(w))R drr(sfne(w));  // turn nameref into string or verb; then take rep
     GATV0(z,BOX,m,1); x=AAV(z);
    F1(jtdrep){A z=drr(w); R z&&AT(z)&BOX?z:ravel(box(z));}
    F1(jtaro){A fs,gs,hs,s,*u,*x,y,z;B ex,xop;C id;I*hv,m;V*v;
      v=FAV(w); id=v->id;
      I fndx=(id==CBDOT)&&!v->fgh[0]; fs=v->fgh[fndx]; gs=v->fgh[fndx^1];  // In verb for m b., if f is empty look to g for the left arg.  It would be nice to be more general
      hs=v->fgh[2]; if(id==CBOX)gs=0;  // ignore gs field in BOX, there to simulate BOXATOP
      if(VXOPCALL&v->flag)R aro(hs);
      if(!m)R spella(w);
      if(evoke(w)){RZ(w=sfne(w)); if(FUNC&AT(w))w=aro(w); R w;}  // keep nameref as a string, UNLESS it is NMDOT, in which case use the (f.'d) verb value
     GAT0(z,BOX,2,1); x=AAV(z);
     if(NOUN&AT(w)){RZ(x[0]=rifvs(ravel(scc(CNOUN)))); if(AT(w)&NAME)RZ(w=sfn(0,w)); x[1]=INCORPNA(w); RETF(z);}  // if name, must be ".@'name', format name as string
     GATV0(y,BOX,m,1); u=AAV(y);
     RZ(x[0]=rifvs(s)); x[1]=INCORPNA(y);
     R z;
    F1(jtarep){R box(aro(w));}
    // Create A for a string - name~, a primitive, or the boxed string
    static DF1(jtfxchar){A y;C c,d,id,*s;I m,n;
     ASSERT(1>=AR(w),EVRANK);  // string must be an atom or list
     s=CAV(w); c=*(s+n-1);
     DO(n, d=s[i]; ASSERT((C)(d-32)<(C)(127-32),EVSPELL););  // must be all ASCII
     if(CA==ctype[(UC)*s]&&c!=CESC1&&c!=CESC2)R swap(w);  // If name and not control word, treat as name~, create nameref
     ASSERT(id=spellin(n,s),EVSPELL);  // not name, must be control word or primitive.  Also classify string 
     if(id!=CFCONS)y=ds(id); else{m=s[n-2]-'0'; y=FCONS(CSIGN!=*s?scib(m):2==n?ainf:scib(-m));} // define 0:, if it's that, using boolean for 0/1
     ASSERT(y&&RHS&AT(y),EVDOMAIN);   // make sure it's a noun/verb/adv/conj
     if(!self || AT(y)

    Arbatan_Pokrovan, 12 Сентября 2019

    Комментарии (31)
  2. Куча / Говнокод #25830


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    RZ(z=tail(w)); k=AN(z)<<bplg(AT(z)); // k=length of input cell in bytes
     // fill in the shape, offset, and item-count of the virtual block
     AN(a)=AN(z); AK(a)+=(n-1)*k; MCISH(AS(a),AS(z),r-1);  // make the virtual block look like the tail, except for the offset.  We start out pointing
       // to the last item; the pointer is unused in the first iteration, and we then back up to the second-last item, which is the first one we
       // process as a
    #define ZZPOPNEVER 1   // we mustn't TPOP after copying the result atoms, because they are reused.  This will leave the memory used for type-conversions unclaimed.
       // if we implement the annulment of tpop pointers, we should use that to hand-free results that have been converted
     // We have to dance a bit for BOXATOP verbs, because the result comes back unboxed, but it has to be put into a box
     // to be fed into the next iteration.  This is still a saving, because we can use the same box to point to each successive result.
     // Exception: if the reusable box gets incorporated, it is no longer reusable and must be reallocated.  We will use the original z box,
     // which will NEVER be virtual because it is an atom whenever BOXATOP is set, as the starting pointer to the prev boxed result
     A boxedz = z; z=(state&ZZFLAGBOXATOP)?AAV(z)[0]:z;  // init current pointer for the temp box; if BOXATOP, use >{:y as the first (to-be-boxed) result
    #define ZZDECL
    #define ZZSTARTATEND 1   // build result from bottom up
    #include "result.h"
    #define ZZINSTALLFRAME(optr) *optr++=n;
     AD * RESTRICT zz=0;
     for(i=0;i<n;++i){   // loop through items, noting that the first is the tail itself
      if(i){RZ(z=CALL2(f2,a,z,fs));}   // apply the verb to the arguments (except the first time)
    #define ZZBODY
    #include "result.h"
      // If BOXATOP, we need to reinstate the boxing around z for the next iteration.
       // If boxedz itself has been incorporated into the result, we have to reallocate it.  We don't need the usual check for z==boxedz, because we know we INCORPed z into
       // the boxed result, so if it was the same as boxedz, the usecount of boxedz was incremented then
       if(!ACIPISOK(boxedz))GAT0(boxedz,BOX,1,0);   // reallocate boxedz if needed
       AAV(boxedz)[0]=z; z=boxedz;  // point boxedz to the previous result, and make that the new argument for next time
      // if result happens to be the same virtual block that we passed in, we have to clone it before we change the pointer
      else if(a==z){RZ(z=virtual(z,0,AR(a))); AN(z)=AN(a); MCISH(AS(z),AS(a),r-1);}
      AK(a)-=k;  // back up to next input
    A jtscansp(J jt,A w,A self,AF sf){A e,ee,x,z;B*b;I f,m,j,r,t,wr;P*wp,*zp;
     wr=AR(w); r=(RANKT)jt->ranks; r=wr<r?wr:r; RESETRANK; f=wr-r;
     wp=PAV(w); e=SPA(wp,e); RZ(ee=over(e,e));
      R IRS1(x,self,r,sf,z);
      if(r&&b[f]){b[f]=0; RZ(w=reaxis(ifb(wr,b),w));}
      j=f; m=0; DQ(wr-f, m+=!b[j++];);
     wp=PAV(w); e=SPA(wp,e); x=SPA(wp,x);
     t=maxtype(AT(e),AT(x)); RZ(e=cvt(t,e)); if(TYPESNE(t,AT(x)))RZ(x=cvt(t,x));
     GASPARSE(z,STYPE(t),1,wr+!m,AS(w)); if(!m)*(wr+AS(z))=1;
     R z;
    }    /* f/\"r or f/\."r on sparse w */
    static DF1(jtsscan){A y,z;I d,f,m,n,r,t,wn,wr,*ws,wt;
     if(SPARSE&wt)R scansp(w,self,jtsscan);
     wn=AN(w); wr=AR(w); r=(RANKT)jt->ranks; r=wr<r?wr:r; f=wr-r; ws=AS(w); RESETRANK;
     PROD(m,f,ws); PROD1(d,r-1,f+ws+1); n=r?ws[f]:1;  // will not be used if WN==0, so PROD ok.  n is # items along the selected rank
     y=FAV(self)->fgh[0]; // y is f/
     if(((n-2)|(wn-1))<0){if(vaid(FAV(y)->fgh[0])){R r?RETARG(w):reshape(over(shape(w),num[1]),w);}else R IRS1(w,self,r,jtsuffix,z);}  // if empty arg, or just 1 cell in selected axis, convert to f/\ which handles the short arg 

    Arbatan_Pokrovan, 12 Сентября 2019

    Комментарии (5)
  3. Lua / Говнокод #25829


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    if self.Weapon:GetNextPrimaryFire() < CurTime() then
    	if GetConVarNumber( "ma2_togglechargeui" ) == 1 then
    		if (self.Charge-self.DmgMin)/self.DmgMax*100<=10 then
    		elseif (self.Charge-self.DmgMin)/(self.DmgMax-self.DmgMin)*100<=20 then
    		elseif (self.Charge-self.DmgMin)/(self.DmgMax-self.DmgMin)*100<=30 then
    		elseif (self.Charge-self.DmgMin)/(self.DmgMax-self.DmgMin)*100<=40 then
    		elseif (self.Charge-self.DmgMin)/(self.DmgMax-self.DmgMin)*100<=50 then
    		elseif (self.Charge-self.DmgMin)/(self.DmgMax-self.DmgMin)*100<=60 then
    		elseif (self.Charge-self.DmgMin)/(self.DmgMax-self.DmgMin)*100<=70 then
    		elseif (self.Charge-self.DmgMin)/(self.DmgMax-self.DmgMin)*100<=80 then
    		elseif (self.Charge-self.DmgMin)/(self.DmgMax-self.DmgMin)*100<=90 then
    		elseif (self.Charge-self.DmgMin)/(self.DmgMax-self.DmgMin)*100>90 then


    amd, 11 Сентября 2019

    Комментарии (13)
  4. PHP / Говнокод #25827


    1. 1

    очередной мельтдаун

    MAKAKA, 11 Сентября 2019

    Комментарии (9)
  5. 1C / Говнокод #25826


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    ВЫРАЗИТЬ(ВЫРАЗИТЬ(РасчетыСКлиентамиОстатки.ЗаказКлиента КАК Документ.РеализацияТоваровУслуг).ЗаказКлиента КАК Документ.ЗаказКлиента) КАК ЗаказКлиента
    Конфигурация 1С ERP Украина.

    ChoaNyan, 11 Сентября 2019

    Комментарии (6)
  6. PHP / Говнокод #25823


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    $monkey = new Monkey();

    Память в пхп не шарится, и на каждый запрос заново запускается. По-моему это каждая обезьяна знает.

    HomoSapiens, 10 Сентября 2019

    Комментарии (64)
  7. PHP / Говнокод #25822


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    // в строке поменять тире на пробелы
    $city_alias = implode(' ', explode('-', $readable_city_alias));

    supaweb, 10 Сентября 2019

    Комментарии (9)
  8. Куча / Говнокод #25820


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    Электрика / электроника #2

    #1: http://govnokod.xyz/_25437/

    syoma, 10 Сентября 2019

    Комментарии (472)
  9. Python / Говнокод #25818


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    num = 600851475143
    i = 1
    numbers = []
    result = []
    for i in range(1, num):
        if i % 1 == 0:
            if i % i == 0:
                if i % 2 != 0:
                    if i % 3 != 0:
                        if i % 4 != 0:
                            if i % 5 != 0:
                                if i % 6 != 0:
                                    if i % 7 != 0:
                                        if i % 8 != 0:
                                            if i % 9 != 0:
    for c in range (numbers):
        if num % c == 0:
    num_2 = max(result)

    Кококой багор )))

    CkpunmoBbIu_nemyx, 09 Сентября 2019

    Комментарии (11)
  10. C++ / Говнокод #25816


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    class BasicData {
      virtual ~BasicData() = default;
      virtual std::vector<std::byte> bytes() const = 0;
      BasicData() = default; // <-- сабж

    Я не знаю зачем (строчка 8), но походу шоб всякие дядьки не дергали что им не можно. spoiler: Только вот так или иначе не дернут.

    Elvenfighter, 09 Сентября 2019

    Комментарии (17)