- 01
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def fake_bin(x):
k = ''
while len(x) > 0:
if int(x) % 10 >= 5:
k += '1'
x = x[0:-1]
k += '0'
x = x[0:-1]
return k[::-1]
Нашли или выдавили из себя код, который нельзя назвать нормальным, на который без улыбки не взглянешь? Не торопитесь его удалять или рефакторить, — запостите его на говнокод.ру, посмеёмся вместе!
def fake_bin(x):
k = ''
while len(x) > 0:
if int(x) % 10 >= 5:
k += '1'
x = x[0:-1]
k += '0'
x = x[0:-1]
return k[::-1]
private function _postPhotoWidth($post) {
$raw_code = rtrim(str_replace("\r", '', $post->post_content));
$lines = explode("\n", $raw_code);
if (count($lines) <= 1) {
return -1;
$text_width = 0;
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$text_width = max($text_width, mb_strlen($line) + substr_count($line, "\t") * 7);
return (int)(max(20 + $text_width, 60) * 18.5);
Код для вычисления длины данного гамнакода.
ДЛЯ Г ИЗ<"1","2">::
ДЛЯ И OT 1 ДO 30::
«Сокобан» («Мудрый крот») из пакета «Роботландия» для «Агата».
Язык программирования: «Рапира».
Форматирование моё (в оригинале был однострочник).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SPLICE(a,b) SPLICE_1(a,b)
#define SPLICE_1(a,b) SPLICE_2(a,b)
#define SPLICE_2(a,b) a##b
#define PP_ARG_N( \
_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, \
_11, _12, _13, _14, _15, _16, _17, _18, _19, _20, \
_21, _22, _23, _24, _25, _26, _27, _28, _29, _30, \
_31, _32, _33, _34, _35, _36, _37, _38, _39, _40, \
_41, _42, _43, _44, _45, _46, _47, _48, _49, _50, \
_51, _52, _53, _54, _55, _56, _57, _58, _59, _60, \
_61, _62, _63, N, ...) N
/* Note 63 is removed */
#define PP_RSEQ_N() \
62, 61, 60, \
59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, \
49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, \
39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, \
29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, \
19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, \
9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
#define PP_NARG_(...) PP_ARG_N(__VA_ARGS__)
/* Note dummy first argument _ and ##__VA_ARGS__ instead of __VA_ARGS__ */
#define PP_NARG(...) PP_NARG_(_, ##__VA_ARGS__, PP_RSEQ_N())
#define PRINT_1(a1) \
#define PRINT_2(a1, b1) \
printf(a1, b1);
#define PRINT_3(a1, b1, a2) \
PRINT_2(a1, b1); PRINT_1(a2)
#define PRINT_4(a1, b1, a2, b2) \
PRINT_2(a1, b1); PRINT_2(a2, b2);
#define PRINT_5(a1, b1, a2, b2, a3) \
PRINT_4(a1, b1, a2, b2); PRINT_1(a3);
#define PRINT_6(a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3) \
PRINT_4(a1, b1, a2, b2); PRINT_2(a3, b3)
#define PRINT_7(a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, a4) \
PRINT_6(a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3); PRINT_1(a4)
#define PRINT_8(a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, a4, b4) \
PRINT_6(a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3); PRINT_2(a4, b4);
//..... дальше лень ...
#define PRINTS_(N, ...) \
#define PRINTS(...) \
int main(void)
PRINTS("10 = %d", 10, "; 3 + 3 = %d", 3+3, "\n" );
Имитация крестопарашного cout через препроцессор
`1000, 1000000 field`
(SELECT group_concat(band_category_languages.name SEPARATOR ', ')
FROM calendar_entry_categories
LEFT JOIN band_category_languages ON band_category_languages.band_category_id = calendar_entry_categories.band_category_id
WHERE calendar_entry_categories.calendar_entry_id = calendar_entries.id
AND band_category_languages.language_id = 1
GROUP BY calendar_entry_categories.calendar_entry_id) AS band_category_string,
(SELECT entry.id
FROM calendar_entries AS entry
WHERE entry.entry_kind_parent_id = calendar_entries.id
AND entry.profile_type_id = 10869
AND entry.profile_type = 1) AS move_to_personal_calendar,
(SELECT count(moved_entry.id)
FROM calendar_entries AS moved_entry
WHERE moved_entry.entry_kind_parent_id = calendar_entries.id
AND moved_entry.status = 3) AS count_moved,
(SELECT user_images.image
FROM calendar_entries AS calendar_entries1
LEFT JOIN user_images ON user_images.id = calendar_entries1.image
WHERE calendar_entries1.id = calendar_entries.entry_kind_parent_id
AND calendar_entries.entry_kind = 4) AS festival_image,
(SELECT countries1.code
FROM calendar_entries AS calendar_entries1
LEFT JOIN locations AS locations1 ON locations1.id = calendar_entries1.location_id
LEFT JOIN countries AS countries1 ON countries1.id = locations1.country_id
WHERE calendar_entries1.id = calendar_entries.entry_kind_parent_id
AND calendar_entries.entry_kind = 4) AS festival_country_code,
(SELECT count(*)
FROM calendar_entry_likes
WHERE calendar_entry_likes.calendar_entry_id = calendar_entries.id) AS count_of_likes,
(SELECT count(*)
FROM calendar_entry_likes
WHERE calendar_entry_likes.calendar_entry_id = calendar_entries.id
AND calendar_entry_likes.user_id = 10869 ) AS is_like,
(SELECT group_concat(entry_type_languages.name SEPARATOR ', ')
FROM calendar_entry_types
LEFT JOIN entry_type_languages ON entry_type_languages.entry_type_id = calendar_entry_types.entry_type_id
WHERE (calendar_entry_types.calendar_entry_id = calendar_entries.id
OR calendar_entry_types.calendar_entry_id = calendar_entries.entry_kind_parent_id)
AND entry_type_languages.language_id = 1
GROUP BY calendar_entry_types.calendar_entry_id) AS entry_types_string,
(SELECT band_addresses.city_name
FROM band_addresses
WHERE band_addresses.band_id = calendar_entries.profile_type_id) AS band_city_name,
(SELECT countries.code
FROM band_addresses
LEFT JOIN countries ON countries.id = band_addresses.country_id
WHERE band_addresses.band_id = calendar_entries.profile_type_id) AS band_country_code,
(SELECT group_concat(genre_languages.name SEPARATOR ', ')
FROM calendar_entry_genres
LEFT JOIN genre_languages ON genre_languages.genre_id = calendar_entry_genres.genre_id
WHERE calendar_entry_genres.calendar_entry_id = calendar_entries.id
AND genre_languages.language_id = 1
GROUP BY calendar_entry_genres.calendar_entry_id) AS genre_string
FROM `calendar_entries`
LEFT JOIN `locations` ON `locations`.`id` = `calendar_entries`.`location_id`
LEFT JOIN `calendar_entries` AS `festival` ON `festival`.`id` = `calendar_entries`.`entry_kind_parent_id`
LEFT JOIN `locations` AS `festival_location` ON `festival_location`.`id` = (
SELECT calendar_entries1.id
FROM calendar_entries AS calendar_entries1
WHERE calendar_entries1.id = calendar_entries.entry_kind_parent_id
AND calendar_entries.entry_kind = 4
LEFT JOIN `countries` ON `countries`.`id` = `locations`.`country_id`
LEFT JOIN `country_languages` ON `country_languages`.`country_id` = `locations`.`country_id`
LEFT JOIN `states` ON `states`.`id` = `locations`.`state_id`
LEFT JOIN `bands` ON `bands`.`id` = `calendar_entries`.`profile_type_id`
AND `bands`.`soft_delete` = 0
AND `bands`.`status` = 1
LEFT JOIN `band_images` ON `band_images`.`id` = `calendar_entries`.`image`
LEFT JOIN `band_privacy_settings` ON `band_privacy_settings`.`band_id` = `calendar_entries`.`profile_type_id`
WHERE (`bands`.`soft_delete` = 0 OR `bands`.`soft_delete` IS NULL)
AND (`bands`.`status` = 1 OR `bands`.`status` IS NULL)
AND ((
(SELECT count(*)
FROM band_administrators
WHERE band_administrators.band_id = bands.id
AND band_administrators.user_id = 10869 ) > ? OR `band_privacy_settings`.`band_privacy_level` != ?
) AND (
(SELECT user_type
FROM users
WHERE users.id = 10869 ) = ? OR `band_privacy_settings`.`band_privacy_level` != ?
) AND (
(SELECT count(*)
FROM user_bands
WHERE user_bands.band_id = bands.id
AND user_bands.status = 1
AND user_bands.user_id = 10869 ) > ? OR `band_privacy_settings`.`band_privacy_level` != ?
) OR `band_privacy_settings`.`band_privacy_level` IS NULL
) AND (`festival`.`entry_kind` = ? OR `festival`.`id` IS NULL)
AND (date(`calendar_entries`.`date_from`) >= ?)
AND `calendar_entries`.`soft_delete` = ?
AND (`country_languages`.`language_id` = ? OR `country_languages`.`language_id` IS NULL)
AND `calendar_entries`.`entry_kind` IN (?, ?)
AND `calendar_entries`.`event_class` IN (?, ?)
AND `calendar_entries`.`status` = ?
GROUP BY `1000, 1000000 field`
ORDER BY calendar_entries.date_from
LIMIT 1000, 20
Сидить замовник такий не тужить тай думку гадає, а що це я буду платити півтори куска спеціалусту за роботу, як є "профі" за 500 доларів, а тут ше і Вася програміст каже, а шо це ти будеш платити таку суму, як я зроблю дешевше за 300! Настрій хороший, угода укладена, робота кипить. Проходить не так багато часу, як замовник каже, а що це сторінка 2хв грузиться, а Вася каже, то нічо ми то все оптимізуємо! Проходить ще декілька місяців, а результату нема. Тоді замовнек розуміє, що Вася не профі і шукає профі в Х рази дорощого! Не так багато часу пройшло, як профі за 1000 каже, я в два рази оптимізував, більше не реально! Замовник пригнічений, шукає профі, і в один прекрасний момент знаходиться дійсно профі, який по домовленості в зарплату X оптимізував, повикидував, переписав, дописав і в результаті 50 мс при 500000 записів. Підсумок: 300 + 1000 + X != 300 :)
$data = [];
$firstGenreId = Genre::where('homepage_filter_band', 1)->first()->id;
$bandSearch = [
'limit' => request('limit') ?? 6,
'genre' => $firstGenreId,
'category' => BandCategory::where('homepage_filter', 1)->first()->id,
'status' => 1
$subGenres = Genre::getGenresByCategory($bandSearch['genre']);
$bandSearch['genre'] = [$bandSearch['genre']];
foreach ($subGenres as $subGenre){
array_push($bandSearch['genre'], $subGenre->id);
$data['bandsGenre']['bands'] = Band::getBandsLimitListByGenre($bandSearch);
$data['bandsGenre']['filters'] = Genre::isExistGenreByBandFilter();
$data['bandsGenre']['active_filter'] = $firstGenreId;
$data['bandsGenre']['type'] = 'genre';
$data['bandsCategories']['bands'] = Band::getBandsLimitListByCategory($bandSearch);
$data['bandsCategories']['filters'] = BandCategory::isExistCategoryByBandFilter();
$data['bandsCategories']['active_filter'] = $bandSearch['category'];
$data['bandsCategories']['type'] = 'category';
$data['bandsStatus']['bands'] = Band::getBandsLimitListByStatus($bandSearch);
$data['bandsStatus']['active_filter'] = 1;
$data['bandsStatus']['filters'] = (object)[
0 => [
'id' => 1,
'name' => trans('validation-custom.newest')
1 => [
'id' => 2,
'name' => trans('validation-custom.lastUpdated')
$data['bandsStatus']['type'] = 'status';
$firstGenreId = Genre::where('homepage_filter_musician', 1)->first()->id;
$firstInstrumentId = Instrument::where('homepage_filter', 1)->first()->id;
$musicianSearch = [
'limit' => request('limit') ?? 6,
'genre' => $firstGenreId,
'instrument' => $firstInstrumentId,
'status' => 1
$subGenres = Genre::getGenresByCategory($musicianSearch['genre']);
$musicianSearch['genre'] = [$musicianSearch['genre']];
foreach ($subGenres as $subGenre){
array_push($musicianSearch['genre'], $subGenre->id);
$subInstruments = Instrument::getInstrumentsByCategory($musicianSearch['instrument']);
$musicianSearch['instrument'] = [$musicianSearch['instrument']];
foreach ($subInstruments as $subInstrument){
array_push($musicianSearch['instrument'], $subInstrument->id);
$data['musiciansGenre']['musicians'] = User::getMusiciansLimitListByGenre($musicianSearch);
$data['musiciansGenre']['filters'] = Genre::isExistGenreByFilter();
$data['musiciansGenre']['active_filter'] = $firstGenreId;
$data['musiciansGenre']['type'] = 'genre';
$data['musiciansInstrument']['musicians'] = User::getMusiciansLimitListByInstrument($musicianSearch);
$data['musiciansInstrument']['filters'] = Instrument::isExistInstrumentByFilter();
$data['musiciansInstrument']['active_filter'] = $firstInstrumentId;
$data['musiciansInstrument']['type'] = 'instrument';
$data['musiciansStatus']['musicians'] = User::getMusiciansLimitListByStatus($musicianSearch);
$data['musiciansStatus']['active_filter'] = 1;
$data['musiciansStatus']['filters'] = (object)[
0 => [
'id' => 1,
'name' => trans('validation-custom.newest')
1 => [
'id' => 2,
'name' => trans('validation-custom.lastUpdated')
$data['musiciansStatus']['type'] = 'status';
return response()->json($data, 200);
Кажуть - шота сторінка довго грузиться :)
class MyEvents extends \Event\EventsHandler {
static $key = 1;
public function BeforeQuery() {
public function AfterQuery() {
if(Timer::$last['different'] > 1) {
$debug_backtrace = debug_backtrace();
foreach($debug_backtrace as $k=>$v) {
if($v['function'] == 'q') {
$error = "QUERY: ".$v['args'][0]."\n".
"file: ".$v['file']."\n".
"line: ".$v['line']."\n".
"date: ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."\n".
public function ShutDownSystem() {
echo microtime(true) - $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"];
q("SELECT * FROM `table` ORDER BY RAND()");
q("SELECT NOW()");
echo Timer::result();
Измеряем время запросов и время загрузки страницы
while (true) {
if ($current === $requested) {
if (! in_array($requested, $available)) {
session()->put('locale', $requested);
IT Оффтоп #54
#26: https://govnokod.ru/26050 https://govnokod.xyz/_26050
#27: https://govnokod.ru/26340 https://govnokod.xyz/_26340
#28: https://govnokod.ru/26372 https://govnokod.xyz/_26372
#29: https://govnokod.ru/26385 https://govnokod.xyz/_26385
#30: https://govnokod.ru/26413 https://govnokod.xyz/_26413
#31: https://govnokod.ru/26423 https://govnokod.xyz/_26423
#32: https://govnokod.ru/26440 https://govnokod.xyz/_26440
#33: https://govnokod.ru/26449 https://govnokod.xyz/_26449
#34: https://govnokod.ru/26456 https://govnokod.xyz/_26456
#35: https://govnokod.ru/26463 https://govnokod.xyz/_26463
#36: https://govnokod.ru/26508 https://govnokod.xyz/_26508
#37: https://govnokod.ru/26524 https://govnokod.xyz/_26524
#38: https://govnokod.ru/26539 https://govnokod.xyz/_26539
#39: https://govnokod.ru/26556 https://govnokod.xyz/_26556
#40: https://govnokod.ru/26568 https://govnokod.xyz/_26568
#41: https://govnokod.ru/26589 https://govnokod.xyz/_26589
#42: https://govnokod.ru/26600 https://govnokod.xyz/_26600
#43: https://govnokod.ru/26604 https://govnokod.xyz/_26604
#44: https://govnokod.ru/26627 https://govnokod.xyz/_26627
#45: https://govnokod.ru/26635 https://govnokod.xyz/_26635
#46: (vanished) https://govnokod.xyz/_26646
#46: (vanished) https://govnokod.xyz/_26654
#47: https://govnokod.ru/26671 https://govnokod.xyz/_26671
#48: https://govnokod.ru/26707 https://govnokod.xyz/_26707
#49: https://govnokod.ru/26750 https://govnokod.xyz/_26750
#49: https://govnokod.ru/26776 https://govnokod.xyz/_26776
#50: https://govnokod.ru/26804 https://govnokod.xyz/_26804
#51: https://govnokod.ru/26809 https://govnokod.xyz/_26809
#52: https://govnokod.ru/26817 https://govnokod.xyz/_26817
#53: https://govnokod.ru/26833 https://govnokod.xyz/_26833
Пиздец-оффтоп #5
#1: https://govnokod.ru/26503 https://govnokod.xyz/_26503
#2: https://govnokod.ru/26541 https://govnokod.xyz/_26541
#3: https://govnokod.ru/26583 https://govnokod.xyz/_26583
#4: https://govnokod.ru/26689 https://govnokod.xyz/_26689