1. Лучший говнокод

    В номинации:
    За время:
  2. PHP / Говнокод #27332


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    // если пользователь авторизован
    if($user->get('id')) { 
        $_SESSION['city-select'] = '';
        // если пользователь авторизован - определяем город
        $profile = $user->getOne('Profile');
        if ($profile) {
            $city = $profile->get('city');
        // проходим все города и ищем подходящий
        $cities = $modx->runSnippet('pdoResources', array(
            'parents' => 205,
            'limit'   => 0,
            'includeTVs' => 'setCityForHome',
            'where'   => '{ "template" : "25" }',
            'tpl'     => '@CODE:{"id":"[[+id]]","city":"[[+tv.setCityForHome]]"}',
            'outputSeparator' => ','
        $redirectTo = 0;
        if($cities) { 
            $cities = $modx->fromJson('['.$cities.']');
            foreach( $cities as $c ) {
                if($c['city'] == $city) {
                    $redirectTo = $c['id'];
    } else {
        // если не авторизован - проверяем сессию
        $session = $_SESSION['city-select'];
        // если сессия пустая - проверяем, на какой странице находимся
        // если страница города и пустая сессия - записываем в сессию
        if($modx->resource->get('template') == 25) {
            $_SESSION['city-select'] = $modx->resource->get('pagetitle');
            $city = $modx->resource->get('pagetitle');
        } else {
            $city = (!empty($_SESSION['city-select']))? $_SESSION['city-select'] : $city;

    Сумрачный гений, сука. Строки 11-28 особенно примечательны.

    CatScratchFever, 31 Марта 2021

    Комментарии (10)
  3. Pascal / Говнокод #27324


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    program square;
    var sep, input: string;
      i, j, n, m : integer;
      for i:=1 to length(input) do write(input[i], ' ');
      for i:=2 to length(input)-1 do begin
        for j:=1 to length(input)*2-3 do write (sep);
        writeln(input[length(input) - i + 1]);
      for i:=0 to length(input)-1 do 
        write(input[length(input)-i], ' ');

    Написала на скучной лекции программку на телефоне, чтобы распечатывать

    Х У Й
    У У
    Й У Х

    и прочие интересности UwU

    Пользуйтесь на здоровье, лицензия GNU GPL V3!

    KoWe4Ka_l7porpaMMep, 28 Марта 2021

    Комментарии (18)
  4. PHP / Говнокод #27320


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    $query = "
    		`version`, `mods`, `plugins`, `keywords`
    		`version` = {$version}";
    foreach (explode(",", $mods) as $mod)
    	$query += "AND `mods` LIKE '{$mod}' OR `mods` LIKE '{$mod},%' OR `mods` LIKE '%,{$mod},%' OR `mods` LIKE '%,{$mod}'";
    foreach (explode(",", $plugins) as $plugin)
    	$query += "AND `plugins` LIKE '{$plugin}' OR `plugins` LIKE '{$plugin},%' OR `plugins` LIKE '%,{$plugin},%' OR `plugins` LIKE '%,{$plugin}'";

    Говнокод чтобы прогнать массив с id записей внутри varchar по массиву с id записей из переменной (id,id,id)

    Dev1lroot, 27 Марта 2021

    Комментарии (11)
  5. Куча / Говнокод #-27319


    1. 1
    Просто оффтоп #17

    #1: https://govnokod.ru/20162 https://govnokod.xyz/_20162
    #2: https://govnokod.ru/25329 https://govnokod.xyz/_25329
    #3: https://govnokod.ru/25415 https://govnokod.xyz/_25415
    #4: (vanished) https://govnokod.xyz/_25472
    #5: https://govnokod.ru/25693 https://govnokod.xyz/_25693
    #6: (vanished) https://govnokod.xyz/_26649
    #7: https://govnokod.ru/26672 https://govnokod.xyz/_26672
    #8: https://govnokod.ru/26924 https://govnokod.xyz/_26924
    #9: https://govnokod.ru/27072 https://govnokod.xyz/_27072
    #10: https://govnokod.ru/27086 https://govnokod.xyz/_27086
    #11: https://govnokod.ru/27122 https://govnokod.xyz/_27122
    #12: https://govnokod.ru/27153 https://govnokod.xyz/_27153
    #13: https://govnokod.ru/27159 https://govnokod.xyz/_27159
    #14: https://govnokod.ru/27200 https://govnokod.xyz/_27200
    #15: https://govnokod.ru/27237 https://govnokod.xyz/_27237
    #16: https://govnokod.ru/27282 https://govnokod.xyz/_27282

    nepeKamHblu_nemyx, 26 Марта 2021

    Комментарии (6909)
  6. C++ / Говнокод #27317


    1. 1
    pubimbue, ate и ios

    давайте ржать над крестостримами

    booratihno, 25 Марта 2021

    Комментарии (235)
  7. Куча / Говнокод #27315


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               %% Inject some orderings to make sure the replicant
               %% receives transactions in all states.
               %% 1. Commit some transactions before the replicant start:
               ?force_ordering(#{?snk_kind := trans_gen_counter_update, value := 5}, #{?snk_kind := state_change, to := disconnected}),
               %% 2. Make sure the rest of transactions are produced after the agent starts:
               ?force_ordering(#{?snk_kind := subscribe_realtime_stream}, #{?snk_kind := trans_gen_counter_update, value := 10}),
               %% 3. Make sure transactions are sent during TLOG replay:
               ?force_ordering(#{?snk_kind := state_change, to := bootstrap}, #{?snk_kind := trans_gen_counter_update, value := 15}),
               %% 4. Make sure some transactions are produced while in normal mode
               ?force_ordering(#{?snk_kind := state_change, to := normal}, #{?snk_kind := trans_gen_counter_update, value := 25}),

    Какой тест )))

    CHayT, 24 Марта 2021

    Комментарии (3)
  8. Куча / Говнокод #27314


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    # PowerShell
    switch ($true)
        ($firstNumber -gt $secondNumber) {Write-Output ("{0} > {1}" -F $firstNumber, $secondNumber)}
        ($firstNumber -eq $secondNumber) {Write-Output ("{0} == {1}" -F $firstNumber, $secondNumber)}
        ($firstNumber -lt $secondNumber) {Write-Output ("{0} < {1}" -F $firstNumber, $secondNumber)}

    Интересный такой свитч-кейс (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57063932/powershell-overriding-assignment-and-comparison-operators)

    groser, 24 Марта 2021

    Комментарии (5)
  9. C++ / Говнокод #27312


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    #include <iostream>
    template<typename T>
    struct CrtpBase {
        static float base_func()
            std::cout << "CrtpBase::base_func(), " << typeid(T).name() << "::int_field == "
                << T::int_field << std::endl;
            return 16.0f;
        static inline float x = base_func();
    struct A: public CrtpBase<A> {
        void func_a()
        static inline int int_field = 16;
    struct B : public CrtpBase<B> {
        void func_b()
            std::cout << "B::func_b(), no CrtpBase<B>::base_func() call" << std::endl;
    int main()
        A a;
        B b;

    Unless a class template specialization is a declared specialization,
    the class template specialization is implicitly instantiated when
    the specialization is referenced in a context that requires a
    completely-defined object type or when the completeness of the
    class type affects the semantics of the program.

    The implicit instantiation of a class template specialization causes
    (3.1) -- the implicit instantiation of the declarations, but not of the definitions, of
    the non-deleted class member functions, member classes, scoped member enumerations,
    static data members, member templates, and friends; and
    (3.2) -- the implicit instantiation of the definitions of deleted member functions,
    unscoped member enumerations, and member anonymous unions.

    Unless a member of a templated class is a declared specialization, the specialization
    of the member is implicitly instantiated when the specialization is referenced in a
    context that requires the member definition to exist or if the existence of the definition
    of the member affects the semantics of the program; in particular, the initialization
    (and any associated side effects) of a static data member does not occur unless the
    static data member is itself used in a way that requires the definition of the static
    data member to exist.

    Таким образом, по стандарту CrtpBase<B>::x не должен быть инициализирован, поскольку он нигде не used in a way that requires the definition of the static data member to exist. Правильные компиляторы (gcc и clang) это понимают и компилируют код, а вот Visual Studio зачем-то пытается инициализировать CrtpBase<B>::x и нон-конформно ломается.

    PolinaAksenova, 24 Марта 2021

    Комментарии (179)
  10. C++ / Говнокод #27307


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    namespace detail {
        template<entity_event_t Event>
        struct EventHasEntityStateConstructor {
            // Sanity check
            static_assert(static_cast<int32_t>(Event) >= 0
                          && static_cast<int32_t>(Event) < ENTITY_EVENTS_COUNT);
            struct TwoChar {
                char a, b;
            template<typename T>
            constexpr static TwoChar _check(
                    T(std::declval<const entityState_t &>())
            template<typename T>
            constexpr static char _check(...);
            constexpr inline static bool value = (sizeof(_check<EntityEvent<Event>>(nullptr)) == sizeof(TwoChar));
        template<typename BusT, entity_event_t Event>
        bool defaultEntityEventPublisher(const BusT & bus, const entityState_t & eventEntity)
                          "defaultEntityEventFactory<Event>() instantiated for a custom\n"
                          "event that does not have a (const entityState_t & eventEntity) constructor.\n"
                          "This should not happen (you'll get a more obscured compiler error anyway)!");
            return bus.publishEmplace<EntityEvent<Event>>(eventEntity);
        template<typename BusT, typename T, T... Is>
        constexpr std::array<EntityEventPublisherPtr<BusT>, sizeof...(Is)>
            createDefaultEntityEventFactories(std::integer_sequence<T, Is...>)
            return {
                [](auto i) -> EntityEventPublisherPtr<BusT> {
                    if constexpr (EventHasEntityStateConstructor<static_cast<entity_event_t>(i.value)>::value) {
                        return &defaultEntityEventPublisher<BusT, static_cast<entity_event_t>(i.value)>;
                    } else {
                        return nullptr;
                }(std::integral_constant<T, Is>{})...
    // An (event_number -> EntityState<event_number> 'publishing factory' function) mapping;
    // if event N could not be constructed from a single entityState_t reference
    // then this table would contain nullptr at the index N
    template<typename BusT>
    const std::array<EntityEventPublisherPtr<BusT>, ENTITY_EVENTS_COUNT> & getDefaultEntityEventsPublishers() noexcept
        static auto factories = detail::createDefaultEntityEventFactories<BusT>(std::make_integer_sequence<int32_t, ENTITY_EVENTS_COUNT>());
        return factories;
    template<typename BusT>
    EntityEventPublisherPtr<BusT> tryGetDefaultEntityEventPublisher(entity_event_t event) noexcept
        auto eventNum = static_cast<int32_t>(event);
        if (eventNum >= 0 && eventNum < ENTITY_EVENTS_COUNT) {
            return getDefaultEntityEventsPublishers<BusT>()[eventNum];
        } else {
            return nullptr;

    PolinaAksenova, 21 Марта 2021

    Комментарии (10)
  11. Java / Говнокод #27306


    1. 1
    Class HasThisTypePatternTriedToSneakInSomeGenericOrParameterizedTypePatternMatchingStuffAnywhereVisitor

    https://javadoc.io/doc/org.aspectj/aspectjweaver/1.8.10/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/HasThisTypePatternTriedToSneakInSomeGene ricOrParameterizedTypePatternMatchingStu ffAnywhereVisitor.html

    6oHo6o, 21 Марта 2021

    Комментарии (23)