1. Лучший говнокод

    В номинации:
    За время:
  2. PHP / Говнокод #20852


    1. 1
    $this->db->query("UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . "order` SET firstname = '" . $this->db->escape($data['firstname']) . "', lastname = '" . $this->db->escape($data['lastname']) . "', email = '" . $this->db->escape($data['email']) . "', telephone = '" . $this->db->escape($data['telephone']) . "', fax = '" . $this->db->escape($data['fax']) . "', payment_firstname = '" . $this->db->escape($data['payment_firstname']) . "', payment_lastname = '" . $this->db->escape($data['payment_lastname']) . "', payment_company = '" . $this->db->escape($data['payment_company']) . "', payment_company_id = '" . $this->db->escape($data['payment_company_id']) . "', payment_tax_id = '" . $this->db->escape($data['payment_tax_id']) . "', payment_address_1 = '" . $this->db->escape($data['payment_address_1']) . "', payment_address_2 = '" . $this->db->escape($data['payment_address_2']) . "', payment_city = '" . $this->db->escape($data['payment_city']) . "', payment_postcode = '" . $this->db->escape($data['payment_postcode']) . "', payment_country = '" . $this->db->escape($payment_country) . "', payment_country_id = '" . (int)$data['payment_country_id'] . "', payment_zone = '" . $this->db->escape($payment_zone) . "', payment_zone_id = '" . (int)$data['payment_zone_id'] . "', payment_address_format = '" . $this->db->escape($payment_address_format) . "', payment_method = '" . $this->db->escape($data['payment_method']) . "', payment_code = '" . $this->db->escape($data['payment_code']) . "', shipping_firstname = '" . $this->db->escape($data['shipping_firstname']) . "', shipping_lastname = '" . $this->db->escape($data['shipping_lastname']) . "',  shipping_company = '" . $this->db->escape($data['shipping_company']) . "', shipping_address_1 = '" . $this->db->escape($data['shipping_address_1']) . "', shipping_address_2 = '" . $this->db->escape($data['shipping_address_2']) . "', shipping_city = '" . $this->db->escape($data['shipping_city']) . "', shipping_postcode = '" . $this->db->escape($data['shipping_postcode']) . "', shipping_country = '" . $this->db->escape($shipping_country) . "', shipping_country_id = '" . (int)$data['shipping_country_id'] . "', shipping_zone = '" . $this->db->escape($shipping_zone) . "', shipping_zone_id = '" . (int)$data['shipping_zone_id'] . "', shipping_address_format = '" . $this->db->escape($shipping_address_format) . "', shipping_method = '" . $this->db->escape($data['shipping_method']) . "', shipping_code = '" . $this->db->escape($data['shipping_code']) . "', comment = '" . $this->db->escape($data['comment']) . "', order_status_id = '" . (int)$data['order_status_id'] . "', affiliate_id  = '" . (int)$data['affiliate_id'] . "', date_modified = NOW() WHERE order_id = '" . (int)$order_id . "'");


    govnozmey, 18 Августа 2016

    Комментарии (2)
  3. Java / Говнокод #20813


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         * 连接指定的手环
         * @param callback
        public void connect(BluetoothDevice device, final ActionCallback callback) {
            this.io.connect(context, device, callback);
        public void setDisconnectedListener(NotifyListener disconnectedListener) {
         * 和手环配对, 实际用途未知, 不配对也可以做其他的操作
         * @return data = null
        public void pair(final ActionCallback callback) {
            ActionCallback ioCallback = new ActionCallback() {
                public void onSuccess(Object data) {
                    BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic = (BluetoothGattCharacteristic) data;
                    Log.d(TAG, "pair result " + Arrays.toString(characteristic.getValue()));
                    if (characteristic.getValue().length == 1 && characteristic.getValue()[0] == 2) {
                    } else {
                        callback.onFail(-1, "respone values no succ!");
                public void onFail(int errorCode, String msg) {
                    callback.onFail(errorCode, msg);
            this.io.writeAndRead(Profile.UUID_CHAR_PAIR, Protocol.PAIR, ioCallback);
        public BluetoothDevice getDevice() {
            return this.io.getDevice();
         * 读取和连接设备的信号强度RSSI值
         * @param callback
         * @return data : int, rssi值
        public void readRssi(ActionCallback callback) {
         * 读取手环电池信息
         * @return {@link BatteryInfo}
        public void getBatteryInfo(final ActionCallback callback) {
            ActionCallback ioCallback = new ActionCallback() {
                public void onSuccess(Object data) {
                    BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic = (BluetoothGattCharacteristic) data;
                    Log.d(TAG, "getBatteryInfo result " + Arrays.toString(characteristic.getValue()));
                    if (characteristic.getValue().length == 10) {
                        BatteryInfo info = BatteryInfo.fromByteData(characteristic.getValue());
                    } else {
                        callback.onFail(-1, "result format wrong!");
                public void onFail(int errorCode, String msg) {
                    callback.onFail(errorCode, msg);
            this.io.readCharacteristic(Profile.UUID_CHAR_BATTERY, ioCallback);
         * 让手环震动
        public void startVibration(VibrationMode mode) {
            byte[] protocal;
            switch (mode) {
                case VIBRATION_WITH_LED:
                    protocal = Protocol.VIBRATION_WITH_LED;
                case VIBRATION_10_TIMES_WITH_LED:
                    protocal = Protocol.VIBRATION_10_TIMES_WITH_LED;
                case VIBRATION_WITHOUT_LED:
                    protocal = Protocol.VIBRATION_WITHOUT_LED;


    iramailforspam, 15 Августа 2016

    Комментарии (17)
  4. PHP / Говнокод #20856


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    require 'classes/_func.class.php';
    $func = new func();
      $user_id = func::clear($_SESSION['user'],'int');
      $time = time();
      $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
      $db->Query("UPDATE users SET last = '{$time}', ip = '{$ip}' WHERE id = '{$user_id}'");
      function stockGen($user_id){
        global $db;
        $db->Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '{$user_id}'");
        $user_data = $db->FetchArray();
        $db->Query("SELECT * FROM users_conf WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}'");
        $sub_data = $db->FetchArray();
        $data = array_merge($user_data,$sub_data);
        $day = time() - 86400;
          (SELECT ref_1 FROM users_ref WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}') ref_id,
          (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM banner_history WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}') banner_views,
          (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM link_history WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}') link_views,
          (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users_ref WHERE ref_1 = '$user_id') referals,
          (SELECT time FROM auth WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) last_auth,
          (SELECT SUM(money) FROM payments WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}' AND status = '2') pay,
          (SELECT SUM(money) FROM inserts WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}' AND status = '2') ins,
          (SELECT SUM(to_ref_1) FROM users_ref WHERE ref_1 = '{$user_id}') from_refs_1,
          (SELECT SUM(to_ref_2) FROM users_ref WHERE ref_2 = '{$user_id}') from_refs_2,
          (SELECT SUM(to_ref_3) FROM users_ref WHERE ref_3 = '{$user_id}') from_refs_3,
          (SELECT to_ref_1 FROM users_ref WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}') to_ref");
        $data += $db->FetchArray();
        $data['from_refs'] = sprintf('%.2f',$data['from_refs_1'] + $data['from_refs_2'] + $data['from_refs_3']);
        $data['all_view'] = intval($data['banner_views']) + intval($data['link_views']);
        $data['all_money'] = 0;/*sprintf('%.2f',(floatval($data['link_money']) + floatval($data['banner_money']) + floatval($data['mails_money'])))*/
        $data['all_money_day'] = 0;/*sprintf('%.2f',(floatval($data['link_money_day']) + floatval($data['banner_money_day']) + floatval($data['mails_money_day'])))*/
        $ref_id = $data['ref_id'];
        if ($ref_id != '0') {
          $db->Query("SELECT login FROM users WHERE id = '{$ref_id}'");
          $data['referer'] = $db->FetchRow();
        }else $data['referer'] = 'Пришел сам';
        $db->Query("SELECT * FROM auth WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 10");
        if ($db->NumRows() > 0) {
          $data['auth_history'] = $db->FetchAll();
        }else $data['auth_history'] = '0';
        new gen('account/account',$data);
      if(isset($url[2]) && !empty($url[2])){
        $ctrl = $func->clear($url[2]);
        $file = 'controllers/account/'.$ctrl.'Ctrl.php';
          include $file;
        }else stockGen($user_id);
      }else stockGen($user_id);
    }else header('location: /login');
    // (SELECT SUM(money) FROM banner_history WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}') banner_money,
    // (SELECT SUM(money) FROM link_history WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}') link_money,
    // (SELECT SUM(money) FROM mails_history WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}') mails_money,
    // (SELECT SUM(money) FROM link_history WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}' AND time > '{$day}') link_money_day,
    // (SELECT SUM(money) FROM banner_history WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}' AND time > '{$day}') banner_money_day,
    // (SELECT SUM(money) FROM mails_history WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}' AND time > '{$day}') mails_money_day,

    источник: https://toster.ru/q/346342

    riot26, 19 Августа 2016

    Комментарии (3)
  5. PHP / Говнокод #20857


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    use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
    class SecurityTokenTest extends TestCase
         * @dataProvider getData
        public function testGetCookieToken($user, $token, $result)
            $reflect = new \ReflectionClass('AppBundle\Security\TokenCookieStorage');
            /** @var TokenCookieStorage $storage */
            $storage = $reflect->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
                ->setValue($storage, $user);
                ->setValue($storage, new class($token) {
                    public $token;
                    public function __construct($token)
                        $this->token = $token;
                    public function get($id)
                        return ($id) ? $this->token : null;
            $this->assertSame($storage->getToken(), $result);

    PHPUnit. Тяжело написать тесты для говнокода. Чувак не слышал про mockbuilder

    konmado, 19 Августа 2016

    Комментарии (26)
  6. Assembler / Говнокод #660


    1. 1
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    cmp eax, 0
    ja l1
    jna l2

    сферический говнокод в ваккуме

    guest, 04 Марта 2009

    Комментарии (8)
  7. Си / Говнокод #20702


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    #include <math.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    double  DoubleToTheInt(double base, int power) {
        return pow(base, power);
    int main() {
        // приводим к указателю на функуцию с обратным порядком аргументов
        double (*IntPowerOfDouble)(int, double) =
            (double (*)(int, double))&DoubleToTheInt;
        printf("(0.99)^100: %lf \n", DoubleToTheInt(0.99, 100));
        printf("(0.99)^100: %lf \n", IntPowerOfDouble(100, 0.99));

    "Изящный способ отстрелить себе ногу по самую голову."
    Утащено с Хабры.

    Vindicar, 15 Августа 2016

    Комментарии (182)
  8. JavaScript / Говнокод #20817


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    Из Азербайджана с любовью.

    mikakak, 16 Августа 2016

    Комментарии (10)
  9. JavaScript / Говнокод #20829


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    //форма собственности
    		var $radiouch = $('#uchred1, #uchred2');
    		var valip = 'ИП';
    		var $ip = $('#ip').attr('id');
    		var $obsch = $('.obschestvo').attr('class');
    		var $obsch2 = $('.obschestvo2').attr('class');
    		if($('option:selected', this).attr('id')==$ip){
    			$tab24.find('input[type!=button][type!=submit], select, #Opis').removeAttr('required').removeClass('err').attr('disabled','');
                $tab24.find('input[type!=button][type!=submit][type!=radio], select, #Opis').val('');
    			$radiouch.prop('checked', false);
    		if($('option:selected', this).attr('class')==$obsch){
    				$tab24.find('input[type!=button][type!=submit], select, #Opis').removeAttr('required').removeClass('err').attr('disabled','');
                    $tab24.find('input[type!=button][type!=submit][type!=radio], select, #Opis').val('');
    				$radiouch.prop('checked', false);
    				$tab24.find('input[type!=button][type!=submit], select, #Opis').removeAttr('disabled').removeClass('err').attr('required','');
                    $tab24.find('input[type!=button][type!=submit][type!=radio], select, #Opis').val('');
    				$radiouch.prop('checked', false);
    		if($('option:selected', this).attr('class')==$obsch2){
    				$tab24.find('input[type!=button][type!=submit], select, #Opis').removeAttr('required').removeClass('err').attr('disabled','');
                    $tab24.find('input[type!=button][type!=submit][type!=radio], select, #Opis').val('');
    				$radiouch.prop('checked', false);
    				$tab24.find('input[type!=button][type!=submit], select, #Opis').removeAttr('disabled').removeClass('err').removeAttr('required','');
                    $tab24.find('input[type!=button][type!=submit][type!=radio], select, #Opis').val('');
    				$radiouch.prop('checked', false);
    	//Выбор учредителя
            var $dopuchr = $('#Familia, #Imia, #Otchestvo, #Dola');
    		var $uchr2elem = $('#uchrdiv2').find('input[type!=button][type!=submit][type!=radio], select, #Opis');
    		var $rad = $(this).attr('id');
    			$("#labfio").text("Форма собственности *");
    			$("#labname").text("Наименование *");
    			$("#labsur").text("УНП *");
    			$("#zagolovok").text("Наименование учредителя *");
    		else {
    			$("#labfio").text('Фамилия *');
    			$("#labname").text("Имя *");
    			$("#zagolovok").text("Ф.И.О учредителя в именительном падеже *");
    			$('#surname1, #pomeschenieNum3').removeAttr('required','');
    	//Способ получения
    		var $grd = $('#grd').find('input[id!=pomeschenieNum6], select');
    		var $ofs = $('#ofs').find('input, select');
    		var $posrad = $(this).attr('id');
    	//кнопка submit
            mousedown: function(){
                $(this).css('background','linear-gradient(to bottom right, #D77024, #E49656)');
            mouseup: function(){
                $(this).css('background','linear-gradient(to bottom right, #EC841C, #EDA24E)');

    страница с формами
    название файла (ВНИМАНИЕ!): dubische_gaz

    petia, 17 Августа 2016

    Комментарии (2)
  10. Assembler / Говнокод #4812


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    code            segment para
                    assume  cs:code,ds:code
                    org     0100h
    				mov     dx,offset years_old
    				mov 	cx,dx
    					mov     dx,offset message       ;назойливая мысль
    					mov     ah,09h                  ;отпечаток на жизни
    					int     21h                     ;вызвать желание
    					dec cx
    				loop fuck
                    mov     ax,4c00h                ;згинуть на**й 
                    int     21h
    message         db      'Hociu trahnutsya s etim novenykim simpotich'nym parnem!',13,10,'$'
    years_old       dw      67
                    end     start

    взломал ломиком, черепную коробку одной обычной женской особи..)) добравшись до головного процессора - вот что удалось обнаружить )) ... прошивку бл***и :) хорошо что в эту прошивку не встроен ескплой эксплуатирующий уязвимость RPC MS03-026 (передача через назойливый поток информации передаваемый свистулькой посредством насвистывания...(позже техника была названа НЛП - нейро-лингвистическое программирование) :)

    Maxim546, 02 Декабря 2010

    Комментарии (7)
  11. Assembler / Говнокод #10322


    1. 01
    2. 02
    3. 03
    4. 04
    5. 05
    6. 06
    7. 07
    8. 08
    9. 09
    10. 10
    11. 11
    12. 12
    13. 13
    00410803  PUSH OFFSET 004FC0C8                     ASCII "AnVir Task Manager Pro"
    0041189D  PUSH OFFSET 004FC0A4                     ASCII "data Task Manager Pro"
    0041A074  PUSH OFFSET 00500120                     ASCII "%sAnVir Task Manager Pro"
    0042F9CE  PUSH OFFSET 005012A4                     ASCII "AnVir Task Manager Pro %s %s!"
    00410803  PUSH OFFSET 006AC6E8                     ASCII "AnVir Task Manager Pro"
    004479E9  PUSH EDI                                 ASCII "AnVir Task Manager Pro"
    0044FE01  PUSH OFFSET 00502C34                     ASCII "AnVir Task Manager Pro "
    00463DC9  PUSH OFFSET 00503708                     ASCII "AnVir Task Manager Pro folder selection"
    004606BE  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-130],OFFSET 005035>ASCII "AnVir Task Manager Pro file selection"
    00490CE9  PUSH OFFSET 00507E5C                     ASCII "AnVir Task Manager Pro. "
    00495441  PUSH OFFSET 00508450                     ASCII "AnVir Task Manager Pro, 6.7.1"
    00497858  PUSH OFFSET 0050866C                     ASCII "Logfile of AnVir Task Manager Pro v6.7.1 "
    004A3DE6  PUSH OFFSET 00509B54                     ASCII "AnVir Task Manager"

    Вывод ольки по поиску всех строк. (лишнее порезал)
    Надо напомнить сотню раз пользователю имя программы, а то вдруг он забудет что он запустил!
    Немного удивляет такой маразм.

    ReckO, 19 Мая 2012

    Комментарии (3)