1. Си / Говнокод #28922


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    struct HashArrayMap {
    	struct Node
    		Key k;
    		Value v;
    		Node(const Key &key, const Value &value) :
    			k(key), v(value){}
    		Node(const Key &key) :
    			k(key), v(){}
    	constexpr static size_t TblSize = 1U << TblPower;
    	GrowArray<Node> table[TblSize];
    	HashArrayMap() {
    	~HashArrayMap() {
    	size_t HashFunc(const Key &key) const
    		/// TODO: string hash?
    		// handle hash: handle pointers usually aligned
    		return (((size_t) key) >> 8)  & (TblSize - 1);
    	// just in case: check existance or constant access
    	Value *GetPtr(const Key &key) const
    		size_t hashValue = HashFunc(key);
    		const GrowArray<Node> &entry = table[hashValue];
    		for(int i = 0; i < entry.count; i++)
    			if(entry[i].k == key)
    				return &entry[i].v;
    		return nullptr;
    	Value &operator [] (const Key &key)
    		return GetOrAllocate(key);
    #define HASHFIND(key) \
    	GrowArray<Node> &entry = table[HashFunc(key)]; \
    	int i; \
    	for(i = 0; i < entry.count; i++) \
    		if( entry[i].k == key ) \
    	Value& GetOrAllocate(const Key &key)
    		if(i == entry.count )
    		return entry[i].v;
    	bool Remove(const Key &key)
    		if(i != entry.count)
    			return true;
    		return false;
    #undef HASHFIND

    когда СГОРЕЛО от STL

    mittorn, 04 Марта 2024

    Комментарии (0)
  2. Си / Говнокод #28921


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    template<class T>
    struct GrowArray
    	T *mem = nullptr;
    	size_t count = 0;
    	size_t alloc = 0;
    	GrowArray(size_t init = 0)
    		mem = nullptr;
    		count = 0;
    		alloc = 0;
    	// non-copyable
    	GrowArray(const GrowArray &) = delete;
    	GrowArray &operator = (const GrowArray &) = delete;
    	void noinline Grow(size_t size)
    			size = 32;
    		T *newMem = (T*)(mem? realloc(mem, sizeof(T) * size): malloc(sizeof(T)*size));
    		alloc = size;
    		mem = newMem;
    	// TODO: insert/append
    	bool Add(const T& newVal)
    		size_t newIdx = count + 1;
    		if(unlikely(newIdx > alloc))
    			Grow(alloc * 2);
    		if(unlikely(newIdx > alloc))
    			return false;
    		mem[count] = newVal;
    		count = newIdx;
    		return true;
    	// TODO: test
    	bool RemoveAt(size_t idx)
    		if(idx < count)
    			memmove(&mem[idx], &mem[idx+1], sizeof(T) * (count - idx - 1));
    		if(idx <= count)
    			return true;
    		return false;
    	T& operator[](size_t i) const
    		return mem[i];

    mittorn, 04 Марта 2024

    Комментарии (0)
  3. Си / Говнокод #28916


    1. 1
    С днём защитника жопы Борманда вас, питухи!

    День защитника Путина.

    bormandinho, 23 Февраля 2024

    Комментарии (63)
  4. Си / Говнокод #28887


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    #include <windows.h>
    #define PL 7	//длинна пароля
    const char F[] = "`1234567890-=\\qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./";
    const char N[] = "1`2q1qw32we43er54rt65ty76yu87ui98io09op-0p[=-[]\\=]12wa23esaq34rdsw45tfde56ygfr67uhgt78ijhy89okju90plki0-[;lo-=]';p=\\'[qwszwedxzaerfcxsrtgvcdtyhbvfyujnbguikmnhiol,mjop;.,kp['/.l[]/;asxsdczxdfvcfgbvghnbhjmnjk,mkl.,l;/.;'";
    const char L[] = { 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3 };
    struct _
    	char P[PL + 1];
    	BYTE I[256], O[48];
    void __stdcall $(int n, char c, _ *X)
    	X->P[n++] = c;
    	for (int i = 0; n < PL && i < L[X->I[c]]; $(n, N[X->O[X->I[c]] + i++], X));
    	for (int i = 0, d = 0, l = 0, s = 0; n == PL && i < n; (X->P[i] >= '0' && X->P[i] <= '9') ? d++ : (X->P[i] >= 'a' && X->P[i] <= 'z') ? l++ : s++, (d && l && s) ? _lwrite(-11, X->P, ++n), i = n : i++);
    void main()
    	_ w;
    	w.P[PL] = '\n';
    	for (int i = 0; i < 47; w.I[F[i]] = i, w.O[i] = i ? w.O[i - 1] + L[i - 1] : 0, i++);
    	for (int i = 0; i < 47; $(0, F[i++], &w));

    Генератор сложных (буквы, цифры, символы) паролей с выводом в консоль.
    Выводит ВСЕ пароли заданной длинны, которые можно ввести по соседним клавишам без шифта. Всякие лесенки, зигзаги и т.п., т.е. все плохие...
    В main переименовал, чтоб скомпилировать. Релизный exe-шник сразу стёр антивирус, сказал Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml
    Обфускаторы рулят :)

    sprog, 06 Декабря 2023

    Комментарии (2)
  5. Си / Говнокод #28872


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    void branch(int *cnt, int accum, int nxt, int comn) {
      printf("accum %d %d\n", accum, comn);
      if (accum < 0 && comn == 41) {
        *cnt = nxt;
      } else if (accum == 0 && comn == 42) {
        *cnt = nxt;
      } else if (comn == 40) {
        *cnt = nxt;
      else {
    void dump(int word[]) {
      int d = 0, x;
      printf("%3c", ' ');
      while (d != 10) {
        printf("%5d ", d);
      for (d = 0; d != MEM; d++) {
        x = word[d];
        if (0 == (d % 10))
          puts(" "), printf("%3d", d);
        printf(x >= 0 ? " +%.4X" : " %.4d", x);
      puts(" ");
    void dump_file(int word[]) {
      int d = 0, x;
      FILE *flrun;
      flrun = fopen("wrt.txt", "w+");
      fprintf(flrun, "%3c", ' ');
      while (d != 10) {
        fprintf(flrun, "%5d ", d);
      for (d = 0; d != MEM; d++) {
        x = word[d];
        if (0 == (d % 10))
          fprintf(flrun, "\n"), fprintf(flrun, "%3d", d);
        fprintf(flrun, x >= 0 ? " +%.4X" : " %.4d", x);
    long long_var(long var) {
      long step = 1;
      do {
        step *= 10;
      } while (var /= step);
      return (step / 10);

    Демотрон 3
    Читалка для кода симплтрона

    gne4do, 02 Октября 2023

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  6. Си / Говнокод #28871


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      while ((mem[operand] > -9999) && (mem[operand] < 9999) && sign != 1) {
        ins_rgr = (mem[ins_cnt]);
        op_code = (ins_rgr / 100);
        operand = (ins_rgr % 100);
        // printf("op_code = %d   operand = %d  acc = %d\n", op_code, operand , acc
        // );
        //    dump(mem);
        switch (op_code) {
        case HALT:
          sign = 1;
        case READ:
          printf("? read ");
          scanf("%d", &buf);
          mem[operand] = buf;
        case WRITE:
          printf("%d\n", mem[operand]);
        case LOAD:
          acc = mem[operand];
        case STORE:
          mem[operand] = acc;
        case ADD:
          acc += mem[operand];
        case SUBSTRACT:
          acc -= mem[operand];
        case DIVIDE:
          acc /= mem[operand];
        case MUL:
          acc *= mem[operand];
        case POW:
          acc = pow(acc, mem[operand]);
        case MOD:
          acc = fmod(acc, mem[operand]);
        case NEWLINE:
          puts(" ");
        case BRANCH:
        case BRANCHZERO:
        case BRANCHNEG:
          branch(&ins_cnt, acc, operand, op_code);
      puts(" ");

    Демотрон 2
    Читалка для кода симплтрона

    gne4do, 02 Октября 2023

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  7. Си / Говнокод #28870


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    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define MEM 100
    #define READ 10
    #define WRITE 11
    #define LOAD 20
    #define STORE 21
    #define NEWLINE 22
    #define ADD 30
    #define SUBSTRACT 31
    #define DIVIDE 32
    #define MUL 33
    #define POW 34
    #define MOD 35
    #define ENTSTR 50
    #define PRTSTR 51
    #define BRANCH 40
    #define BRANCHNEG 41
    #define BRANCHZERO 42
    #define HALT 43
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
      void dump_file(int word[]);
      FILE *cfPtr;
      // char buf[5];
      void branch(int *cnt, int accum, int nxt, int comn);
      int buf_mem[100] = {0};
      void dump(int word[]);
      int x = 0, y = 0, s = 0;
      // int mem[MEM] = {0};
      int mem[MEM];
      for (; x != MEM; x++) {
        mem[x] = 0;
      int acc = 0, d = 0;
      int ins_cnt = 0, ins_rgr = 0, op_code = 0, operand = 0, buf = 0;
      int b = 0, l, r = 0, m = 0, ti = 0, sign = 0;
      cfPtr = fopen(argv[1], "r");
      for (; feof(cfPtr) == 0;) {
        fscanf(cfPtr, "%d %d\n", &b, &l);
        mem[b] = l;

    Демотрон 1
    Читалка для кода симплтрона

    gne4do, 02 Октября 2023

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  8. Си / Говнокод #28869


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    int let_past(data *base, char *infix, char *post_infix) {
      char *buffer;
      int past_in_table_cons_or_value(data * table, char *str_tok);
      int data_adress = 0;
      int lng = 0;
      int left_side = 0;
      past_in_table_cons_or_value(base, &infix[0]);
      buffer = strtok(&infix[1], "  ");
      for (; buffer != (char *)'\0';
           post_infix[lng++] = ' ', buffer = strtok(NULL, " ")) {
        if (isalnum(*buffer)) {
          data_adress = past_in_table_cons_or_value(base, buffer);
          sprintf(&post_infix[lng], "%d", data_adress);
          lng += 2;
        else {
          post_infix[lng] = *buffer;
      post_infix[lng] = '\0';
      left_side = search_in_table(base, &infix[0]);
      return (base + left_side)->location;
    int my_strcmp (const char *out, const char *in   ){
      for( ;*(in) , *(out) &&  *(in) == *(out); *out++,*in++  );
    	   return   *in <= *out ?  *out > *in   : -1   ;

    Инклуды длясимплтрона 4

    gne4do, 02 Октября 2023

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  9. Си / Говнокод #28868


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    int pop_2(StackNodePtr_2 *topPtr) {
      StackNodePtr_2 tempPtr;
      int popValue;
      tempPtr = *topPtr;
      popValue = (*topPtr)->data;
      *topPtr = (*topPtr)->nextPtr;
      return popValue;
    /* Return the value at the top of the stack */
    char stackTop_1(StackNodePtr_2 topPtr) {
      char topValue;
      topValue = topPtr->data;
      return topValue;
    int isEmpty_2(StackNodePtr_2 topPtr) { return topPtr == NULL; }
    /* Test if the list is empty */
    int my_isalpha(char alpha) {
      return ((alpha >= 65 && alpha <= 90) || (alpha >= 97 && alpha <= 122));
    int my_isdigit(char alpha) { return (alpha >= 48) && (alpha <= 57); }
    int isOperator_2(char c) {
      return c == '/' || c == '*' || c == '-' || c == '+' || c == '^' || c == '%';
    int goto_search(data *table, char *token) {
      int x = 0;
      for (x = 0; x != 100; x++) {
        if (memcmp((table + x)->symbol, token, 2) == 0) {
          return (table + x)->location;
      return 0;
    int helper_search_1(data *base, char *token, int run) {
      return ((base + run)->symbol[0] == *token ||
              my_strcmp((base + run)->symbol, "0") == 0);
    int helper_search_2(data *base, char *token, int run) {
      return (my_strcmp((base + run)->symbol, token) == 0 ||
              my_strcmp((base + run)->symbol, "0") == 0);
    int search_in_base(data *intro_search, char *str_tok_search) {
      int runner = 0, ch = !my_isalpha(*str_tok_search);
      for (; !helper_search_base(intro_search, str_tok_search, runner); ++runner)
      return runner;
    int helper_search_base(data *base, char *token, int run) {
      return my_strcmp((base + run)->symbol, "0") == 0;
    int search_in_table(data *intro_search, char *str_tok_search) {
      int runner = 0, ch = !my_isalpha(*str_tok_search);
      for (; !(*helper_search[ch])(intro_search, str_tok_search, runner); ++runner)
      return runner;
    int rem_break(char *token) {
      if (memcmp(token, "rem", 3) == 0) {
        return 1;
      return 0;

    Инклуды для симплтрона

    gne4do, 02 Октября 2023

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  10. Си / Говнокод #28867


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    /* Do the conversion */
      while (!isEmpty_2(stackPtr) && infix[i] != '\0') {
        c = infix[i++];
        if (my_isdigit(c) || my_isalpha(c)) {
          while (my_isdigit(c) || my_isalpha(c)) {
            postfix[j++] = c;
            c = infix[i++];
          postfix[j++] = ' ';
          if (c == ')' || isOperator_2(c))
        } else if (c == '(')
          push_2(&stackPtr, '(');
        else if (isOperator_2(c) == 1) {
          if (!isEmpty_2(stackPtr) && isOperator_2(stackTop_1(stackPtr))) {
            while (isOperator_2(stackTop_1(stackPtr)) &&
                   (precedence_1(stackTop_1(stackPtr), c)) >= 0) {
              postfix[j++] = pop_2(&stackPtr);
              postfix[j++] = ' ';
            push_2(&stackPtr, c);
          } else
            push_2(&stackPtr, c);
        } else if (c == ')') {
          if (!isEmpty_2(stackPtr)) {
            c = pop_2(&stackPtr);
            while (!isEmpty_2(stackPtr) && c != '(') {
              postfix[j++] = c;
              postfix[j++] = ' ';
              c = pop_2(&stackPtr);
      postfix[j] = '\0';
    int precedence_1(char operator1, char operator2) {
      int result = 1;
      switch (operator1) {
      case '^':
        if (operator2 == '^')
          result = 0;
      case '*':
      case '/':
      case '%':
        switch (operator2) {
        case '^':
          result = -1;
        case '*':
        case '/':
        case '%':
          result = 0;
      case '+':
      case '-':
        switch (operator2) {
        case '-':
        case '+':
          result = 0;
          result = -1;
      return result;
    void push_2(StackNodePtr_2 *topPtr, int info) {
      StackNodePtr_2 newPtr;
      newPtr = malloc(sizeof(StackNode_2)); /* Now points to a place in memory*/
      if (newPtr != NULL) {
        newPtr->data = info;
        newPtr->nextPtr = *topPtr;
        *topPtr = newPtr;
      } else
        printf("%c not inserted. No memory available.\n", info);

    Инклуды для симплтрона 2

    gne4do, 02 Октября 2023

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