1. C++ / Говнокод #19898


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    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    class Foo {
        operator int() const {
            return *this;
    int main() {
        Foo foo;
        int i = foo;
        return 0;

    govnokod3r, 28 Апреля 2016

    Комментарии (13)
  2. C++ / Говнокод #19882


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    for(;;){new int;}

    GC1, 26 Апреля 2016

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  3. C++ / Говнокод #19871


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     * Colors which you can use in your application.
    typedef enum
        BLACK,          /**< black color */
        BLUE,           /**< blue color */
        GREEN,          /**< green color */
        CYAN,           /**< cyan color */
        RED,            /**< red color */
        MAGENTA,        /**< magenta color */
        BROWN,          /**< brown color */
        LIGHTGRAY,      /**< light gray color */
        DARKGRAY,       /**< dark gray color */
        LIGHTBLUE,      /**< light blue color */
        LIGHTGREEN,     /**< light green color */
        LIGHTCYAN,      /**< light cyan color */
        LIGHTRED,       /**< light red color */
        LIGHTMAGENTA,   /**< light magenta color */
        YELLOW,         /**< yellow color */
        WHITE           /**< white color */
    } COLORS;

    cccc4444, 24 Апреля 2016

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  4. C++ / Говнокод #19870


    1. 1
    ++ ++i;

    3_dar, 23 Апреля 2016

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  5. C++ / Говнокод #19859


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    int a = -1;
        if(a == 0) break;

    puksus, 22 Апреля 2016

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  6. C++ / Говнокод #19853


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    void CScene::IncludeObjects()
    // Reset All.
    // fill Vershiny of piramid...
    	point3d versh[4];
    	point3d eye = {IniSet.ptCamPos.x, IniSet.ptCamPos.y, IniSet.ptCamPos.z};
    	Screen2World(0, 0, versh[0]);
    	Screen2World(nScreenSzX, 0, versh[1]);
    	Screen2World(nScreenSzX, nScreenSzY, versh[2]);
    	Screen2World(0, nScreenSzY, versh[3]);
    // Increase before OO...
    	int ix, sz = parrObjs.Size();
    	point3d vect;
    	for(ix = 0; ix < 4; ix++){
    		sub_vectors(&vect.x, &versh[ix].x, &eye.x);
    		scale_vect(&vect.x, 200.f);
    		versh[ix] = vect;
    // Create faces of piramid and search collision with it...
    	point3d Piramid[4][3];
    	Piramid[0][0] = eye;
    	Piramid[1][0] = eye;
    	Piramid[2][0] = eye;
    	Piramid[3][0] = eye;
    	Piramid[0][1] = versh[0];
    	Piramid[0][2] = versh[1];
    	Piramid[1][1] = versh[1];
    	Piramid[1][2] = versh[2];
    	Piramid[2][1] = versh[2];
    	Piramid[2][2] = versh[3];
    	Piramid[3][1] = versh[3];
    	Piramid[3][2] = versh[0];
    // Dyadya WALERA!!!!
    	for(ix = nObjOff; ix < sz; ix++){
    		CObj3d *pObj = parrObjs.e(ix);
    		point3d ptPos = pObj->GetPosition();
    		if(IniSet.nIncludeObjectMode == WS_INCLUDE_BARYCENTER){
    			point3d ptCentr = IniSet.ptCamTarget;
    			point3d vtVect;
    			sub_vectors(&vtVect.x, &ptPos.x, &ptCentr.x);
    			plane plGran;
    			point3d ptCross;
    			for(int jx = 0; jx < 4; jx++){
    				comp_plane_eqn(&plGran.a, &Piramid[jx][0].x, &Piramid[jx][1].x, &Piramid[jx][2].x);
    				cross_line_plane(vtVect, &plGran.a, ptCentr, ptCross);
    				float f1, f2;
    				f1 = plGran.a * ptPos.x + plGran.b * ptPos.y + plGran.c * ptPos.z + plGran.d;
    				f2 = plGran.a * ptCentr.x + plGran.b * ptCentr.y + plGran.c * ptCentr.z + plGran.d;
    				if(f1 * f2 < 0.f){
    					if(point_in_triangle(Piramid[jx][0], Piramid[jx][1], Piramid[jx][2], ptCross)){
    						ptCross = ConvertPos3D(ptCross);
    						if(IniSet.bMirrorH){ ptCross.y = -ptCross.y; }
    						if(IniSet.bMirrorV){ ptCross.x = -ptCross.x; }
    						if(IniSet.bMirrorD){ ptCross.z = -ptCross.z; }
    						transform_back_point(&ptCross, &ptCross, &IniSet.mtMatr);
    						pObj->ptSavedPos = ptCross;
    		}else{ // XYZ Axes.
    			point3d vtXYZ[3] = {{1.f, 0.f, 0.f},
    								{0.f, 1.f, 0.f},
    								{0.f, 0.f, 1.f}};
    			BOOL bFound = FALSE;
    			for(int ax = 0; ax < 3; ax++){
    				point3d vtVect;
    				transform_point(&vtVect, &vtXYZ[ax], &IniSet.mtMatr);
    				for(int jx = 0; jx < 4; jx++){
    					plane plGran;
    					comp_plane_eqn(&plGran.a, &Piramid[jx][0].x, &Piramid[jx][1].x, &Piramid[jx][2].x);
    					point3d ptCentr = IniSet.ptCamTarget;
    					point3d ptCross;
    					cross_line_plane(vtVect, &plGran.a, ptPos, ptCross);
    					float f1, f2;
    					f1 = plGran.a * ptPos.x + plGran.b * ptPos.y + plGran.c * ptPos.z + plGran.d;
    					f2 = plGran.a * ptCentr.x + plGran.b * ptCentr.y + plGran.c * ptCentr.z + plGran.d;
    					point3d vtDif;
    					sub_vectors(&vtDif.x, &ptCross.x, &IniSet.ptCamPos.x);
    					if(vec_length(&vtDif.x) < 0.01f){ continue; } // avoid crossing with eye.

    Гавнокод: включить все 3Д объекты в экран.

    falcoware, 21 Апреля 2016

    Комментарии (10)
  7. C++ / Говнокод #19840


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    namespace raytracing
        struct Scene::Implementation
            std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RenderObject>> renderObjects;
            std::vector<Light> lights;
            Camera camera;
    Scene::Scene() :
    void Scene::insertObject(RenderObject* renderObject) noexcept
    const RenderObject* Scene::getIntersectedObject(Ray ray, vec3f* intersectionPoint) const noexcept
        const auto& renderObjects = implementation->renderObjects;
        if (renderObjects.empty())
            return nullptr;
        struct IntersectionData
            const RenderObject* renderObject;
            float t;
            bool isIntersect;
            vec3f intersectionPoint;
        } temp{};
        for (decltype(implementation->renderObjects)::const_iterator iter = renderObjects.cbegin();
                iter != renderObjects.cend(); ++iter)
            IntersectionData intersectionData;
            intersectionData.renderObject = (*iter).get();
            intersectionData.isIntersect = (*iter)->isIntersect(ray, intersectionData.t,
            if (intersectionData.isIntersect)
                if (temp.isIntersect)
                    if (temp.t > intersectionData.t)
                        temp   = intersectionData;
                    temp = intersectionData;
        if (intersectionPoint)
            *intersectionPoint = temp.intersectionPoint;
        return temp.renderObject;
    namespace raytracing
        struct Renderer::Implementation
            vec3f trace(const Scene& scene, Ray ray) const noexcept
                vec3f intersectionPoint;
                const RenderObject* const renderObject = scene.getIntersectedObject(ray, &intersectionPoint);
                vec3f color{};
                if (!renderObject)
                    return color;
                for (Light l : scene.getLights())
                    const Ray lightRay{intersectionPoint, (l.position - intersectionPoint).normalize()};
                    float brightness = renderObject->getNormal(intersectionPoint).dot(lightRay.direction);
                    if (brightness < 0.0F)
                        brightness = 0.0F;
                    color += renderObject->getColor(intersectionPoint) * 255.0F * brightness;
                return color;

    Сумеете ли вы найти ошибку?

    jangolare, 18 Апреля 2016

    Комментарии (88)
  8. C++ / Говнокод #19813


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    constexpr Vector(Vector&& vector) noexcept :
                x(vector.x), y(vector.y), z(vector.z)
                vector.x = vector.y = vector.z = T();
            constexpr Vector& operator=(Vector&& vector) noexcept
                if (this == &vector)
                    return *this;
                x = vector.x;
                y = vector.y;
                z = vector.z;
                vector.x = vector.y = vector.z = T();
                return *this;

    jangolare, 13 Апреля 2016

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  9. C++ / Говнокод #19810


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    sector_t * s = &sectors[secnum];
    if (!s->floorplane.isSlope()) s->reflect[sector_t::floor] = arg1/255.f;
    if (!s->ceilingplane.isSlope()) sectors[secnum].reflect[sector_t::ceiling] = arg2/255.f;

    присвоил переменной и во второй раз не использовал

    UsernameAK, 13 Апреля 2016

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  10. C++ / Говнокод #19809


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    bool* sdvig_vpravo(bool* mas) {
    	if (mas[0] == 1 && mas[1] == 0 && mas[2] == 0) {
    		mas[0] = 0;
    		mas[1] = 1;
    		mas[2] = 0;
    	else if (mas[0] == 0 && mas[1] == 1 && mas[2] == 0) {
    		mas[0] = 0;
    		mas[1] = 0;
    		mas[2] = 1;
    	else if (mas[0] == 0 && mas[1] == 0 && mas[2] == 1) {
    		mas[0] = 1;
    		mas[1] = 0;
    		mas[2] = 0;
    	return mas;

    Кольцевой сдвиг на один элемент булевского массива размерности 3. Возможно удивитесь, но этот великий костыль я сотворил на полном серьезе.

    petr_koshka23, 12 Апреля 2016

    Комментарии (16)