1. C# / Говнокод #23138


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    for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) 
              if (components[i]) components[i].GetComponent<ComponentScript>().ChangeComponent(CalculateCircuitScript.ComponentDataArray[components[i].GetComponent<ComponentScript>().lineNumber, components[i].GetComponent<ComponentScript>().elementNumber]); 

    Конструктор трёхфазных цепей на Unity3D

    Super_Indus_coding, 19 Июня 2017

    Комментарии (0)
  2. C# / Говнокод #23109


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    protected void ASPxUploadControl1_FilesUploadComplete(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxUploadControl.FilesUploadCompleteEventArgs e)
                if (Request.Cookies["LID"] != null)
                    int ListId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies["LID"].Value);
                    Response.Cookies["LID"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
                    foreach (DevExpress.Web.ASPxUploadControl.UploadedFile uf in ASPxUploadControl1.UploadedFiles)
                        uf.SaveAs(@"C:\TEMP\ListUploads\" + uf.FileName, true);
                        ListInfo.ImportList(Convert.ToInt16(ListId), @"C:\TEMP\ListUploads\" + uf.FileName);

    блять, это же каким инвалидом надо быть, чтобы так сделать загрузку файла в базу?

    Lokich, 06 Июня 2017

    Комментарии (1)
  3. C# / Говнокод #23086


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    OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand("select * from Прейскурант where ID = 1", bd);
                    OleDbDataReader dataReader1 = command.ExecuteReader();
                    string st;
                    int i = 0;
                    while (i < dataReader1.FieldCount)
                        st = dataReader1.GetValue(i).ToString();
                        switch (i)
                            case 0:
                                textBox1.Text = st;
                            case 1:
                                textBox2.Text = st;
                            case 2:
                                textBox3.Text = st;
                            case 3:
                                textBox4.Text = st;
                            case 4:
                                textBox5.Text = st;
                            case 5:
                                textBox6.Text = st;
                            case 6:
                                textBox7.Text = st;
                            case 7:
                                textBox8.Text = st;
                            case 8:
                                textBox9.Text = st;
                            case 9:
                                textBox10.Text = st;
                            case 10:
                                textBox11.Text = st;
                            case 11:
                                textBox12.Text = st;
                            case 12:
                                textBox13.Text = st;
                            case 13:
                                textBox14.Text = st;
                            case 14:
                                textBox15.Text = st;

    Заполнение текстбоксов WinForms данными из бд. Пацан на 4-м курсе.

    IWillBeHokage, 30 Мая 2017

    Комментарии (3)
  4. C# / Говнокод #23076


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    GUI.backgroundColor = Color.magenta;
                prop = parametersObject.GetIterator();
                var skip = true;
                while (prop.NextVisible(true))
                    //Script object Field
                    if (skip)
                        skip = false;
                    if (prop.depth == 0)
                        position.height = propertyHeight;
                        EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, prop);
                        position.y += propertyWithSpaceHeight;
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    if (parametersObject != null && parametersObject.targetObject != null)
                parametersProperty.stringValue = JsonUtility.ToJson(parametersObject.targetObject);
                GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;

    //Код исполняется 60 раз в секунду ((((

    huran438, 28 Мая 2017

    Комментарии (6)
  5. C# / Говнокод #23075


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    GUI.backgroundColor = Color.magenta;
                prop = parametersObject.GetIterator();
                var skip = true;
                while (prop.NextVisible(true))
                    //Script object Field
                    if (skip)
                        skip = false;
                    if (prop.depth == 0)
                        position.height = propertyHeight;
                        EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, prop);
                        position.y += propertyWithSpaceHeight;
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    if (parametersObject != null && parametersObject.targetObject != null)
                parametersProperty.stringValue = JsonUtility.ToJson(parametersObject.targetObject);
                GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;

    //Код исполняется 60 раз в секунду ((((

    huran438, 28 Мая 2017

    Комментарии (2)
  6. C# / Говнокод #23054


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    if (this.btn1.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn2.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn3.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString())
    else if (this.btn4.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn5.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn6.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString())
    else if (this.btn7.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn8.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn9.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString())
    else if (this.btn1.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn4.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn7.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString())
    else if (this.btn2.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn5.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn8.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString())
    else if (this.btn3.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn6.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn9.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString())
    else if (this.btn1.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn5.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn9.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString())
    else if (this.btn3.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn5.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString() && this.btn7.Content.ToString() == this.currentSide.ToString())

    Проверка на победу в крестиках-ноликах.

    fedor-analplay, 22 Мая 2017

    Комментарии (2)
  7. C# / Говнокод #22978


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                        if (counter == 10)
                            counter = 0;

    Не сразу понял, что делает этот код.

    Langnasen_Dora, 07 Мая 2017

    Комментарии (65)
  8. C# / Говнокод #21404


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    string str = "trial evaluation license agreement expire about... looking for these words? I work like a fool to deliver high quality software and make a living of it and raise my children. Please support me if you want me to continue adding features";
            str = string.Concat(str, str);

    интересненькое из ndepend.core.dll

    reversemyass, 10 Октября 2016

    Комментарии (10)
  9. C# / Говнокод #21367


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    using System;
    namespace Aquapear.StringTools
    	/// <summary> Объединяет строки, вставляя между ними разделитель, но в конце разделитель не ставится. </summary>
    	public static class StringsJoiner
    		public static String Join(String[] bits, String separator) {
    			/*if(separator.Length==0) {
    				int bitsLength = bits.Length;
    				StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(bits.Length);
    					for(int i = 0; i < bitsLength; i++) {
    						builder.AddLast( bits[i] );
    				return builder.Build();
    			return String.Join(separator, bits);
    			int bitsLength = bits.Length;
    			if(bitsLength == 0) return "";
    			if(separator.Length==0) return CloseJoin(bits);
    			int allCharsLength = separator.Length*(bits.Length-1);
    			for(int i = 0; i < bitsLength; i++) {
    				allCharsLength += bits[i].Length;
    			char[] chrs = new char[allCharsLength];
    			int wordIndex = 0, wordProgress = 0;
    			bool separatorMode = false;
    			string word = bits[0];
    			int wordLength = word.Length;
    				for(int i = 0; i < allCharsLength; i++) {
    					if(separatorMode) {
    						chrs[i] = word[wordProgress];
    						if(wordProgress>=wordLength) {
    							separatorMode = false;
    							wordProgress = 0;
    							word = bits[wordIndex];
    							wordLength = word.Length;
    					} else {
    						chrs[i] = (wordLength >= 1) ? word[wordProgress] : '\0';
    						if(wordProgress >= wordLength) {
    							separatorMode = true;
    							wordProgress = 0;
    							if(word.Length == 0) i--;
    							word = separator;
    							wordLength = word.Length;
    			return new String(chrs); */
    		static String CloseJoin(String[] bits) {
    			return String.Join("", bits);

    d_fomenok, 07 Октября 2016

    Комментарии (31)
  10. C# / Говнокод #21366


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    Public Class Form1
        Dim x01, x02, f01, f02, f01i, f02i, x11, x12, f12, f11, f11i, f12i, x21, x22, z1, z2, f21, f22, f21i, f22i, x31, x32 As Double
        Dim f31, f32, f31i, f32i, x41, x42, f41, f42, f41i, f42i, x51, x52, f51, f52, f51i, f52i, x61, x62, f61, f62, f61i, f62i, x71, x72 As Double
        Dim f71, f72, f71i, f72i, x81, x82, f81, f82, f81i, f82i, x91, x92, f91, f92, f91i, f92i, x101, x102, f101, f102, f101i, f102i, x111, x112, f111, f112, f111i, f112i, x121, x122 As Double
        Dim f121, f122, f121i, f122i, x131, x132, f131, f132, f131i, f132i, x141, x142, f141, f142, f141i, f142i, x151, x152, f151, f152, f151i, f152i, x161, x162, f161, f162, f161i, f162i, x171, x172 As Double
        Dim f171, f172, f171i, f172i, x181, x182, f181, f182, f181i, f182i, x191, x192, f191, f192, f191i, f192i, x201, x202, f201, f202, f201i, f202i, x211, x222, f211, f212, f211i, f212i, x221, x212, f221, f222, f221i, f222i, x231, x232 As Double
        Dim f231, f232, f231i, f232i, x241, x242, f241, f242, f241i, f242i, x251, x252, f251, f252, f251i, f252i, x261, x262, f261, f262, f261i, f262i, x271, x272, f271, f272, f271i, f272i, x281, x282, f281, f282, f281i, f282i, x291, x292 As Double
        Dim f291, f292, f291i, f292i, x301, x302, f301, f302, f301i, f302i, x311, x312, f311, f312, f311i, f312i, x321, x322 As Double
        Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
            x01 = TextBox1.Text
            x02 = TextBox2.Text
            f01 = x01 - 0.5 * Math.Sin(0.3 * Math.Cos(x01) / 3) - 1
            f02 = -x02 + 0.3 * Math.Cos((0.5 * Math.Sin(x02 / 3) + 1))
            f01i = 1 + 0.5 * (Math.Cos(0.3 * Math.Cos(x01)) / 3) * Math.Sin(x01)
            f02i = 1 + (0.3 * Math.Sin(0.5 * Math.Sin(x02)) / 3) * (Math.Cos(x02) / 3) * 0.5 / 3
            x11 = x01 + f01 / f01i
            x12 = x02 + f02 / f02i
            Label7.Text = "x11= " & x11
            Label8.Text = "x12= " & x12
            f11 = x11 - 0.5 * Math.Sin(0.3 * Math.Cos(x11) / 3) - 1
            f12 = -x12 + 0.3 * Math.Cos((0.5 * Math.Sin(x12 / 3) + 1))
            f11i = 1 + 0.5 * (Math.Cos(0.3 * Math.Cos(x11)) / 3) * Math.Sin(x11)
            f12i = 1 - (0.3 * Math.Sin(0.5 * Math.Sin(x12)) / 3) * (Math.Cos(x12) / 3) * 0.5 / 3
            x21 = x11 + f11 / f11i
            x22 = x12 + f12 / f12i
            Label9.Text = "x21= " & x21
            Label10.Text = "x22= " & x22
            f21 = x21 - 0.5 * Math.Sin(0.3 * Math.Cos(x21) / 3) - 1
            f22 = -x22 + 0.3 * Math.Cos((0.5 * Math.Sin(x22 / 3) + 1))
            f21i = 1 + 0.5 * (Math.Cos(0.3 * Math.Cos(x21)) / 3) * Math.Sin(x21)
            f22i = 1 - (0.3 * Math.Sin(0.5 * Math.Sin(x22)) / 3) * (Math.Cos(x22) / 3) * 0.5 / 3
            x31 = x21 + f21 / f21i
            x32 = x22 + f22 / f22i
            Label15.Text = "x31= " & x31
            Label16.Text = "x32= " & x32
            f31 = x31 - 0.5 * Math.Sin(0.3 * Math.Cos(x31) / 3) - 1
            f32 = -x32 + 0.3 * Math.Cos((0.5 * Math.Sin(x32 / 3) + 1))
            f31i = 1 + 0.5 * (Math.Cos(0.3 * Math.Cos(x31)) / 3) * Math.Sin(x31)
            f32i = 1 - (0.3 * Math.Sin(0.5 * Math.Sin(x32)) / 3) * (Math.Cos(x32) / 3) * 0.5 / 3
            x41 = x31 + f31 / f31i
            x42 = x32 + f32 / f32i
            Label17.Text = "x41= " & x41
            Label18.Text = "x42= " & x42
            f41 = x41 - 0.5 * Math.Sin(0.3 * Math.Cos(x41) / 3) - 1
            f42 = -x42 + 0.3 * Math.Cos((0.5 * Math.Sin(x42 / 3) + 1))
            f41i = 1 + 0.5 * (Math.Cos(0.3 * Math.Cos(x41)) / 3) * Math.Sin(x41)
            f42i = 1 - (0.3 * Math.Sin(0.5 * Math.Sin(x42)) / 3) * (Math.Cos(x42) / 3) * 0.5 / 3
            x51 = x41 + f41 / f41i
            x52 = x42 + f42 / f42i
            Label19.Text = "x51= " & x51
            Label20.Text = "x52= " & x52
            f51 = x51 - 0.5 * Math.Sin(0.3 * Math.Cos(x51) / 3) - 1
            f52 = -x52 + 0.3 * Math.Cos((0.5 * Math.Sin(x52 / 3) + 1))
            f51i = 1 + 0.5 * (Math.Cos(0.3 * Math.Cos(x51)) / 3) * Math.Sin(x51)
            f52i = 1 - (0.3 * Math.Sin(0.5 * Math.Sin(x52)) / 3) * (Math.Cos(x52) / 3) * 0.5 / 3
            x61 = x51 + f51 / f51i
            x62 = x52 + f52 / f52i
            Label21.Text = "x61= " & x61
            Label22.Text = "x62= " & x62
            f61 = x61 - 0.5 * Math.Sin(0.3 * Math.Cos(x61) / 3) - 1
            f62 = -x62 + 0.3 * Math.Cos((0.5 * Math.Sin(x62 / 3) + 1))
            f61i = 1 + 0.5 * (Math.Cos(0.3 * Math.Cos(x61)) / 3) * Math.Sin(x61)
            f62i = 1 - (0.3 * Math.Sin(0.5 * Math.Sin(x62)) / 3) * (Math.Cos(x62) / 3) * 0.5 / 3
            x71 = x61 - f61 / f61i
            x72 = x62 + f62 / f62i
            Label23.Text = "x61= " & x71
            Label24.Text = "x62= " & x72
            f71 = x71 - 0.5 * Math.Sin(0.3 * Math.Cos(x71) / 3) - 1
            f72 = -x62 + 0.3 * Math.Cos((0.5 * Math.Sin(x72 / 3) + 1))
            f71i = 1 + 0.5 * (Math.Cos(0.3 * Math.Cos(x71)) / 3) * Math.Sin(x71)
            f72i = 1 - (0.3 * Math.Sin(0.5 * Math.Sin(x72)) / 3) * (Math.Cos(x72) / 3) * 0.5 / 3
            x81 = x71 + f71 / f71i
            x82 = x72 - f72 / f72i
            Label25.Text = "x81= " & x81
            Label26.Text = "x82= " & x82
            f81 = x81 - 0.5 * Math.Sin(0.3 * Math.Cos(x81) / 3) - 1
            f82 = -x82 + 0.3 * Math.Cos((0.5 * Math.Sin(x82 / 3) + 1))


    d_fomenok, 07 Октября 2016

    Комментарии (5)