1. Java / Говнокод #3706


    1. 1
    void setEnabled(boolean disable)

    borka, 15 Июля 2010

    Комментарии (50)
  2. Java / Говнокод #3705


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    Link link = new Link( element );
    		if( !Browser.getBrowser().isElementPresent( link.getLocator() ) )
    			return false;
    			return true;

    зачэм так?

    gavrs, 15 Июля 2010

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  3. Java / Говнокод #3688


    1. 1
    long sourceBaseId = Long.parseLong(_depId+"00000000000000");

    konsoletyper, 12 Июля 2010

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  4. Java / Говнокод #3657


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    07.07.2010 14:49:14 com.mchange.v2.c3p0.C3P0Registry banner
    INFO: Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true; trace:
    07.07.2010 14:49:15 com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.AbstractPoolBackedDataSource getPoo
    INFO: Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acqu
    ireIncrement -> 5, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRetryDelay -> 500, autoComm
    itOnClose -> true, automaticTestTable -> connection_test_table, breakAfterAcquir
    eFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null,
    connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, d
    ataSourceName -> mo0lz2891bvagwh7rwflk|11e1e67, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTr
    aces -> false, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, factor
    yClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToke
    n -> mo0lz2891bvagwh7rwflk|11e1e67, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 3600, initialPoo
    lSize -> 10, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/mysql, maxAdministrativeTaskTime
    -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0
    , maxPoolSize -> 10, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 100, minP
    oolSize -> 10, numHelperThreads -> 3, numThreadsAwaitingCheckoutDefaultUser -> 0
    , preferredTestQuery -> null, properties -> {user=******, password=******}, prop
    ertyCycle -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> fa
    lse, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false
    07.07.2010 14:49:15 com.l2scoria.loginserver.LoginController <init>
    INFO: Loading LoginContoller...
    07.07.2010 14:49:21 com.l2scoria.loginserver.LoginController <init>
    INFO: Cached 10 KeyPairs for RSA communication
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
            at com.l2scoria.util.random.MTRandom.next(MTRandom.java:355)
            at java.util.Random.nextDouble(Random.java:438)
            at com.l2scoria.util.random.Rnd.nextInt(Rnd.java:55)
            at com.l2scoria.loginserver.LoginController.generateBlowFishKeys(LoginCo
            at com.l2scoria.loginserver.LoginController.<init>(LoginController.java:
            at com.l2scoria.loginserver.LoginController.load(LoginController.java:10
            at com.l2scoria.loginserver.L2LoginServer.<init>(L2LoginServer.java:117)
            at com.l2scoria.loginserver.L2LoginServer.main(L2LoginServer.java:61)
    LoginServer terminated abnormaly
    Send you bug to : http://la2.100nt.ru
    LoginServer terminated
    Send you bug to : http://la2.100nt.ru
    Restart(r) or Quit(q)^CTerminate batch job (Y/N)?

    leonius, 07 Июля 2010

    Комментарии (19)
  5. Java / Говнокод #3656


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     * The Time class is a faster replacement for the java.util.Calendar and
     * java.util.GregorianCalendar classes. An instance of the Time class represents
     * a moment in time, specified with second precision. It is modelled after
     * struct tm, and in fact, uses struct tm to implement most of the
     * functionality.
    public class Time {
         * Year. TBD. Is this years since 1900 like in struct tm?
        public int year;

    Android 1.5. TBD в публичном API официального SDK - это пять. Ну мы ещё подумаем, как нам нравится, а вы пока просто посмотрите в дебаге! Гы.

    yvu, 07 Июля 2010

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  6. Java / Говнокод #3655


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    if (f.mColor != null) {
                    int c = -1;
                    if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("aqua")) {
                        c = 0x00FFFF;
                    } else if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("black")) {
                        c = 0x000000;
                    } else if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("blue")) {
                        c = 0x0000FF;
                    } else if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("fuchsia")) {
                        c = 0xFF00FF;
                    } else if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("green")) {
                        c = 0x008000;
                    } else if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("grey")) {
                        c = 0x808080;
                    } else if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("lime")) {
                        c = 0x00FF00;
                    } else if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("maroon")) {
                        c = 0x800000;
                    } else if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("navy")) {
                        c = 0x000080;
                    } else if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("olive")) {
                        c = 0x808000;
                    } else if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("purple")) {
                        c = 0x800080;
                    } else if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("red")) {
                        c = 0xFF0000;
                    } else if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("silver")) {
                        c = 0xC0C0C0;
                    } else if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("teal")) {
                        c = 0x008080;
                    } else if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("white")) {
                        c = 0xFFFFFF;
                    } else if (f.mColor.equalsIgnoreCase("yellow")) {
                        c = 0xFFFF00;
                    } else {
                        try {
                            c = XmlUtils.convertValueToInt(f.mColor, -1);
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                            // Can't understand the color, so just drop it.

    Исходники Android 1.5, Html.java:636 .

    Неудивительно, что Html.fromHtml() тормозит так, что юзать для списков вообще нельзя, даже один раз.

    yvu, 07 Июля 2010

    Комментарии (172)
  7. Java / Говнокод #3654


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    public static int indexOf(String str, String... array) {
    		return ArrayUtils.indexOf(array, str);

    cdf_easy, 07 Июля 2010

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  8. Java / Говнокод #3631


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    String error= "TYPE {" + ex.getType() + "} TEXT {" + ex.getText() + "} STACK {" + stringWriter.toString() + "} LOG {" + _localLog + "}";
         error= "TYPE {" + ex.getType() + "} TEXT {" + ex.getText() + "} STACK {" +stringWriter.toString() + "} LOG {" +  "}";
         error= "TYPE {" + ex.getType() + "} TEXT {" + ex.getText() + "} STACK {" +stringWriter.toString().substring(0,Math.min(700, stringWriter.toString().length())) + "} LOG {" +_localLog.substring(0,Math.min(700, _localLog.length()))+  "}";
         error= "TYPE {" + ex.getType() + "} TEXT {" + ex.getText() + "} STACK {" +  "} LOG {" +  "}";
         error= error.substring(0,3000);

    cdf_easy, 02 Июля 2010

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  9. Java / Говнокод #3627


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    public static Entity read(final URI path) {
    	if(!(path.items!= null && (0 < path.items.size()))){
    		assert (false);
                     //дальше сам метод

    3.14159265, 02 Июля 2010

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  10. Java / Говнокод #3616


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    Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File("launch.vbs")));
    writer.write("Set objIExplorer = CreateObject(\"internetexplorer.application\")\r\n");
    writer.write("objIExplorer.visible = True\r\n");
    writer.write("objIExplorer.navigate \"http://www.google.com\"\r\n");
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cscript.exe launch.vbs");

    Запуск IE под виндой, когда путь к нему неизвестен.

    Jk, 01 Июля 2010

    Комментарии (9)