1. Python / Говнокод #16830


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    def reverse_govnocode(text):
        rev_str = []
        str_len = len(text) - 1
        while str_len >= 0:
            str_len -= 1
        return ''".join(rev_str)

    stanp, 09 Октября 2014

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  2. Python / Говнокод #16814


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    class GNUTranslations(NullTranslations):
        # Magic number of .mo files
        LE_MAGIC = 0x950412de
        BE_MAGIC = 0xde120495

    хуита, 07 Октября 2014

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  3. Python / Говнокод #16794


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    def down_cast_qobject(tp, obj):
        assert obj
        assert isinstance(tp, type)
        assert issubclass(tp, QObject)
        addresses = shiboken.getCppPointer(obj)
        assert isinstance(addresses, collections.Iterable)
        assert len(addresses)
        ptrs = filter(lambda p: p > 0L, addresses)
        assert ptrs
        ptr = ptrs[0]
        assert isinstance(ptr, long)
        wrapped = shiboken.wrapInstance(ptr, tp)
        assert isinstance(wrapped, tp)
        return wrapped

    Paranoid_mode = True

    QBatman, 03 Октября 2014

    Комментарии (32)
  4. Python / Говнокод #16700


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    def str_to_float(i):
        return int (i) + 0.0

    Так надо!

    zadrot, 16 Сентября 2014

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  5. Python / Говнокод #16678


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    import sys;
    class Cout(object):
        def __lshift__(self, anything):
            return self;
    cout = Cout();
    endl = '\n';
    cout << 'Hello, World!' << endl;

    http://lurkmore.to/Обсуждение:Python#.D0.92_.D1.81.D1.82.D0 .B8.D0.BB.D0.B5_.D0.BF.D0.BB.D1.8E.D1.81 .D0.BE.D0.B2

    someone, 11 Сентября 2014

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  6. Python / Говнокод #16614


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    def booleanize(value):
        """Return value as a boolean."""
        true_values = ("yes", "true", "1")
        false_values = ("no", "false", "0")
        if isinstance(value, bool):
            return value
        if value.lower() in true_values:
            return True
        elif value.lower() in false_values:
            return False

    В комментариях не нуждается.

    Niyakiy, 29 Августа 2014

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  7. Python / Говнокод #16596


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    class ImageAsset(Asset):
        def to_xml(self):  
            if self.asset_type == self.VIDEO:
                return self.videoasset.to_xml()
            element = etree.Element("imageAsset")
            if self.mask_key:
                element.set("maskId", self.mask_key)
            if self.image_x:
                element.set("imageX", str(self.image_x))
            if self.image_y:
                element.set("imageY", str(self.image_y))
            if self.image_width:
                element.set("imageWidth", str(self.image_width))
            if self.image_height:
                element.set("imageHeight", str(self.image_height))
            return element
    class VideoAsset(ImageAsset):
        def to_xml(self):  
            element = etree.Element("videoAsset")
            if self.mask_key:
                element.set("maskId", self.mask_key)
            if self.image_x:
                element.set("imageX", str(self.image_x))
            if self.image_y:
                element.set("imageY", str(self.image_y))
            if self.image_width:
                element.set("imageWidth", str(self.image_width))
            if self.image_height:
                element.set("imageHeight", str(self.image_height))
            return element

    Полиморфизм это вам не шубу в трусы заправлять!

    wvxvw, 26 Августа 2014

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  8. Python / Говнокод #16528


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    class DataModel(dict):
        _SCHEME_VERSION = 0
        _transform = dict()
        _additional = dict()
        _migration = None
        def __init__(self, data=None, network=None, conf=None):
            if network and conf:
                _scheme = map(lambda x: x.strip(), conf.get(network).keys())
                _map =  map(lambda x: x.strip(), conf.get(network).values())
                self._scheme = int(conf._scheme)
                map(lambda x: setattr(self, x[0], data.get(x[1], None)),
                    [(_scheme[i], _map[i]) for i in xrange(0,len(_map))])
                if self._transform.get(network, False):
                    map(lambda x: setattr(self, x, getattr(self._transform[network], x)(getattr(self, x))),
                        [k for k in self._transform[network].__dict__.keys() if not k.startswith('__')])
                dict.__init__(self, data)
            if self.get('_scheme', 0)<self._SCHEME_VERSION and self._migration is not None:
                k = [int(k.split('_')[1]) for k in self._migration.__dict__.keys() if not k.startswith('__')]
                [k.remove(x) for x in k if x<=self.get('_scheme', 0)]
                map(lambda x: getattr(self._migration, 'scheme_%s' % x)(self), k)
                self._scheme = self._SCHEME_VERSION
            map(lambda x: setattr(self, x, getattr(self._additional, x)(self)),
                [k for k in self._additional.__dict__.keys() if not k.startswith('__')])
        def __setattr__(self, name, val):
            if name in self.__dict__:
                self.__dict__[name]= val
                self[name] = val
        def __getattr__(self, name):
            if name in self.__dict__:
                return self.__dict__[name]
                return self[name]

    Mongo migration, written in Python, for human beings.

    vaxxxa, 14 Августа 2014

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  9. Python / Говнокод #16519


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    def mayakovsky(string):
        splitted = string.split('\n')
        l = [splitted[0]]
        lastSpaces = 0
        for i in range(1, len(splitted)):
            l += [' '*(lastSpaces + len(splitted[i - 1]) + 1) + splitted[i]]
            lastSpaces += len(splitted[i - 1]) + 1
        return '\n'.join(l)


    gost, 12 Августа 2014

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  10. Python / Говнокод #16425


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    def _registerCommands(self, mapping=None, dataMapping=None, commandUpdates=None, dataUpdates=None):
            for (cmdName, cmdClass) in cMap.iteritems():
        def _setCommand(self, cmdObj):
            if cmdObj.__class__.__name__.find("_") != -1:
                name = unicode(cmdObj.__class__.__name__.split("_", 1)[1])
                name = unicode(cmdObj.__class__.__name__).lower()
            setattr(self, name.lower(), cmdObj)

    Fedora, pykickstart. Посоны регистрируют команды в парсере...

    solo1h, 25 Июля 2014

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