1. Ruby / Говнокод #7827


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    def a
    print rand(1)
    puts a

    Попытался нагадить… короче, puts puts 0

    nbvec222, 10 Сентября 2011

    Комментарии (8)
  2. Ruby / Говнокод #7801


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    case klass
        when "Subject"
          case attr.to_sym
          when :screening_num then :screening_num
          when :subject_num then :subject_num

    это чО на всякий пожарный чтоли ?
    обратите внимание что klass это объект ActiveRecord а проверяется как стринг

    писал русский паренёк Дима ) а вы говорите индусы )

    koshak, 08 Сентября 2011

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  3. Ruby / Говнокод #7784


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        # etc
      rescue Exception => e
        case e
          when LinkedIn::Unauthorized
            account.invalidate_token if !account.invalid_token?
            raise InvalidTokenException.new(account.primary, provider_name)
          when LinkedIn::InformLinkedIn, LinkedIn::Unavailable  #LinkedIn::Unavailable represents 502..503 error codes & LinkedIn::InformLinkedIn represent 500
            raise UnexpectedApiException.new(provider_name)
            handle_api_exception(e, e.message)

    элегантный отлов ексепшнов

    sumskyi, 06 Сентября 2011

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  4. Ruby / Говнокод #7659


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    loop do
      client = server.accept
      otvet = []
      while line = client.gets
        otvet << line
         break if line == "\r\n"
      client.print "HTTP/1.1 200/OK\n"
      client.print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
      client.print '"<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://www.google.ru">"' # переадресация
      puts otvet
      File.open('log.txt', 'a'){ |f| f.puts("#{otvet}")} # запись лога

    творние юного кулхацкера

    wapoo!11, 26 Августа 2011

    Комментарии (7)
  5. Ruby / Говнокод #7645


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    def entities(model, params = {})
            @entities                 ||= {}
            @entities[model]    ||= []
            if @entities[model].blank? or parameters_changed?(model, params)
              @entities[model]  = []
              include           = params[:include]  || nil
              group             = params[:group]    || nil
              order             = params[:order]    || nil
              page              = params[:page]     || nil
              entity_ids        = []
              model_role        = nil
              model_class       = model.to_s.classify.constantize
              if self.has_role_for?(model_class)
                self.roles_for(model_class).uniq.each do |role|
                  if role.authorizable_id.blank?
                    raise "Authorization problem! Found more than one #{model_class} model permission!" unless model_role.blank?
                    model_role = role.name
                  if !role.authorizable_id.blank? && MerchantRole::MERCHANT_ROLES.include?(role.name)
                    entity_ids << role.authorizable.id
                if entity_ids.blank? and MerchantRole::MERCHANT_ROLES.include?(model_role)
                  #WARNING! RECURSION! EVIL!
                  if MerchantRole.has_entity_parent?(model)
                    parent_model    = MerchantRole.entity_parent(model)
                    parent_entities = self.entities(parent_model)
                    unless parent_entities.blank?
                      _params = {
                        :conditions => conditions_and_parameters(params, nil, ["`#{model.to_s}`.`#{parent_model.to_s.singularize}_id` IN (?)", parent_entities.map(&:id)]),
                        :include => include,
                        :order => order,
                        :group => group
                      _params.merge!(:page => page) if params.keys.include?(:page)
                      if block_given?
                        (self.is_reseller? ? self.reseller.send(model) : model_class).each(_params) do |o|
                          yield o
                        @entities[model] = (self.is_reseller? ? self.reseller.send(model) : model_class).send(params.keys.include?(:page) ? :paginate : :find, :all, _params)
                    _params = {
                      :conditions => conditions_and_parameters(params, nil),
                      :include => include,
                      :order => order,
                      :group => group
                    _params.merge!(:page => page) if params.keys.include?(:page)
                    if block_given?    #Find only merchants associated with the reseller or all merchants if we are no reseller.
                      (self.is_reseller? ? self.reseller.send(model) : model_class).each(_params) do |o|
                        yield o
                      @entities[model] = (self.is_reseller? ? self.reseller.send(model) : model_class).send(params.keys.include?(:page) ? :paginate : :find, :all, _params)
                  _params = { :conditions => conditions_and_parameters(params, nil, ["`#{model.to_s}`.`id` IN (?)", entity_ids]),
                                       :include => include,
                                       :order => order,
                                       :group => group }
                   _params.merge!(:page => page) if params.keys.include?(:page)
                   if block_given?
                     model_class.each(_params) do |o|
                       yield o
                     @entities[model] = model_class.send(params.keys.include?(:page) ? :paginate : :find, :all, _params)

    This method does the following (you guessed it, right?):

    #Fetch entities for which we have a read permission.
    #This is now it should work:
    #1. : If we don't have any role on the model, we won't get anything.
    #2a.: Check roles we have for whole model. If no role for whole model we can only fetch instances we have assigned.
    #2b.: Check all instances we have a role for and store them.
    #3a.: We have roles for instances -> Goto(#7)
    #3b.: We have no instance roles but have a role for the whole model.
    #4. : Check recusively if we have roles fro a parent model (channels -> merchants).
    #5a.: If we have a parent role and got parent entities returned we only fetch instances belonging to the parent entities.
    #6a.: If we have a parent role and got no entities back, then we won't get anything since we are not supposed to.
    #7. : Get all instances based on our reseller or globally for the system.

    emilpetkov, 25 Августа 2011

    Комментарии (6)
  6. Ruby / Говнокод #7580


    1. 1
    session[:mark == md5(Time.now)]

    это печально

    MaxD, 18 Августа 2011

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  7. Ruby / Говнокод #7532


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    module AuthenticatedSystem
    def logged_in?
    def current_user
      @current_user ||= login_from_session unless @current_user == false

    bebesuk, 12 Августа 2011

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  8. Ruby / Говнокод #7199


    1. 1
    amount = ('-' + batch['settleAmount'].to_s).to_i

    работа с платежными системами требует вдумчивости и оригинальности.

    malleus, 07 Июля 2011

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  9. Ruby / Говнокод #7122


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    @hands_by_value.each do |hand|
    	if @hands_by_value.slice(@hands_by_value.index(hand)+1..@hands_by_value.index(@hands_by_value.last)).include?(hand)

    Рукотворный array.uniq! похоже :)

    lnk, 01 Июля 2011

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  10. Ruby / Говнокод #7112


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    def self.enddayofmonth(year,month)
      if year%4>0
        return stdyear[month-1]
        return visyear[month-1]

    vlad-druzh, 30 Июня 2011

    Комментарии (10)