1. Список говнокодов пользователя spaceoflabview

    Всего: 5

  2. bash / Говнокод #6268


    1. 1
    find . -type f -exec sed -i 's^`/bin/date -v1d -v-1d "+%Y-%m-%d"`^`/bin/date --date "$(date +%m/01/%Y) yesterday" +%Y-%m-%d`^g;s^`/bin/date -v1d "+%Y-%m-%d"`^`/bin/date --date "$(date +%m/01/%Y)" +%Y-%m-%d`^g;s^`/bin/date -v+1m -v1d -v-1d "+%Y-%m-%d"`^`/bin/date --date "$(date +%m/01/%Y) + 1month - 1day" +%Y-%m-%d`^g;s^/bin/date -v-2d ^/bin/date --date "$(date +%m/%d/%Y) -2day" ^g;s^/bin/date -v-7d ^/bin/date --date "$(date +%m/%d/%Y) -7day" ^g;' {} \;

    spaceoflabview, 07 Апреля 2011

    Комментарии (4)
  3. Python / Говнокод #6267


    1. 1
    n=' '.join((n[::-1][n[::-1].find('_')+1:])[::-1].lower().replace('_',' ').split()).split()

    Нашел у себя в коде. Что делает уже не осилил вспомнить.

    spaceoflabview, 07 Апреля 2011

    Комментарии (10)
  4. Python / Говнокод #6117


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    if row[0].find('lk_s_du') > -1 or row[0].find('lk_s_su') > -1:
        price = ''
        if row[6] == 'incoming_external':
            if tariff['ie_price_second'] == 0:
                price = row[5] * tariff['ie_price_first'] / 102400
            elif ie_global > tariff['ie_price_switch']:
                price = row[5] * tariff['ie_price_second'] / 102400
                price = overhead(tariff['ie_price_switch']-ie_global,tariff['ie_price_switch'])*tariff['ie_price_first'] / 102400 + hev((row[5]+ie_global-tariff['ie_price_switch']))*tariff['ie_price_second'] / 102400
            ie_global += row[5]
            unit = 'kb'
            if tariff['price_per_unit'] == 1:
                price = price /1024
                unit = 'mb'
            if tariff['price_per_unit'] == 2:
                price = price /1024/1024
                unit = 'gb'
            if tariff['price_per_unit'] == 3:
                price = price /1024/1024/1024
                unit = 'tb'
        if row[6] == 'internal':
            if tariff['il_price_second'] == 0:
                price = row[5] * tariff['il_price_first'] / 102400
            elif il_global > tariff['il_price_switch']:
                price = row[5] * tariff['il_price_second'] / 102400
                price = overhead(tariff['il_price_switch']-il_global,tariff['il_price_switch'])*tariff['il_price_first'] / 102400 + hev((row[5]+il_global-tariff['il_price_switch']))*tariff['il_price_second'] / 102400
            il_global += row[5]
            unit = 'kb'
            if tariff['price_per_unit'] == 1:
                price = price /1024
                unit = 'mb'
            if tariff['price_per_unit'] == 2:
                price = price /1024/1024
                unit = 'gb'
            if tariff['price_per_unit'] == 3:
                price = price /1024/1024/1024
                unit = 'tb'
        if row[6] == 'outgoing_any':
            if tariff['oe_price_second'] == 0:
                price = row[5] * tariff['oe_price_first'] / 102400
            elif oe_global > tariff['oe_price_switch']:
                price = row[5] * tariff['oe_price_second'] / 102400
                price = overhead(tariff['oe_price_switch']-oe_global,tariff['oe_price_switch'])*tariff['oe_price_first'] / 102400 + hev((row[5]+oe_global-tariff['oe_price_switch']))*tariff['oe_price_second'] / 102400
            oe_global += row[5]
            unit = 'kb'
            if tariff['price_per_unit'] == 1:
                price = price /1024
                unit = 'mb'
            if tariff['price_per_unit'] == 2:
                price = price /1024/1024
                unit = 'gb'
            if tariff['price_per_unit'] == 3:
                price = price /1024/1024/1024
                unit = 'tb'
        price = str(price).replace('.',',')

    Черная магия непосредственно тарификации интернет-трафика.

    spaceoflabview, 29 Марта 2011

    Комментарии (7)
  5. Python / Говнокод #6116


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    for row in rows:
        service = row[0].split('_')
        if row[0].find('lk_s_du') > -1:
            loki_cursor.execute("""select tariff_id from inet_inetsessionlog where id = %s;""", (service[-1],))
            tariff_id = str(loki_cursor.fetchall()[0][0])
            if row[1] == 'inet_dynamic_ip':
                cursor.execute('select tariff_plan from inet_dynamic_ip_services where id = %s', (service[-1],))
                tariff = str(cursor.fetchall()[0][0])
            elif row[1] == 'inet_fixed_ip':
                if row[0].split('_')[-1].find('.') == -1:
                    cursor.execute('select tariff_plan from inet_fixed_ip_services where id = %s', (service[-1],))
                    cursor.execute('select tariff_plan from inet_fixed_ip_services where id = %s', (service[-2],))
                tariff = str(cursor.fetchall()[0][0])
            loki_cursor.execute("select tariff_ptr_id from inet_inettariff where cherry_id = %s", (tariff,))
            tariff_id = str(loki_cursor.fetchall()[0][0])
        loki_cursor.execute("select * from inet_inettariff where tariff_ptr_id = %s", (tariff_id,))
        tariff = loki_cursor.fetchall()[0]
    tariff = dict(zip(('tariff_ptr_id', 'price_per_unit', 'is_dynamic', 'cherry_id', 'ie_price_first', 'ie_price_second', 'ie_price_switch', 'oe_price_first', 'oe_price_second', 'oe_price_switch', 'il_price_first', 'il_price_second', 'il_price_switch', 'ol_price_first', 'ol_price_second', 'ol_price_switch'), tariff))
        if login in row[0]:
            print>>o, (str(row[2]) + ';' + row[4] + ';' + str(row[5]).replace('.000000', '').replace('.', ',') + ';' + row[6] + ';' + str(price)).decode('utf-8').replace(u'incoming_external', u'Входящий внешний').replace(u'internal', u'Внутренний').replace(u'outgoing_any',u'Исходящий внешний').encode('utf-8')
            print>>o, (str(row[2]) + ';' + row[4] + ';' + str(row[5]).replace('.000000', '').replace('.', ',') + ';' + row[6] + ';' + str(price)).decode('utf-8').replace(u'incoming_external', u'Входящий внешний').replace(u'internal', u'Внутренний').replace(u'outgoing_any',u'Исходящий внешний').replace(date_start,u'Суммарно').encode('utf-8')
        price = str(row[7]).replace('.',',')
        if login in row[0]:
            print>>o, (str(row[2]) + ';' + row[4] + ';' + str(row[5]).replace('.000000', '').replace('.', ',') + ';' + row[6] + ';' + str(price)).decode('utf-8').replace(u'incoming_external', u'Входящий внешний').replace(u'internal', u'Внутренний').replace(u'outgoing_any',u'Исходящий внешний').encode('utf-8')
            print>>o, (str(row[2]) + ';' + row[4] + ';' + str(row[5]).replace('.000000', '').replace('.', ',') + ';' + row[6] + ';' + str(price)).decode('utf-8').replace(u'incoming_external', u'Входящий внешний').replace(u'internal', u'Внутренний').replace(u'outgoing_any',u'Исходящий внешний').replace(date_start,u'Суммарно').encode('utf-8')

    Кусочек интернет-тарификатора.

    spaceoflabview, 29 Марта 2011

    Комментарии (5)
  6. SQL / Говнокод #5978


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    SELECT foo.oper_id,
    		      FROM   (SELECT oper_id,client_id FROM base_clients WHERE  (  oper_id = 'TT'  OR oper_id = 'SC'  OR oper_id = 'TT2'  OR oper_id = 'RC'  )   AND ( base_clients.client_id = '681843' OR base_clients.personal_id = '681843' OR base_clients.name ~ '[66][88][11][88][44][33]' OR base_clients.address_post ILIKE  '%681843%'OR base_clients.descr ILIKE '%681843%' )  UNION SELECT DISTINCT oper_id,client_id FROM telephone_services WHERE  (  oper_id = 'TT'  OR oper_id = 'SC'  OR oper_id = 'TT2'  OR oper_id = 'RC'  )  AND user_id ILIKE '%681843%'   UNION SELECT DISTINCT oper_id,client_id FROM channel_services WHERE  (  oper_id = 'TT'  OR oper_id = 'SC'  OR oper_id = 'TT2'  OR oper_id = 'RC'  )  AND user_id ILIKE '%681843%'   UNION SELECT DISTINCT oper_id,client_id FROM dry_pair_services WHERE  (  oper_id = 'TT'  OR oper_id = 'SC'  OR oper_id = 'TT2'  OR oper_id = 'RC'  )  AND user_id ILIKE '%681843%'   UNION SELECT DISTINCT oper_id,client_id FROM inet_dynamic_ip_services WHERE  (  oper_id = 'TT'  OR oper_id = 'SC'  OR oper_id = 'TT2'  OR oper_id = 'RC'  )  AND user_id ILIKE '%681843%'   
    				    SELECT DISTINCT sss.oper_id, sss.client_id 
    					FROM inet_fixed_ip_services as sss
    					    left join inet_fixed_ip_group_items as itms on (sss.oper_id = itms.oper_id and sss.user_id = itms.ip_group )
    					 (  sss.oper_id = 'TT'  OR sss.oper_id = 'SC'  OR sss.oper_id = 'TT2'  OR sss.oper_id = 'RC'  )  AND 
    					    sss.user_id ILIKE '%681843%'  
    					    itms.ip ILIKE '%681843%'  
    			     UNION SELECT DISTINCT oper_id,client_id FROM unix_shell_services WHERE  (  oper_id = 'TT'  OR oper_id = 'SC'  OR oper_id = 'TT2'  OR oper_id = 'RC'  )  AND user_id ILIKE '%681843%'   UNION SELECT DISTINCT oper_id,client_id FROM voip_ip_services WHERE  (  oper_id = 'TT'  OR oper_id = 'SC'  OR oper_id = 'TT2'  OR oper_id = 'RC'  )  AND user_id ILIKE '%681843%'   UNION SELECT DISTINCT oper_id,client_id FROM voip_card_services WHERE  (  oper_id = 'TT'  OR oper_id = 'SC'  OR oper_id = 'TT2'  OR oper_id = 'RC'  )  AND user_id ILIKE '%681843%'   UNION SELECT DISTINCT oper_id,client_id FROM ani_phone_services WHERE  (  oper_id = 'TT'  OR oper_id = 'SC'  OR oper_id = 'TT2'  OR oper_id = 'RC'  )  AND user_id ILIKE '%681843%'   UNION SELECT DISTINCT oper_id,client_id FROM cable_tv_services WHERE  (  oper_id = 'TT'  OR oper_id = 'SC'  OR oper_id = 'TT2'  OR oper_id = 'RC'  )  AND user_id ILIKE '%681843%'  UNION select distinct oper_id,client_id from base_client_aon_list where caller_phone = '681843' AND  (  oper_id = 'TT'  OR oper_id = 'SC'  OR oper_id = 'TT2'  OR oper_id = 'RC'  )  ) AS foo 
    			     base_clients ON foo.oper_id=base_clients.oper_id AND 
    			     base_providers ON base_clients.oper_id=base_providers.oper_id 
    			     base_currency_types ON base_clients.oper_id=base_currency_types.oper_id AND 
    	                     LEFT JOIN
    			     base_subproviders ON base_clients.oper_id=base_subproviders.oper_id AND
    	              ORDER BY to_number(base_clients.client_id,'999999999') DESC

    Это запрос на простой поиск клиента в биллинге.

    spaceoflabview, 14 Марта 2011

    Комментарии (3)