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-- GUESS THE NAME OF "algorithmX":
import qualified Data.List as DL
infinity = 1/0
adjacencyMatrix =
[0,0,4,2,6,0]] :: [[Double]]
replaceZerosWithInfinity matrix =
map (map (\e -> if e == 0 then infinity else e)) matrix
type Edge = (Int,Int,Double)
algorithmX adjacencyMatrix initialVertex = (minimumTotalCost,minimumEdges)
third (_,_,t) = t
minimumTotalCost = sum $ map third minimumEdges
(_,minimumEdges) = foldl iterate ([initialVertex],[]) [1..n-1]
matrix = replaceZerosWithInfinity adjacencyMatrix
n = length matrix
getIndexes visited =
filter (\(i,j) -> not $ elem j visited) [(i,j) | i <- visited, j <- [0..n-1]]
iterate :: ([Int],[Edge]) -> Int -> ([Int],[Edge])
iterate (visited,edges) iteration = (newVisited:visited,minimumEdge:edges)
(_,newVisited,_) = minimumEdge
minimumEdge = DL.minimumBy compareEdges $ map newEdge (getIndexes visited)
newEdge (i,j) = (i,j,matrix !! i !! j)
compareEdges e0 e1 = compare (third e0) (third e1)