1. Список говнокодов пользователя 63F45EF45RB65R6VR

    Всего: 11

  2. C# / Говнокод #12184


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    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
                    base.WndProc(ref m);
                    //All mouse messages have to be passed to the Master Edit Control
                    //because the panel intercepts them.  
                    if (m.Msg == PUtils.WM_MOUSEMOVE)
                        PUtils.SendMessageToMaster(m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam, -1);
                        if (m.Msg == PUtils.WM_LBUTTONDOWN)
                            PUtils.SendMessageToMaster(m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam, -1);
                            if (m.Msg == PUtils.WM_LBUTTONUP)
                                PUtils.SendMessageToMaster(m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam, -1);
                                if (m.Msg == PUtils.WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK)
                                    PUtils.SendMessageToMaster(m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam, -1);
                                    if (m.Msg == PUtils.WM_MOUSELEAVE)
                                        PUtils.SendMessageToMaster(m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam, -1);
                                        if (m.Msg == PUtils.WM_RBUTTONDOWN)
                                            PUtils.SendMessageToMaster(m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam, -1);
                                            if (m.Msg == PUtils.WM_MOUSEACTIVATE)
                                                PUtils.SendMessageToMaster(m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam, -1);
                }//Override WndProc

    паубивав бы !!!

    63F45EF45RB65R6VR, 23 Ноября 2012

    Комментарии (15)
  3. Pascal / Говнокод #11628


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    function ReplaceUrl(txt: WideString): WideString;
      i, j: integer;
      tmp, Url: WideString;
      Result := '';
      I := 1;
      while I <= Length(txt) do
        tmp := '';
        if WideSameText(tmp + txt[i]+txt[i+1]+txt[i+2]+txt[i+3]+txt[i+4]+txt[i+5]+txt[i+6], 'http://') or
           WideSameText(tmp + txt[i]+txt[i+1]+txt[i+2]+txt[i+3]+txt[i+4]+txt[i+5]+txt[i+6], 'ed2k://') or
           WideSameText(tmp + txt[i]+txt[i+1]+txt[i+2]+txt[i+3]+txt[i+4]+txt[i+5],          'ftp://') or
           WideSameText(tmp + txt[i]+txt[i+1]+txt[i+2]+txt[i+3],                            'www.') or
           WideSameText(tmp + txt[i]+txt[i+1]+txt[i+2]+txt[i+3]+txt[i+4]+txt[i+5]+txt[i+6]+txt[i+7], 'https://') then
          Url := '';
          for j := I to Length(txt) do
            if (txt[j] <> ' ') and (ord(txt[j]) < 255) then
              Url := Url + txt[J]
          Result := Result + Format(C_HTML_URL, [Url, Url]);
          I := J;
        end else
          Result := Result + txt[I];


    63F45EF45RB65R6VR, 21 Августа 2012

    Комментарии (2)
  4. C++ / Говнокод #10312


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    // UNALIGNED only for IA64 (Itanium) 
    // for AMD64 & i386 this not needed
    void * c_memmove(void *dest, void const *src, size_t n)
      void *ret = dest;
      if (n)
        (__int8 *&)dest += n;
        (__int8 *&)src += n;
        switch (int x = n % 4)
            if (!!'true')
              case 0:
                *--(UNALIGNED __int32 *&)dest = *--(UNALIGNED __int32 *&)src;
                n -= 4;
              case 3: 
                *--(__int8 *&)dest = *--(__int8 *&)src;
              case 2: 
                *--(__int8 *&)dest = *--(__int8 *&)src;
              case 1: 
                *--(__int8 *&)dest = *--(__int8 *&)src;
              n -= x;
          } while (n);
      return ret;

    63F45EF45RB65R6VR, 17 Мая 2012

    Комментарии (19)
  5. Си / Говнокод #9767


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    зависающие маллок )))
    void * __cdecl malloc(size_t size)
    	// No fail malloc!
    	void *pMem;
    	do {
    		if(pMem==NULL) Sleep(2000);
    	} while(pMem==NULL);
    	return pMem;
    void * __cdecl operator new( unsigned int cb )
    	// No fail new!
    	void *pMem;
    	do {
    		if(pMem==NULL) Sleep(2000);
    	} while(pMem==NULL);
    	return pMem;
    что хотел аффтар ? !!! аццкий сотона
    int GetCfgBool(char *cfgstr,const char *key)
    	return GetCfgNum(cfgstr,key)?TRUE:FALSE;
    аффтар застрелись !!!
    char *GetCfgStr(char *cfgstr,const char *key)
    	char *str=cfgstr;
    	// Skip past name of options list
    	while(*str!='\0') str++;
    	// Walk through options
    	while(*str!='\0') {
    		int nLen;
    		if(*str=='B') {
    			if(strncmp(str,key,strlen(key))==0) break;
    		} else if(*str=='S') {
    			while(*str!=']') str++;
    			if(strncmp(str,key,strlen(key))==0) break;
    		} else if(*str=='N') {
    			char *pb;
    			while(*str!=',') str++;
    			while(*str!=']') str++;
    			int nLen2=(DWORD)str-(DWORD)pb;
    			if(nLen2>nLen) nLen=nLen2;
    			if(strncmp(str,key,strlen(key))==0) break;
    		while(*str!='=') str++;
    	if(*str!='\0') {
    		while(*str!='=') str++;
    		return str+1;
    	return NULL;
    исходники BO2K гениально !!!)) 
    и как не стыдно ЭТО распространять 

    63F45EF45RB65R6VR, 26 Марта 2012

    Комментарии (15)
  6. Си / Говнокод #9660


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    typedef struct _xjmp_stru {
        unsigned long Ebp;
        unsigned long Ebx;
        unsigned long Edi;
        unsigned long Esi;
        unsigned long Esp;
        unsigned long Eip;
    } xjmp_stru;
    typedef int xjmp_buf[6];
    int __cdecl xsetjmp(xjmp_buf)
    		mov     edx, [esp+4]
    		mov     [edx], ebp
    		mov     [edx+4], ebx
    		mov     [edx+8], edi
    		mov     [edx+12], esi
    		mov     [edx+16], esp
    		mov     eax, [esp]
    		mov     [edx+20], eax
    		xor     eax, eax
    __declspec(naked, noreturn)
    void __cdecl xlongjmp(xjmp_buf, int)
    		mov     edx, [esp+4]
    		mov     ebp, [edx]
    		mov     ebx, [edx+4]
    		mov     edi, [edx+8]
    		mov     esi, [edx+12]
    		mov     eax, [esp+8]
    		test    eax, eax
    		jne     __
    		inc     eax
    		mov     esp, [edx+16]
    		add     esp, 4
    		mov     edx, [edx+20]
    		jmp     edx
    int dummy(xjmp_buf jbuf)
    	volatile int jk = 8;
    	if (jk)
    		xlongjmp(jbuf, 2);
    		return 7;
    int main()
    	xjmp_buf jbuf;
    	if (xsetjmp(jbuf))
    		return -1;
    	puts("great work");
    	return 0;

    экая хренотень

    63F45EF45RB65R6VR, 13 Марта 2012

    Комментарии (2)
  7. C++ / Говнокод #9623


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    char* CFastSmtp::_formatHeader()
    // check for at least one recipient
        if(Recipients.size() <= 0 )    {
            printf("Please add a message recipient!\r\n");
            return NULL;
        int s=0;
        char *msgHeader = new char[16385];
        //char to[1024];
        for (unsigned int i=s=0;i<Recipients.size();i++) {        
        } if (s==0) s=1; char *to = new char[s];
        //char cc[1024];
        for (i=s=0;i<CCRecipients.size();i++) {        
        } if (s==0) s=1; char *cc = new char[s];
        //char bcc[1024];
        for (i=s=0;i<BCCRecipients.size();i++) {        
        } if (s==0) s=1; char *bcc = new char[s];
        TCHAR szDate[500];
        TCHAR sztTime[500];
    // create the recipient string, cc string, and bcc string
        to[0] = '\0';        
        for (i=0;i<Recipients.size();i++) {        
            i > 0 ? strcat(to,","):strcat(to,"");
        cc[0] = '\0';    
        for (i=0;i<CCRecipients.size();i++) {
            i > 0 ? strcat(cc,","):strcat(cc,"");
        bcc[0] = '\0';    
        for (i=0;i<BCCRecipients.size();i++) {
            i > 0 ? strcat(bcc,","):strcat(bcc,"");
    // get the current date and time
        SYSTEMTIME st={0};
                        ' dd MMM yyyy",szDate,sizeof(szDate));
                        "HH':'mm':'ss tt",sztTime,sizeof(sztTime));
    // here it is...the main data of the message
        wsprintf(msgHeader,"DATE: %s %s\r\n", szDate, sztTime);    
        if (m_pcFromName != NULL) {
            strcat(msgHeader,"FROM: ");
            strcat(msgHeader, m_pcFromName);
            strcat(msgHeader, "\r\n");
        strcat(msgHeader,"To: ");
        strcat(msgHeader, to);
        strcat(msgHeader, "\r\n");
        strcat(msgHeader,"Cc: ");
        strcat(msgHeader, cc);
        strcat(msgHeader, "\r\n");
        if (m_pcSubject != NULL) {
            strcat(msgHeader, "Subject: ");
            strcat(msgHeader, m_pcSubject);
            strcat(msgHeader, "\r\n");
        if (m_pcXMailer != NULL) {
            strcat(msgHeader,"X-Mailer: ");
            strcat(msgHeader, m_pcXMailer);
            strcat(msgHeader, "\r\n");
    // start optional fields
        if (m_pcReplyTo != NULL) {
            strcat(msgHeader, "Reply-To: ");
            strcat(msgHeader, m_pcReplyTo);
            strcat(msgHeader, "\r\n");
    // start MIME versions
               "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII\r\n");
    // send header finish command
        strcat(msgHeader, "\r\n");    
    // clean up
        delete to;
        delete cc;
        delete bcc;
    // done    
        return msgHeader;    

    аццкий говнокодер

    63F45EF45RB65R6VR, 07 Марта 2012

    Комментарии (19)
  8. C++ / Говнокод #9525


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    #define X3J11_CallFunction(WinApi,FuncHash,ModHash,...) \
    #define X3J11_CallOverload(Signature,FuncHash,ModHash,...) \

    63F45EF45RB65R6VR, 24 Февраля 2012

    Комментарии (10)
  9. Си / Говнокод #9073


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    static BOOL CALLBACK callbackEspecial(
      LPSTR aModuleName,
      DWORD aModuleBase,
      ULONG aModuleSize,
      PVOID aUserContext)
        BOOL retval = TRUE;
        DWORD addr = *(DWORD*)aUserContext;
         * You'll want to control this if we are running on an
         *  architecture where the addresses go the other direction.
         * Not sure this is even a realistic consideration.
        const BOOL addressIncreases = TRUE;
         * If it falls inside the known range, load the symbols.
        if (addressIncreases
           ? (addr >= aModuleBase && addr <= (aModuleBase + aModuleSize))
           : (addr <= aModuleBase && addr >= (aModuleBase - aModuleSize))
            ) {
            retval = _SymLoadModule(GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, aModuleName, NULL, aModuleBase, aModuleSize);
        return retval;

    аццкая адресация

    63F45EF45RB65R6VR, 10 Января 2012

    Комментарии (12)
  10. Си / Говнокод #8803


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     * HttpReceiveRequestEntityBody
    static ULONG __cdecl
    HttpReceiveRequestEntityBody_called(BOOL carry_on,
                                        DWORD ret_addr,
                                        HANDLE ReqQueueHandle,
                                        HTTP_REQUEST_ID RequestId,
                                        ULONG Flags,
                                        PVOID pBuffer,
                                        ULONG BufferLength,
                                        PULONG pBytesReceived,
                                        LPOVERLAPPED pOverlapped)
        if (GetCurrentThreadId() != cur_thread_id && ReqQueueHandle == cur_req_queue)
            carry_on = FALSE;
            return ERROR_IO_PENDING; /* evil evil */
        return 0;

    нет что бы что то путнее в комментарии написать :)

    63F45EF45RB65R6VR, 12 Декабря 2011

    Комментарии (6)
  11. Си / Говнокод #8802


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    #define MAKEPTR(p,o) (LPVOID) ( (DWORD)p + (DWORD)o )
    #define WRITE_OPCODE(pCode, x) \
       res = WriteProcessMemory( hProcess, pCode, &x, sizeof(x), &nWritten ); \
       if( !res ) return FALSE; \
       pCode = MAKEPTR(pCode,sizeof(x))
    #define WRITE_DWORD(pCode, x) \
       res = WriteProcessMemory( hProcess, pCode, &x, sizeof(x), &nWritten ); \
       if( !res ) return FALSE; \
       pCode = MAKEPTR(pCode,sizeof(x))

    макрос "сюрприз" хоть бы назвал яснее типа
    но чем так писать лучше уж условие не прятать


    63F45EF45RB65R6VR, 12 Декабря 2011

    Комментарии (7)