1. Список говнокодов пользователя HO9I6PbCKuu_neTyx

    Всего: 1

  2. C++ / Говнокод #27785


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    template<typename T>
    static ALWAYS_INLINE void FormatLogMessageAndPrintW(
                                                 const char* channelName, 
                                                 const char* functionName, 
                                                 LOGLEVEL level,
                                                 const char* message, 
                                                 bool timestamp, 
                                                 bool ansi_color_code,
                                                 bool newline, 
                                                 const T& callback)
      char buf[512];
      char* message_buf = buf;
      int message_len;
      if ((message_len = FormatLogMessageForDisplay(message_buf,
                           sizeof(buf), channelName, functionName,
                           message, timestamp,
                           ansi_color_code, newline)) > (sizeof(buf) - 1))
        message_buf = static_cast<char*>(std::malloc(message_len + 1));
        message_len = FormatLogMessageForDisplay(message_buf, 
                     message_len + 1, channelName, functionName, 
                     level, message, timestamp, ansi_color_code, newline);
      if (message_len <= 0)
      // Convert to UTF-16 first so unicode characters display correctly.
      // NT is going to do it anyway...
      wchar_t wbuf[512];
      wchar_t* wmessage_buf = wbuf;
      int wmessage_buflen = countof(wbuf) - 1;
      if (message_len >= countof(wbuf))
        wmessage_buflen = message_len;
        wmessage_buf = static_cast<wchar_t*>
                   (std::malloc((wmessage_buflen + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)));
      wmessage_buflen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, message_buf,
                        message_len, wmessage_buf, wmessage_buflen);
      if (wmessage_buflen <= 0)
      wmessage_buf[wmessage_buflen] = '\0';
      callback(wmessage_buf, wmessage_buflen);
      if (wmessage_buf != wbuf)
        std::free(wbuf);                        // <=
      if (message_buf != buf)


    HO9I6PbCKuu_neTyx, 03 Ноября 2021

    Комментарии (31)