1. Список говнокодов пользователя valo94

    Всего: 2

  2. C++ / Говнокод #28280


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    #include <iostream>
    // Truthiness
    struct true_type{static const bool value = true;};
    struct false_type{ static const bool value = false;};
    // Pick type based on bool value
    template <bool B, typename T, typename U>struct conditional{typedef T type;};
    template <typename T, typename U>struct conditional<false, T, U>{typedef U type;};
    // Compare two types
    template <typename T, typename U>struct is_same : public false_type{};
    template <typename T>struct is_same<T, T> : public true_type{};
    // Division predicate
    template <int a, int b>struct divides{static const bool value = (a % b == 0);};
    // Type traits
    template <typename T, int N = 0>
    struct fizzbuzz_traits{
    	typedef T type;
    	static const  int value = N;
    template <> struct fizzbuzz_traits<char*, 0>{typedef char* type;};
    // fizzbuzz type initializers
    template <bool A, bool B> struct fizzbuzz{};
    template <> struct fizzbuzz<true, false> : public fizzbuzz_traits<char*> {static const char* value;};
    typedef fizzbuzz<true, false> fizz_type;
    const char* fizz_type::value = "fizz";      // static const char* can only be initialized out of line
    template <> struct fizzbuzz<true, true> : public fizzbuzz_traits<char*> {static const char* value;};
    typedef fizzbuzz<true, true> fizzbuzz_type;
    const char *fizzbuzz_type::value = "fizzbuzz"; 
    template <> struct fizzbuzz<false, true> : public fizzbuzz_traits<char*> {static const char* value;};
    typedef fizzbuzz<false, true> buzz_type;
    const char *buzz_type::value = "buzz";
    template <> struct fizzbuzz<false, false> : fizzbuzz_traits<void>{};
    // FizzBuzz solver
    template <int N>
    class FizzBuzz{
    	struct is_divisible : public true_type{
    		struct by3 : public divides<N, 3>{};
    		struct by5 : public divides<N, 5>{};
    	typedef fizzbuzz< is_divisible::by3::value, is_divisible::by5::value > solution_type; 
    	// stores string or 'false'
    	typedef fizzbuzz_traits<int, N> non_divisible_type; 
    	// stores number
    	typedef typename conditional< !is_same<void, typename solution_type::type>::value,
    		non_divisible_type>::type print_type;
    	// stores value to print
    // Looping from N to M
    template <int N, int M>
    struct static_for{
    	static void value(){
    	std::cout << FizzBuzz<N>::print_type::value << std::endl;
    	static_for<N + 1, M>::value();
    template <>
    struct static_for<101, 100>
    	static void value(){};
    int main(){
    	static_for<1, 100>::value();

    Физзбазз на шаблонах без type_traits

    valo94, 17 Июля 2022

    Комментарии (39)
  3. Python / Говнокод #28164


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    import asyncio
    async def hello():
        return "hello"
    async def world():
        return "world"
    async def comma():
        return ","
    async def space():
        return " "
    async def excl():
        return "!"
    async def capitalize(coro):
        return (await coro).capitalize()
    async def main():
        print(''.join(await asyncio.gather(*[asyncio.create_task(task) for task in (capitalize(hello()), comma(), space(), capitalize(world()), excl())])))

    Изучаем asyncio через говнокод

    valo94, 12 Мая 2022

    Комментарии (29)