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fn AsText Val BufferID:undefined AppendLast:false Prefix:"" Postfix:"" ArraySeparators:#("#(", ",", ")") ValClass:undefined AncestorName:undefined PushVar:undefined = (
if PushVar == undefined then PushVar = GIMS.Core.BufferMgr.PushVar
case (ClassOf Val) of (
AsText Val BufferID:BufferID AppendLast:AppendLast Prefix:Prefix Postfix:Postfix ArraySeparators:ArraySeparators ValClass:Array AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar
Array: (
if BufferID != undefined then (
PushVar BufferID (Prefix + ArraySeparators[1]) AppendLast:AppendLast
for ItemID = 1 to Val.Count do (
if ItemID != Val.Count then
AsText Val[ItemID] BufferID:BufferID AppendLast:AppendLast Postfix:ArraySeparators[2] AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar
AsText Val[ItemID] BufferID:BufferID AppendLast:AppendLast AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar
PushVar BufferID (ArraySeparators[3] + Postfix) AppendLast:AppendLast
) else (
local Res = (Prefix + ArraySeparators[1])
for ItemID = 1 to Val.Count do (
if ItemID != Val.Count then
Res += (AsText Val[ItemID] Postfix:ArraySeparators[2] AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar)
Res += (AsText Val[ItemID] AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar)
Res += (ArraySeparators[3] + Postfix)
String: (
if BufferID != undefined then
PushVar BufferID (Prefix + "\"" + (GIMS.Core.StringOps.ReplaceChars Val ReplaceTags:#(#("\"", "\\"), #("\\\"", "\\\\")) MultiChar:true) + "\"" + Postfix) AppendLast:AppendLast
(Prefix + "\"" + (GIMS.Core.StringOps.ReplaceChars Val ReplaceTags:#(#("\"", "\\"), #("\\\"", "\\\\")) MultiChar:true) + "\"" + Postfix)
Name: (
if BufferID != undefined then
PushVar BufferID (Prefix + "#" + Val as string + Postfix) AppendLast:AppendLast
(Prefix + "#" + Val as string + Postfix)
BitmapTexture: (
GIMS.Core.MaterialOps.FixTexName Val
local FileName = (GetFileNameFile Val.FileName)
if BufferID != undefined then (
if (DoesFileExist Val.FileName) then (
local FilePath = (GIMS.CurrentGame.ResourceCachePath + AncestorName + "/")
MakeDir FilePath All:true
CopyFile Val.FileName (FilePath + (FileNameFromPath Val.FileName))
PushVar BufferID (Prefix + "(GIMS.Core.MaterialOps.CreateBitmapFile (GIMS.CurrentGame.ResourceCachePath + \"" + AncestorName + "/\") \"" + FileName + "\")" + Postfix) AppendLast:AppendLast
) else
(Prefix + "(GIMS.Core.MaterialOps.CreateBitmapFile \"" + (GetFileNamePath Val.FileName) + "\" \"" + FileName + "\")" + Postfix)
default: (
local VarType = (SuperClassOf Val)
if VarType == StructDef or VarType == GeometryClass or VarType == Material then (
if BufferID == undefined then
throw "Undefined BufferID!"
local AllTagNames = (GetPropNames Val),
StructNameTagID = (FindItem AllTagNames #StructName),
StructName = (
if StructNameTagID != 0 then
(GetProperty Val AllTagNames[StructNameTagID])
((ClassOf Val) as string)
Tags = (
for TempTag in AllTagNames where
TempTag != #StructName and
not (IsKindOf (GetProperty Val TempTag) MAXScriptFunction)
if Tags.Count == 1 then
PushVar BufferID (Prefix + "(" + StructName + "())") AppendLast:AppendLast
else (
PushVar BufferID (Prefix + "(") AppendLast:AppendLast
PushVar BufferID (StructName + " \\") AppendLast:AppendLast
case VarType of (
GeometryClass: (
PushVar BufferID ("Name:" + (AsText Val.Name AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar) + " \\") AppendLast:AppendLast
PushVar BufferID ("Pos:" + Val.Pos as string + " \\") AppendLast:AppendLast
Material: (
PushVar BufferID ("Name:" + (AsText Val.Name AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar) + " \\") AppendLast:AppendLast
PushVar BufferID ("ShowInViewPort:" + Val.ShowInViewPort as string + " \\") AppendLast:AppendLast
for TagID = 1 to Tags.Count do
AsText (GetProperty Val Tags[TagID]) BufferID:BufferID AppendLast:AppendLast Prefix:(Tags[TagID] as String + ":") Postfix:" \\" AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar
PushVar BufferID (")" + Postfix) AppendLast:AppendLast
) else (
if BufferID != undefined then
PushVar BufferID (Prefix + Val as string + Postfix) AppendLast:AppendLast
(Prefix + Val as string + Postfix)
MAXScript. Сериализация от бога!
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