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QVector<double*>*** ElemBoundCond = tbc->getElementsBC();
QVector<double*>* preNodalVals = tbc->getPreNodalValues();
QVector<double*>* nodalForces = tbc->getNodalForces();
long elems = grid->getElemsNumber();
long nodes = grid->getNodesNumber();
long** Elements = grid->getElems();
double** Nodes = grid->getNodes();
long* ElemMaters = grid->getElemsMaterials();
long NBW = grid->getBandWidth();
emit signal_addLineToCalculationProtocol(">>> Solve heat problem ");
long NS[4],//+numbers of 4 nodes
NCL = 1,//number or unknown values per node (1 for thermal analysis)
ni, nj, nk,//face nodes
gnN, dN;
double ESM[4][4],//+element stiffness matrix
EF[4],//+element force matrix
**C,//matrix conteins X, Y, Z coordinates, rows like |1 Xi Yi Zi|
**CA,//conteins columns like |ai bi ci di|
//*GF,//band matrix, pointers to Global Force and Global Sriffness Matrices in A
V36,//+hexa and 36 element volume
S_3,//face area div 3
hS_3, hS_6, hS_12,//h * face area div 6 and div 12
hST_3,//h * face area * T / 3
qS_3;//q * face area / 3
QVector<double*>* fcond;
MaterialsDatabase* matdb = MaterialsDatabase::getInstance();
double Kxx, Kyy, Kzz;//thermal condactivities in X, Y and Z axes
chtulhu 17.09.2014 11:31 # +3
достойно отдельного ГК
Abbath 17.09.2014 13:27 # 0