1. bash / Говнокод #17084


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    /ip firewall filter
    add chain=forward comment="default configuration" connection-state=related
    add action=drop chain=forward comment="default configuration" connection-state=invalid
    add chain=forward comment="default configuration" connection-state=established
    add chain=forward dst-address= in-interface=ether1-gateway out-interface=bridge-local protocol=icmp src-address=
    add action=drop chain=forward comment="drop invalid connections" connection-state=invalid
    add chain=output comment="accept everything to internet" out-interface=ether1-gateway
    add chain=output comment="accept everything to non internet" out-interface=!ether1-gateway
    add chain=output comment="accept everything"
    add chain=forward comment="allow already established connections" connection-state=established
    add chain=forward comment="accept from local to internet" in-interface=!ether1-gateway out-interface=ether1-gateway
    add action=drop chain=udp comment="deny TFTP" dst-port=69 protocol=udp
    add action=drop chain=udp comment="deny PRC portmapper" dst-port=111 protocol=udp
    add action=drop chain=udp comment="deny PRC portmapper" dst-port=135 protocol=udp
    add action=drop chain=udp comment="deny NBT" dst-port=137-139 protocol=udp
    add action=drop chain=input comment="drop ftp brute forcers" dst-port=21 protocol=tcp src-address-list=ftp_blacklist
    add chain=icmp comment="allow echo request" icmp-options=8:0 protocol=icmp
    add chain=icmp comment="allow time exceed" icmp-options=11:0 protocol=icmp
    add chain=icmp comment="allow parameter bad" icmp-options=12:0 protocol=icmp
    add action=drop chain=icmp comment="deny all other types" disabled=yes
    add chain=output content="530 Login incorrect" dst-limit=1/1m,9,dst-address/1m protocol=tcp
    add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=ftp_blacklist address-list-timeout=3h chain=output content="530 Login incorrect" protocol=tcp
    add chain=forward dst-port=25 protocol=tcp src-address-list=spammer
    add chain=forward dst-port=25 protocol=tcp src-address-list=spammer
    add action=drop chain=forward dst-port=25 protocol=tcp src-address-list=spammer
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=spammer address-list-timeout=1d chain=forward connection-limit=30,32 dst-port=25 limit=50,5 protocol=tcp \
    add action=drop chain=input comment="drop ssh brute forcers" dst-port=22 protocol=tcp src-address-list=ssh_blacklist
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=ssh_blacklist address-list-timeout=1w3d chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=22 protocol=tcp \
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=ssh_stage3 address-list-timeout=1m chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=22 protocol=tcp \
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=ssh_stage2 address-list-timeout=1m chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=22 protocol=tcp \
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=ssh_stage1 address-list-timeout=1m chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=22 protocol=tcp
    add action=drop chain=input comment="drop telnet brute forcers" dst-port=23 protocol=tcp src-address-list=telnet_blacklist
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=telnet_blacklist address-list-timeout=1w3d chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=23 protocol=tcp \
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=telnet_stage3 address-list-timeout=1m chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=23 protocol=tcp \
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=telnet_stage2 address-list-timeout=1m chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=23 protocol=tcp \
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=telnet_stage1 address-list-timeout=1m chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=23 protocol=tcp
    add chain=input comment=vpn dst-address= dst-port=1723 in-interface=ether1-gateway protocol=tcp
    /ip firewall nat
    add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="default configuration" out-interface=internet

    to alex5252

    Запостил: geniewgen, 08 Ноября 2014

    Комментарии (3) RSS

    • [color=blue]http://pastebin.com/[color]
    • Ну сколько можно, а? Пастбин там >>>
    • В древности я админил фрю на роутерах, и там был ipfw, и мой конфиг файрвола примерно так и выглядел, а автор питух конечно что использует уютненький говнокодик как пастбин, и пускай его забанаят!

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