1. Куча / Говнокод #18716


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    {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, OverlappingInstances #-}
    class Filtering c a b where
      (/-) :: c -> [a] -> [b]
    class Containing a b | a -> b where
      getter :: a -> [b]
    instance (Containing a b, Containing b c) => Containing a c where
      getter l = getter l >>= getter
    instance Filtering (a -> Bool) a a where
      p /- l = filter p l
    instance (Filtering (a -> Bool) a a, Containing b a) => Filtering (a -> Bool) b b where
      p /- l = filter (not . null . filter p . getter) l
    instance (Filtering (c -> Bool) b b, Containing a b) => Filtering (c -> Bool) a b where
      p /- l = p /- (l >>= getter)
    data A = A { _ap :: Bool, _ab :: [B] } deriving (Show)
    instance Containing A B where
      getter = _ab
    data B = B { _bp :: Bool, _bc :: [C] } deriving (Show)
    instance Containing B C where
      getter = _bc
    data C = C { _cp :: Bool } deriving (Show)
    test = [ A True [B True [C False]]
           , A False [B True [C True, C False]]
    main = do print ((_cp /- test) :: [B])
              print ((_bp /- test) :: [A])
              print ((_cp /- test) :: [C])

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    Запостил: CHayT, 13 Сентября 2015

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