1. Куча / Говнокод #22755


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    $aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "VirtualAlloc", _
                "ptr", 0, _
                "dword", 82, _
                "dword", 4096, _ ; MEM_COMMIT
                "dword", 64) ; PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE
        If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then
            Return SetError(6, 0, 0)
        Local $pRemoteCode = $aCall[0]
        ; Make structure in reserved space
        Local $CodeBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[82]", $pRemoteCode)
        ; Allocate global memory with PAGE_READWRITE. This can be done with ByRef-ing too.
        $aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "VirtualAlloc", _
                "ptr", 0, _
                "dword", 36, _
                "dword", 4096, _ ; MEM_COMMIT
                "dword", 4) ; PAGE_READWRITE
        If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then
            Return SetError(7, 0, 0)
        Local $pStrings = $aCall[0]
        ; Arrange strings in reserved space
        Local $tSpace = DllStructCreate("wchar Format[9];wchar Result[9]", $pStrings)
        DllStructSetData($tSpace, "Format", "hh:mm:ss")
        ; Write assembly on the fly
        DllStructSetData($CodeBuffer, 1, _
                "0x" & _
                "68" & SwapEndian(9) & _                                           ; push output size
                "68" & SwapEndian(DllStructGetPtr($tSpace, "Result")) & _          ; push pointer to output container
                "68" & SwapEndian(DllStructGetPtr($tSpace, "Format")) & _          ; push pointer to format string
                "68" & SwapEndian(0) & _                                           ; push NULL
                "68" & SwapEndian(4) & _                                           ; push TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT
                "68" & SwapEndian(0) & _                                           ; push Locale
                "B8" & SwapEndian($pGetTimeFormatW) & _                            ; mov eax, [$pGetTimeFormatW]
                "FFD0" & _                                                         ; call eax
                "68" & SwapEndian(DllStructGetPtr($tSpace, "Result")) & _          ; push pointer to the result
                "68" & SwapEndian(0) & _                                           ; push wParam
                "68" & SwapEndian(12) & _                                          ; push WM_SETTEXT
                "68" & SwapEndian(GUICtrlGetHandle($hControl)) & _                 ; push HANDLE
                "B8" & SwapEndian($pSendMessageW) & _                              ; mov eax, [$pSendMessageW]
                "FFD0" & _                                                         ; call eax
                "68" & SwapEndian(491) & _                                         ; push Milliseconds
                "B8" & SwapEndian($pSleep) & _                                     ; mov eax, [$pSleep]
                "FFD0" & _                                                         ; call eax
                "E9" & SwapEndian(-81) & _                                         ; jump back 81 bytes (start address)
                "C3" _                                                             ; Ret
        ; Create new thread to execute code in
        $aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "CreateThread", _
                "ptr", 0, _
                "dword", 0, _
                "ptr", $pRemoteCode, _
                "ptr", 0, _
                "dword", 0, _
                "dword*", 0)
        If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then
            Return SetError(8, 0, 0)
        Local $hThread = $aCall[0]
        ; Return thread handle
        Return $hThread
    EndFunc   ;==>_ClockThisInAnotherThread
    Func SwapEndian($iValue)
        Return Hex(BinaryMid($iValue, 1, 4))
    EndFunc   ;==>SwapEndian

    Попытка вызвать CreateThread в однопоточном скриптовом языке.
    Код функции написан заранее, в виде опкодов. Гениально.

    Запостил: fajes_rown, 07 Апреля 2017

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