1. Pascal / Говнокод #22991


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    function Unescape(const s: AnsiString): widestring;
      i: Integer;
      j: Integer;
      c: Integer;
      // Make result at least large enough. This prevents too many reallocs
      SetLength(Result, Length(s));
      i := 1;
      j := 1;
      while i <= Length(s) do begin
        if s[i] = '\' then begin
          if i < Length(s) then begin
            // escaped backslash?
            if s[i + 1] = '\' then begin
              Result[j] := '\';
              inc(i, 2);
            // convert hex number to WideChar
            else if (s[i + 1] = 'u') and (i + 1 + 4 <= Length(s))
                    and TryStrToInt('$' + string(Copy(s, i + 2, 4)), c) then begin
              inc(i, 6);
              Result[j] := WideChar(c);
            end else begin
              raise Exception.CreateFmt('Invalid code at position %d', [i]);
          end else begin
            raise Exception.Create('Unexpected end of string');
        end else begin
          Result[j] := WideChar(s[i]);
      // Trim result in case we reserved too much space
      SetLength(Result, j - 1);

    Это не вирус. Просто в Delphi 7 не завезли JSon.

    Запостил: doctor_stertor, 07 Мая 2017

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