1. bash / Говнокод #6222


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    #	Write a bash script that obtains active processes for the current user, 
    #	breaks them into chains and prints all unique chains containing 3 or more 
    #	PIDs in the following format:
    #		PID1:PID2:PID3:…:PIDn
    #		PID:PID:PID:…:PID
    #		…
    #	So that each next PID is a parent of the previous PID, the first PID in 
    #	each chain does not have children and the last PID in each chain 
    #	does not have parent.
    TEMPFILE="/tmp/$0$$"				# file needs to save the process list
    						# it's really needed to divide columns
    						# generated 'ps'
    # parameters:
    # 	-H 	- sorts the list as process forest (it lets to find connection between child and parent faster)
    #	-o	- sets the output format
    #	"%p %P" - thow columns in output: PID and PPID
    #	-u	- sets username
    #	`whoami` - get the current user name
    ps -H -o "%p %P" -u `whoami` > $TEMPFILE
    PIDLIST=(`awk '/[0-9]/ {print $1}' $TEMPFILE`)	# make an array using the first column
    PPIDLIST=(`awk '/[0-9]/ {print $2}' $TEMPFILE`)	# 	and the second
    # bypassing the forest using stack which emulates LINKS array. K is the pointer to stack's top
    for (( i=0; i<$SIZE; i++ ))
        if [[ $K = 0 || ${PPIDLIST[$i]} = ${LINKS[$K-1]} ]]	# new tree or new edge in the tree.
            LINKS[$K]=${PIDLIST[$i]}		# push PID to stack
            K=`expr $K + 1`
        else 					# the chain is complete.
    	if [[ $K > 2 ]]				# enough size to print the chain
    	then				# reversed formatted output the chain
    	    echo ${LINKS[*]} | awk '{ printf $NF; for (i = NF-1; i > 0; --i) printf ":"$i}'
            until [[ $K == 0 || ${PPIDLIST[$i]} == ${LINKS[$K-1]} ]]
            do 					# deleting elements from stack until find a
        						#	parent or tree is end
        	    unset LINKS[$K-1]
        	    K=`expr $K - 1`
    	LINKS[$K]=${PIDLIST[$i]}		# push PID to stack
    	K=`expr $K + 1`
    rm -rf $TEMPFILE				# removing temp file

    Запостил: cahekm, 05 Апреля 2011

    Комментарии (16) RSS

    • В чём разница между = и == в условных операторах типа until и if?
      • Обьясните как работает until, зачем удалять элемент в массиве LINKS когда он равен процессу в массиве PPID?
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