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// Sure it's used. By Guice. So stop complaining.
protected ColQueryProvider() {
try {
// Exhibit one: ye olde dependency hell.
// We *should* be able to just use new EclipseCompiler(), but GWT complains
// in dev mode when ECJ is in the Eclipse classpath. So it's not.
// ECJ is still loaded by the servlet container, so this is not an issue in deployment.
final JavaCompiler compiler = (JavaCompiler)
// Tweaked based on QueryEngine.DEFAULT
final DefaultEvaluatorFactory evaluatorFactory = new DefaultEvaluatorFactory(ColQueryTemplates.DEFAULT,
(URLClassLoader) DefaultEvaluatorFactory.class.getClassLoader(), compiler);
queryEngine = new DefaultQueryEngine(evaluatorFactory);
} catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new ProvisionException("Eclipse compiler cannot be loaded", e);
} catch (final InstantiationException e) {
throw new ProvisionException("Eclipse compiler cannot be loaded", e);
} catch (final IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new ProvisionException("Eclipse compiler cannot be loaded", e);
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