1. Лучший говнокод

    В номинации:
    За время:
  2. Perl / Говнокод #6045


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    @zips = ();
    @zips = m{([a-z]5[a-z])}igx;
    for(my $j=0;$j<=$#zips;$j++){
    $i = index($_,$zips[$j]);
    print "$zips[$j] pos $i\n";
    print "$zips\n";

    Находит комбинацию буква 5 буква

    AliceGoth, 20 Марта 2011

    Комментарии (2)
  3. JavaScript / Говнокод #6044


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    if ( (CheckDEADcall > 0) && (VD_live_customer_call==1) )
    					if (CheckDEADcallON < 1)
    					if( document.images ) { document.images['livecall'].src = image_livecall_DEAD.src;}

    Оттуда же.

    7ion, 20 Марта 2011

    Комментарии (2)
  4. JavaScript / Говнокод #6041


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    		fronter = user;
    		LasTCID			= MDnextResponse_array[0];
    		document.vicidial_form.lead_id.value			= MDnextResponse_array[1];
    		LeaDPreVDispO	= MDnextResponse_array[2];
    		document.vicidial_form.vendor_lead_code.value	= MDnextResponse_array[4];
    		document.vicidial_form.list_id.value			= MDnextResponse_array[5];
    		document.vicidial_form.gmt_offset_now.value		= MDnextResponse_array[6];
    		document.vicidial_form.phone_code.value			= MDnextResponse_array[7];
    		if ( (disable_alter_custphone=='Y') || (disable_alter_custphone=='HIDE') )
    			var tmp_pn = document.getElementById("phone_numberDISP");
    			if (disable_alter_custphone=='Y')
    tmp_pn.innerHTML		= MDnextResponse_array[8];
    		document.vicidial_form.phone_number.value		= MDnextResponse_array[8];
    		document.vicidial_form.title.value= MDnextResponse_array[9];
    		document.vicidial_form.first_name.value			= MDnextResponse_array[10];
    		document.vicidial_form.middle_initial.value		= MDnextResponse_array[11];
    		document.vicidial_form.last_name.value			= MDnextResponse_array[12];
    		document.vicidial_form.address1.value			= MDnextResponse_array[13];
    		document.vicidial_form.address2.value			= MDnextResponse_array[14];
    		document.vicidial_form.address3.value			= MDnextResponse_array[15];
    		document.vicidial_form.city.value= MDnextResponse_array[16];
    		document.vicidial_form.state.value= MDnextResponse_array[17];
    		document.vicidial_form.province.value			= MDnextResponse_array[18];
    		document.vicidial_form.postal_code.value		= MDnextResponse_array[19];
    		document.vicidial_form.country_code.value		= MDnextResponse_array[20];
    		document.vicidial_form.gender.value= MDnextResponse_array[21];
    		document.vicidial_form.date_of_birth.value		= MDnextResponse_array[22];
    		document.vicidial_form.alt_phone.value			= MDnextResponse_array[23];
    		document.vicidial_form.email.value= MDnextResponse_array[24];
    		document.vicidial_form.security_phrase.value	= MDnextResponse_array[25];
    		var REGcommentsNL = new RegExp("!N","g");
    		MDnextResponse_array[26] = MDnextResponse_array[26].replace(REGcommentsNL, "\n");
    		document.vicidial_form.comments.value			= MDnextResponse_array[26];
    		document.vicidial_form.called_count.value		= MDnextResponse_array[27];
    		previous_called_count			= MDnextResponse_array[27];
    		previous_dispo	= MDnextResponse_array[2];
    		CBentry_time	= MDnextResponse_array[28];
    		CBcallback_time	= MDnextResponse_array[29];
    		CBuser			= MDnextResponse_array[30];
    		CBcomments		= MDnextResponse_array[31];
    		dialed_number	= MDnextResponse_array[32];
    		dialed_label	= MDnextResponse_array[33];
    		source_id		= MDnextResponse_array[34];
    		document.vicidial_form.rank.value= MDnextResponse_array[35];
    		document.vicidial_form.owner.value= MDnextResponse_array[36];
    	//	CalL_ScripT_id	= MDnextResponse_array[37];
    		script_recording_delay			= MDnextResponse_array[38];
    		CalL_XC_a_NuMber= MDnextResponse_array[39];
    		CalL_XC_b_NuMber= MDnextResponse_array[40];
    		CalL_XC_c_NuMber= MDnextResponse_array[41];
    		CalL_XC_d_NuMber= MDnextResponse_array[42];
    		CalL_XC_e_NuMber= MDnextResponse_array[43];
    		timer_action = campaign_timer_action;
    		timer_action_message = campaign_timer_action_message;
    		timer_action_seconds = campaign_timer_action_seconds;
    		lead_dial_number = document.vicidial_form.phone_number.value;
    		var dispnum = document.vicidial_form.phone_number.value;
    		var status_display_number = phone_number_format(dispnum);

    7ion, 20 Марта 2011

    Комментарии (2)
  5. JavaScript / Говнокод #6039


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    if (prepopulate_transfer_preset_enabled > 0)
    if (prepopulate_transfer_preset == 'PRESET_1')
    										{document.vicidial_form.xfernumber.value = CalL_XC_a_NuMber;}
    if (prepopulate_transfer_preset == 'PRESET_2')
    										{document.vicidial_form.xfernumber.value = CalL_XC_b_NuMber;}
    if (prepopulate_transfer_preset == 'PRESET_3')
    										{document.vicidial_form.xfernumber.value = CalL_XC_c_NuMber;}
    if (prepopulate_transfer_preset == 'PRESET_4')
    										{document.vicidial_form.xfernumber.value = CalL_XC_d_NuMber;}
    if (prepopulate_transfer_preset == 'PRESET_5')
    										{document.vicidial_form.xfernumber.value = CalL_XC_e_NuMber;}
    if ( (quick_transfer_button == 'PRESET_1') || (quick_transfer_button == 'PRESET_2') || (quick_transfer_button == 'PRESET_3') || (quick_transfer_button == 'PRESET_4') || (quick_transfer_button == 'PRESET_5') )
    									document.getElementById("QuickXfer").innerHTML = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"mainxfer_send_redirect('XfeRBLIND','" + lastcustchannel + "','" + lastcustserverip + "');return false;\"><IMG SRC=\"./images/vdc_LB_quickxfer.gif\" border=0 alt=\"QUICK TRANSFER\"></a>";
    									if (quick_transfer_button == 'PRESET_1')
    										{document.vicidial_form.xfernumber.value = CalL_XC_a_NuMber;}
    									if (quick_transfer_button == 'PRESET_2')
    										{document.vicidial_form.xfernumber.value = CalL_XC_b_NuMber;}
    									if (quick_transfer_button == 'PRESET_3')
    										{document.vicidial_form.xfernumber.value = CalL_XC_c_NuMber;}
    									if (quick_transfer_button == 'PRESET_4')
    										{document.vicidial_form.xfernumber.value = CalL_XC_d_NuMber;}
    									if (quick_transfer_button == 'PRESET_5')
    										{document.vicidial_form.xfernumber.value = CalL_XC_e_NuMber;}

    7ion, 20 Марта 2011

    Комментарии (2)
  6. Си / Говнокод #6025


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    format MS COFF
    public fuckHighLevel as '_fuckHighLevel@4'
            pop ebx
                pop eax
                add eax, 1
            jmp ebx

    Вызываем ассемблерную процедуру из Си.
    Вместо retn используем безусловыный переход на адрес возврата.
    Но работает же!

    danilissimus, 19 Марта 2011

    Комментарии (2)
  7. PHP / Говнокод #5999


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    elseif( $action == "pingationmod" ) { 
    echoheader( "options", "pingationMod" ); 
    echo <<<HTML 
    <form action="{$PHP_SELF}" method="post"> 
    <div style="padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:2px;"> 
    <table width="100%"> 
    <td width="4"><img src="engine/skins/images/tl_lo.gif" width="4" height="4" border="0"></td> 
    <td background="engine/skins/images/tl_oo.gif"><img src="engine/skins/images/tl_oo.gif" width="1" height="4" border="0"></td> 
    <td width="6"><img src="engine/skins/images/tl_ro.gif" width="6" height="4" border="0"></td> 
    <td background="engine/skins/images/tl_lb.gif"><img src="engine/skins/images/tl_lb.gif" width="4" height="1" border="0"></td> 
    <td style="padding:5px;" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> 
    <table width="100%"> 
    <td bgcolor="#EFEFEF" height="29" style="padding-left:10px;"><div class="navigation">Отправка уведомлений в пинг сервисы</div></td> 
    <div class="unterline"></div> 
    <table width="100%"> 
    <td style="padding:2px;" height="100" align="center"> 
    echo "Вы действительно хотите отправить уведомления в пинг сервисы, на (<b>" . count( $selected_news ). "</b>) $lang[mass_confirm_1]<br><br> 
    <input class=bbcodes type=submit value=\"   $lang[mass_yes]   \"> &nbsp; <input type=button class=bbcodes value=\"  $lang[mass_no]  \" onclick=\"javascript:document.location='$PHP_SELF?mod=editnews&action=list'\"> 
    <input type=hidden name=action value=\"do_mass_ping\"> 
    <input type=hidden name=user_hash value=\"{$dle_login_hash}\"> 
    <input type=hidden name=mod value=\"massactions\">"; 
    foreach ( $selected_news as $newsid ) { 
    $newsid = intval($newsid); 
    echo "<input type=hidden name=selected_news[] value=\"$newsid\">"; 
    echo <<<HTML 
    <td background="engine/skins/images/tl_rb.gif"><img src="engine/skins/images/tl_rb.gif" width="6" height="1" border="0"></td> 
    <td><img src="engine/skins/images/tl_lu.gif" width="4" height="6" border="0"></td> 
    <td background="engine/skins/images/tl_ub.gif"><img src="engine/skins/images/tl_ub.gif" width="1" height="6" border="0"></td> 
    <td><img src="engine/skins/images/tl_ru.gif" width="6" height="6" border="0"></td> 
    }elseif( $action == "do_mass_ping" ) { 
    include ENGINE_DIR .'/inc/include/pingfunction.php'; 
    include ENGINE_DIR .'/data/pingdata.php'; 
    foreach ( $selected_news as $newsid ) { 
    $newsid = intval($newsid); 
    $sql_select = "SELECT id, title, date, category, alt_name, flag FROM ".PREFIX ."_post WHERE id=".$newsid; 
    $sql_result = $db->query( $sql_select ); 
    while ( $row = $db->get_row( $sql_result ) ) { 
    $row['date'] = strtotime( $row['date'] ); 
    $title = $row['title']; 
    if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes") { 
    if( $row['flag'] and $config['seo_type'] ) { 
    if( $row['category'] and $config['seo_type'] == 2 ) { 
    $full_link = $config['http_home_url'] .get_url( $row['category'] ) ."/".$row['id'] ."-".$row['alt_name'] .".html"; 
    }else { 
    $full_link = $config['http_home_url'] .$row['id'] ."-".$row['alt_name'] .".html"; 
    }else { 
    $full_link = $config['http_home_url'] .date( 'Y/m/d/',$row['date'] ) .$row['alt_name'] .".html"; 
    }else { 
    $full_link = $config['http_home_url'] ."index.php?newsid=".$row['id']; 
    pingationMod($title, $full_link, 0, $pingdata['service'], $pingdata['zaderjka']); 
    saveLog("Массовая отправка уведомлений в пинг сервисы"); 
    msg( "info", "Уведомления успешно отправлены", "Уведомления успешно отправлены в пинг сервисы", $_SESSION['admin_referrer'] ); 

    qbasic, 16 Марта 2011

    Комментарии (2)
  8. PHP / Говнокод #5966


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    foreach ( $all_fields as $k => $one_field )
                if ( $one_field['id'] == $field_id )


    govnozmey, 12 Марта 2011

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  9. PHP / Говнокод #5964


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    public function getCurrentDomain()
            $host = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
            $folder = strstr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'index.php', true);
            if ($folder)
                if ($folder[1] != '/')
                    $folder = '/' . $folder;
            if ($host[strlen($host)] != '/')
            return $host

    Решил определить домен+папку(если она есть) из откуда работает скрипт. Спать пора, да?
    Как-то оно не так должно быть.

    vitaly, 12 Марта 2011

    Комментарии (2)
  10. JavaScript / Говнокод #5933


    1. 1
    var CURRENCY = {$company_info|@json_encode}.currency;

    Вот такой код встретился в проекте в одном из Smarty шаблонов
    $company_info - некий ассоциативный массив.

    x86demon, 09 Марта 2011

    Комментарии (2)
  11. SQL / Говнокод #5930


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    SELECT i.id AS i__id, i.title AS i__title, i.description AS i__description, i.meta_title AS i__meta_title, i.meta_keywords AS i__meta_keywords, i.meta_description AS i__meta_description, i.lang AS i__lang FROM item_translation i WHERE (i.id IN ('8845'))
    0.00s, "doctrine" connection
    SELECT t.id AS t__id, t.source AS t__source, t.target AS t__target, t.lang AS t__lang FROM translation t WHERE (t.source = 'Акция' AND t.lang = 'ru') LIMIT 1
    0.00s, "doctrine" connection
    SELECT t.id AS t__id, t.source AS t__source, t.target AS t__target, t.lang AS t__lang FROM translation t WHERE (t.source = 'Акция' AND t.lang = 'ru') LIMIT 1
    0.00s, "doctrine" connection
    SELECT t.id AS t__id, t.source AS t__source, t.target AS t__target, t.lang AS t__lang FROM translation t WHERE (t.source = 'Розница' AND t.lang = 'ru') LIMIT 1
    0.00s, "doctrine" connection
    SELECT t.id AS t__id, t.source AS t__source, t.target AS t__target, t.lang AS t__lang FROM translation t WHERE (t.source = 'Оптом' AND t.lang = 'ru') LIMIT 1
    0.00s, "doctrine" connection
    SELECT t.id AS t__id, t.source AS t__source, t.target AS t__target, t.lang AS t__lang FROM translation t WHERE (t.source = 'Безнал' AND t.lang = 'ru') LIMIT 1
    0.00s, "doctrine" connection
    SELECT t.id AS t__id, t.source AS t__source, t.target AS t__target, t.lang AS t__lang FROM translation t WHERE (t.source = 'Дилер' AND t.lang = 'ru') LIMIT 1
    0.00s, "doctrine" connection
    SELECT t.id AS t__id, t.source AS t__source, t.target AS t__target, t.lang AS t__lang FROM translation t WHERE (t.source = 'Кредит' AND t.lang = 'ru') LIMIT 1
    0.00s, "doctrine" connection
    SELECT p.id AS p__id, p.item_id AS p__item_id, p.type AS p__type, p.currency AS p__currency, p.value AS p__value, p.date AS p__date FROM price p WHERE (p.item_id = '8845' AND p.type = 'A') ORDER BY p.date DESC LIMIT 1
    0.00s, "doctrine" connection
    SELECT t.id AS t__id, t.source AS t__source, t.target AS t__target, t.lang AS t__lang FROM translation t WHERE (t.source = 'В корзину' AND t.lang = 'ru') LIMIT 1
    0.00s, "doctrine" connection
    SELECT t.id AS t__id, t.source AS t__source, t.target AS t__target, t.lang AS t__lang FROM translation t WHERE (t.source = 'В корзину' AND t.lang = 'ru') LIMIT 1
    0.00s, "doctrine" connection

    Это часть запросов которые выполняются для генерации главной страницы для одного интернет магазина. И таких запросов: 360 :-)

    aleksey, 09 Марта 2011

    Комментарии (2)