- 1
- 2
private final String zeroValueString="0";
private final String sevenValueString="7";
Нашли или выдавили из себя код, который нельзя назвать нормальным, на который без улыбки не взглянешь? Не торопитесь его удалять или рефакторить, — запостите его на говнокод.ру, посмеёмся вместе!
private final String zeroValueString="0";
private final String sevenValueString="7";
Если б можно, то ещё б и hundredElevenValueString = "111"; впиндюрили бы
void SimpleTest::testTrivial() {
wxTst::TempInteractive interactive;
wxTst::ModalDialogTimer timer(wxID_OK);
// *** Loop up top level containers ***
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("Application top window invalid",
wxTheApp->GetTopWindow () != NULL);
wxMDIParentFrame *topFrame =
dynamic_cast< wxMDIParentFrame * >(wxTheApp->GetTopWindow ());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("Top window is not an MDI Parent frame",
topFrame != NULL);
wxMenuBar *menuBar = topFrame->GetMenuBar ();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("Menubar not found", menuBar != NULL);
// interactive.ShowCurrentGui (_T(__FILE__), __LINE__);
// *** Check menu item ***
int platformMenuItemId = menuBar->FindMenuItem (_("Advanced"),
MC _T("Platform Specific Example"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("Menu item ID 'platformMenuItem' not found",
platformMenuItemId != wxNOT_FOUND);
wxMenuItem *platformMenuItem = menuBar->FindItem (
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("Menu item 'platformMenuItem' not found",
platformMenuItem != NULL);
wxTst::EventSimulationHelper::SelectMenuItem (
platformMenuItemId, topFrame);
wxTst::WxGuiTestHelper::FlushEventQueue ();
wxWindow* wdw = topFrame->FindWindow(_T("platform_child"));
if (wdw == NULL)
wdw = wxWindow::FindWindowByName(_T("platform_child"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("First Child not found", wdw != NULL);
wxMDIChildFrame* child1 = dynamic_cast<wxMDIChildFrame*>(wdw);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Window isn't an MDI Child", child1 != NULL);
wxTst::WxGuiTestHelper::FlushEventQueue ();
interactive.ShowCurrentGui (_T(__FILE__), __LINE__);
wxTst::EventSimulationHelper::SelectMenuItem (
platformMenuItemId, topFrame);
wxTst::WxGuiTestHelper::FlushEventQueue ();
// interactive.ShowCurrentGui (_T(__FILE__), __LINE__);
wxMDIChildFrame* child2 = topFrame->GetActiveChild();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Second child not found", child2 != NULL);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Second child same as first ", child2 != child1);
int derived_toolMenuItemId = menuBar->FindMenuItem (_("Advanced"),
MC _T("Custom Class Example"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("Menu item ID 'derived_toolMenuItem' not found",
derived_toolMenuItemId != wxNOT_FOUND);
wxMenuItem *derived_toolMenuItem = menuBar->FindItem (
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("Menu item 'derived_toolMenuItem' not found",
derived_toolMenuItem != NULL);
wxTst::EventSimulationHelper::SelectMenuItem (
derived_toolMenuItemId, topFrame);
wxTst::WxGuiTestHelper::FlushEventQueue ();
wxWindow *custom_child =
wxWindow::FindWindowByName (_T("custom_class_child"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("Container window for button 'wxID_OK' not found",
custom_child != NULL);
// interactive.ShowCurrentGui (_T(__FILE__), __LINE__);
wxWindow *wxID_OKWdw4 = custom_child->FindWindow (XRCID("wxID_OK"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("Window for button 'wxID_OK' not found",
wxID_OKWdw4 != NULL);
wxTst::EventSimulationHelper::ClickButton (wxID_OKWdw4->GetId (),
wxTst::WxGuiTestHelper::FlushEventQueue ();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("OK Button didn't hide Mac Specific Dialog",
custom_child->IsShown() == false);
Источник: метод примера из wxGuiTesting
// parse from the uninstall, the actuall installation path
try {
int jarLoc = uninstallDir.indexOf("-jar");
String s = uninstallDir.substring(jarLoc + 5);
// turn it into a normalized file
int uniLoc = s.indexOf("uninstaller");
s = s.substring(1,uniLoc);
s = s.replace("\\", "/");
s = s.substring(0,s.length()-1);
File f = new File(s);
if(!f.exists()) {
throw new Exception("installation directory does not exist: " + s);
return f;
catch(Exception e) {
throw new Exception("installation directory could not be parsed from: " + uninstallDir);
Typical code of one highly paid "tech expert" from USA
Exception handling makes me cry, this guy doesn't even now about any other exception classes
} else {
$json_array = array('error' => $this->log_error('busy', true));
} else {
$json_array = array('error' => $this->log_error('busy', true));
} else {
$json_array = array('error' => $this->log_error('busy', true));
} else {
$json_array = array('error' => $this->log_error('busy', true));
} else {
$json_array = array('error' => $this->log_error('bad_symbols', false));
} else {
$json_array = array('error' => $this->log_error('check_error', false));
// 'errorStr' => $this->validation->error_string
Кусок метода в контроллере регистрации пользователя на одном из наших проектов. Вверху хренова гора ифов а внизу во такое вот счастье. "Авторская" табуляция сохранена
$query = "update users set password = '{$cnf['userpass']}', email = '{$cnf['useremail']}' where login = 'root'";
if (mysql_query($query, $link) === false) {
throw new Exception(mysql_error($link));
function DelFilterEx($arName, $varName, $session=true, $FilterLogic="FILTER_logic")
global $strError, $$FilterLogic;
if ($session) unset($_SESSION["SESS_ADMIN"][$varName]);
for($i=0; $i<count($arName); $i++)
$name = $arName[$i];
$bdays = $name."_DAYS_TO_BACK";
global $$name, $$bdays;
$$name = "";
$$bdays = "";
$$FilterLogic = "and";
Голова недодумала и пришла к переменным переменным
function _validateDelete($d) {
$valid = true;
if (!$d["product_id"]) {
$this->setError(dgettext("Core", "Product not selected."));
return false;
if (!$d["product_id"]) {
$this->setError(dgettext("Core", "Please select a record to delete."));
$valid = false;
return $valid;
Индусокод классический
$path = "a/b/c/d";
$sections = array_reverse (explode ("/", $path));
$sql = "SELECT `t1`.`id` FROM ";
for ($i = 1; $i <= count ($sections); $i ++)
$from_tables[] = "`test` `t".$i."`";
$sql = $sql.implode (", ", $from_tables);
$sql .= " WHERE ";
for ($i = 1; $i < count ($sections); $i ++)
$sql .= "`t".$i."`.`parent_id` = `t".($i+1)."`.`id` AND `t".$i."`.`name` = '".$sections[$i-1]."' AND";
$sql .= " `t".count ($sections)."`.`parent_id` = '0' AND `t".count ($sections)."`.`name` = '".$sections[count($sections)-1]."'";
echo $sql;
set_include_path('.'.PATH_SEPARATOR . './library'
"Так и не смог я в тот вечер понять..." что имел в виду автор. Он, видимо, и сам не понял, поэтому сунул библиотеки зенда в несколько папок...
<div id="timer">
Включи JS
<script language="Javasсript" type="text/javasсript">
function countdown()
if ((0 <= 100) || (0 > 0))
if(x642 == 0)
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = '<a href="ссыла">bla<\/a>';
if(x642 > 0)
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = '<p align=center>Вы будете перенаправлены на страницу загрузки файлов через '+x642+' сек.</p>';
взято отсюда: http://vkontakte.ru/topic14311792