1. Лучший говнокод

    В номинации:
    За время:
  2. Perl / Говнокод #704


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    my ($_bonus1_l, $_bonus1_y, $_bonus2_l, $_bonus2_y) = ($l1*10 > rand(100) ? 1 : 0, $y1*10 > rand(100) ? 1 : 0, $l2*10 > rand(100) ? 1 : 0, $y2*10 > rand(100) ? 1 : 0);
          ($_bonus1_l, $_bonus2_l) = (0, 0) if $_bonus1_l == 1 and $_bonus2_l == 1;
          ($_bonus1_y, $_bonus2_y) = (0, 0) if $_bonus1_y == 1 and $_bonus2_y == 1;
    if($turn > 12){
          my ($_a1_def, $_b1_def, $_c1_def) = mass($pl1_mov, $User1, "def");
          my ($_a1_att, $_b1_att, $_c1_att) = mass($pl1_att, $User1, "att");
          my ($_a2_def, $_b2_def, $_c2_def) = mass($pl2_mov, $User2, "def");
          my ($_a2_att, $_b2_att, $_c2_att) = mass($pl2_att, $User2, "att");
    $N1 += $_a1_att if $_a2_def < 1000000;
    $N1 += $_b1_att if $_b2_def < 1000000;
    $N1 += $_c1_att if $_c2_def < 1000000;
    $N2 += $_a2_att if $_a1_def < 1000000;
    $N2 += $_b2_att if $_b1_def < 1000000;
    $N2 += $_c2_att if $_c1_def < 1000000;
           	 my $l = int(rand(3));
    	 ## сБНПНР
             if($l == 0){
             	my $r = 0;
    	 	($_a2_att, $r) = (0, 1) if $_a2_att > 0 and $_a1_def < 1000000;
          	 	($_b2_att, $r) = (0, 1) if $_b2_att > 0 and $_a1_def < 1000000 and $r == 0;
    		($_c2_att, $r) = (0, 1) if $_c2_att > 0 and $_a1_def < 1000000 and $r == 0;
                    $U1 = $r;
             } elsif($l == 1){
                    my $r = 0;
                    ($_a1_att, $r, $K2) = (int($_a1_att * 1.5), 1, int($_a1_att/2)) if $_a1_att > 0  and $_a2_def < 1000000;
                    ($_b1_att, $r, $K2) = (int($_b1_att * 1.5), 1, int($_b1_att/2)) if $_b1_att > 0  and $_b2_def < 1000000 and $r == 0;
                    ($_c1_att, $r, $K2) = (int($_c1_att * 1.5), 1, int($_c1_att/2)) if $_c1_att > 0  and $_c2_def < 1000000 and $r == 0;
             } elsif($l == 2){
                    my ($r, $ov, $v) = (0, 0, int(rand(3)));
                    ($_a1_att, $r, $ov) = (0, 1, (int($_a2_att/2))) if $_a2_att > 0 and $_a1_def > 1000000;
                    ($_b1_att, $r, $ov) = (0, 1, (int($_b2_att/2))) if $_b2_att > 0 and $_b1_def > 1000000 and $r == 0;
                    ($_c1_att, $r, $ov) = (0, 1, (int($_c2_att/2))) if $_c2_att > 0 and $_c1_def > 1000000 and $r == 0;
                    $_a1_att += $ov if $v == 0;
                    $_b1_att += $ov if $v == 1;
                    $_c1_att += $ov if $v == 2;
                    $O1 = $ov;
           	 my $l = int(rand(100));
             if($l == 0){
             	my $r = 0;
    	 	($_a1_att, $r) = (0, 1) if $_a1_att > 0 and $_a2_def < 1000000;
          	 	($_b1_att, $r) = (0, 1) if $_b1_att > 0 and $_a2_def < 1000000 and $r == 0;
    		($_c1_att, $r) = (0, 1) if $_c1_att > 0 and $_a2_def < 1000000 and $r == 0;
                     $U2 = $r;
             } elsif($l == 1){
                    my $r = 0;
                    ($_a2_att, $r, $K1) = (int($_a2_att * 1.5), 1, int($_a2_att/2)) if $_a2_att > 0  and $_a1_def < 1000000;
                    ($_b2_att, $r, $K1) = (int($_b2_att * 1.5), 1, int($_b2_att/2)) if $_b2_att > 0  and $_b1_def < 1000000 and $r == 0;
                    ($_c2_att, $r, $K1) = (int($_c2_att * 1.5), 1, int($_c2_att/2)) if $_c2_att > 0  and $_c1_def < 1000000 and $r == 0;
             } elsif($l == 2){
             	my ($r, $ov, $v) = (0, 0, int(rand(3)));
                    ($_a2_att, $r, $ov) = (0, 1, (int($_a1_att/2))) if $_a1_att > 0 and $_a2_def > 1000000;
                    ($_b2_att, $r, $ov) = (0, 1, (int($_b1_att/2))) if $_b1_att > 0 and $_b2_def > 1000000 and $r == 0;
                    ($_c2_att, $r, $ov) = (0, 1, (int($_c1_att/2))) if $_c1_att > 0 and $_c2_def > 1000000 and $r == 0;
                    $_a2_att += $ov if $v == 0;
                    $_b2_att += $ov if $v == 1;
                    $_c2_att += $ov if $v == 2;
                    $O2 = $ov;
              my $l = int(rand(2));
             if($l == 0){
                my ($r, $rik, $V1) = (0, 0, int(rand(3)) + 1);
                ($r, $rik) = (1, (int($_a1_att/2))) if $_a1_att > 0 and $_a2_def < 1000000 and $V1 == 1;
                ($r, $rik) = (1, (int($_b1_att/2))) if $_b1_att > 0 and $_b2_def < 1000000 and $r == 0 and $V1 == 2;
                ($r, $rik) = (1, (int($_c1_att/2))) if $_c1_att > 0 and $_c2_def < 1000000 and $r == 0 and $V1 == 3;
                $R2 = $rik;
                $db->query("UPDATE duel set pl1_rik = CONCAT(pl1_rik, $V1) where sid = \"$dsid\"") if $R2 > 0;
             } elsif($l == 1){
                my $r = 0;
                ($_a2_def, $r) = ($_a2_def - 1000000, 1) if $_a1_att > 0 and $_a2_def > 1000000;
                ($_b2_def, $r) = ($_b2_def - 1000000, 2) if $_b1_att > 0 and $_b2_def > 1000000 and $r == 0;
                ($_c2_def, $r) = ($_c2_def - 1000000, 3) if $_c1_att > 0 and $_c2_def > 1000000 and $r == 0;
                $T2 = $r;
              my $l = int(rand(2));
             if($l == 0){
                my ($r, $rik, $V2) = (0, 0, int(rand(3)) + 1);
                ($r, $rik) = (1, (int($_a2_att/2))) if $_a2_att > 0 and $_a1_def < 1000000 and $V2 == 1;
                ($r, $rik) = (1, (int($_b2_att/2))) if $_b2_att > 0 and $_b1_def < 1000000 and $r == 0 and $V2 == 2;
                ($r, $rik) = (1, (int($_c2_att/2))) if $_c2_att > 0 and $_c1_def < 1000000 and $r == 0 and $V2 == 3;
                #$_a2_att += $rik if $V2 == 1;
                #$_b2_att += $rik if $V2 == 2;
                #$_c2_att += $rik if $V2 == 3;
                $R1 = $rik;
                $db->query("UPDATE duel set pl2_rik = CONCAT(pl2_rik, $V2) where sid = \"$dsid\"") if $R1 > 0;
             } elsif($l == 1){
                my $r = 0;
                ($_a1_def, $r) = ($_a1_def - 1000000, 1) if $_a2_att > 0 and $_a1_def > 1000000;
                ($_b1_def, $r) = ($_b1_def - 1000000, 2) if $_b2_att > 0 and $_b1_def > 1000000 and $r == 0;

    Из браузерной игрушки на mod_perl/mysql. Код наглядно демонстрирует, что говнокод зависит не от языка, а от программиста.

    guest, 13 Марта 2009

    Комментарии (1)
  3. Perl / Говнокод #702


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    sub get_ppl{
    	my $self = shift;
            my ($U, $print_done, $team) = @_;
             return "<ppl team_id='$team' battle_stats='$U->{_CHAR}->{win},$U->{_CHAR}->{loose},$U->{_CHAR}->{nobody}' medals='".$U->get_medal_string_for_user($U)."' $clan team_id='0' av_id='$U->{_CHAR}->{av_id}' fn='$U->{_CHAR}->{avatara}' u='$U->{_CHAR}->{u}' hp_u='$U->{_CHAR}->{hp_u}' stat0_u='$U->{_CHAR}->{stat0_u}' stat0='$U->{_CHAR}->{f}' stat1='$U->{_CHAR}->{m}' stat2='$U->{_CHAR}->{y}'  stat3='$U->{_CHAR}->{l}' hpmax='$U->{_CHAR}->{maxhp}' hp='$U->{_CHAR}->{hp}' aname='$U->{_USER_NAME}' lvl='$U->{_CHAR}->{lvl}' cname='$U->{_CHAR}->{name}' id='$U->{_ID}' carma='$U->{_CHAR}->{carma}' sex='$U->{_CHAR}->{sex}' slot0='$Item[0]' slot8='$Item[8]' slot7='$Item[7]' slot6='$Item[6]' slot1='$Item[1]' weight='$U->{_CHAR}->{weight}' slot5='$Item[5]' slot4='$Item[4]' slot3='$Item[3]' slot2='$Item[2]' city_id='$U->{_CHAR}->{city_id}'/>" if !$print_done;
             return "<ppl done='true' battle_stats='$U->{_CHAR}->{win},$U->{_CHAR}->{loose},$U->{_CHAR}->{nobody}' medals='".$U->get_medal_string_for_user($U)."' $clan team_id='0' av_id='$U->{_CHAR}->{av_id}' fn='$U->{_CHAR}->{avatara}' u='$U->{_CHAR}->{u}' hp_u='$U->{_CHAR}->{hp_u}' stat0_u='$U->{_CHAR}->{stat0_u}' stat0='$U->{_CHAR}->{f}' stat1='$U->{_CHAR}->{m}' stat2='$U->{_CHAR}->{y}'  stat3='$U->{_CHAR}->{l}' hpmax='$U->{_CHAR}->{maxhp}' hp='$U->{_CHAR}->{hp}' aname='$U->{_USER_NAME}' lvl='$U->{_CHAR}->{lvl}' cname='$U->{_CHAR}->{name}' id='$U->{_ID}' carma='$U->{_CHAR}->{carma}' sex='$U->{_CHAR}->{sex}' slot0='$Item[0]' slot8='$Item[8]' slot7='$Item[7]' slot6='$Item[6]' slot1='$Item[1]' weight='$U->{_CHAR}->{weight}' slot5='$Item[5]' slot4='$Item[4]' slot3='$Item[3]' slot2='$Item[2]' city_id='$U->{_CHAR}->{city_id}'/>" if $print_done;

    Забавная проверка

    guest, 12 Марта 2009

    Комментарии (1)
  4. PHP / Говнокод #693


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    class PliggMailer{
    	var $subject = '';
    	var $body = '';
    	var $from = '';
    	var $to = '';
    	function PliggMailer($subj = '', $body = '', $from = '', $to = '', $cc = '', $bcc = ''){
    		if($subj != ''){$this->subject = $subj;}
    		if($body != ''){$this->body = $body;}
    		if($from != ''){$this->from = $from;}
    		if(!is_array($to)){$to[] = $to;}
    		if(count($to) == 0){$this->to = $to;}
    		if(!is_array($to)){$to[] = $to;}
    		if(count($to) == 0){$this->to = $to;}
    		if(!is_array($to)){$to[] = $to;}
    		if(count($to) == 0){$this->to = $to;}

    Блоговый движок pligg жжот.

    guest, 11 Марта 2009

    Комментарии (1)
  5. Java / Говнокод #692


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    if(included.equals(INCLUDED_ALL) || fieldNames.indexOf(field.getName()) != -1) {
              if ((field.getDocumentMapping() != null && field.getDocumentMapping().trim().length() > 0)
                      || (isCase.booleanValue()
                          && ((field.getWorkflowMapping() != null && field.getWorkflowMapping().trim().length() > 0)
                              || (field.getContentMapping() != null && field.getContentMapping().trim().length() > 0))
                         ) {
        // тут еще насрано
                 ) {

    классический унылый говнокод, весь проект в таком стиле..

    guest, 11 Марта 2009

    Комментарии (1)
  6. PHP / Говнокод #686


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    if (USE_MAIN) {
        $templ = 'main';
    } elseif (!USE_MAIN) {
        $used = USE_MAIN ? 1 : 0;
        $templ = 'default';
    if ( !$used ) $templ = 'default';

    Вычищая один проект помимо всего прочего встретил такое чудо

    guest, 08 Марта 2009

    Комментарии (1)
  7. PHP / Говнокод #685


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    // Prevent any possible XSS attacks via $_GET.
    foreach ($_GET as $check_url) {
        if (!is_array($check_url)) {
            $check_url = str_replace("\"", "", $check_url);
            if ((eregi("<[^>]*script*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) || (eregi("<[^>]*object*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) ||
                (eregi("<[^>]*iframe*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) || (eregi("<[^>]*applet*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) ||
                (eregi("<[^>]*meta*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) || (eregi("<[^>]*style*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) ||
                (eregi("<[^>]*form*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) || (eregi("\([^>]*\"?[^)]*\)", $check_url)) ||
                (eregi("\"", $check_url))) {
            die ();

    PHP-Fusion Content Management System (C)
    // напалмом по воробьям...

    guest, 08 Марта 2009

    Комментарии (1)
  8. PHP / Говнокод #678


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    [root@v6704 ~]# service httpd restart
    Stopping httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
    Starting httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
    [root@v6704 ~]# cd /var/www/vhosts/i-tech.me/subdomains/store/httpdocs/
    [root@v6704 httpdocs]# ls
    access           dblist                   i2           installer    license.txt  settings.xml    showmucontent.php  update.xml
    ajaxhandler.php  domxml-php4-to-php5.php  includes     install.js   login        setupguide.htm  sitemap.php        www.tar.gz
    backup           dumper.php               index.php    install.log  published    shop            system
    data             help                     install.css  kernel       readme.txt   showdblist.php  temp
    [root@v6704 httpdocs]# rm -Rf *.*
    [root@v6704 httpdocs]# ls
    access  backup  data  dblist  help  i2  includes  installer  kernel  login  published  shop  system  temp
    [root@v6704 httpdocs]# rm -Rf *
    [root@v6704 httpdocs]# ls
    [root@v6704 httpdocs]#

    [root@v6704 ~]# service httpd restart
    Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
    Starting httpd: [ OK ]
    [root@v6704 ~]# cd /var/www/vhosts/i-tech.me/subdomains/store/httpdocs/

    guest, 06 Марта 2009

    Комментарии (1)
  9. SQL / Говнокод #677


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    select sum(all_.allscores) as allscores, sum(all_.matched) as matched, all_.id, all_.title, cc.name, cc.id as cmpId 
    	(select SE.assid as id, SE.allcurrent as allscores, SE.matched, SE.title-- SE.name -- ,SE.title,SE.cmpId
    	(select allb.assid, sum(allb.allcurrent) as allcurrent, sum(allb.match_cnt) as matched, allb.title -- ,cc.name,cc.id as cmpId, -- , aa.id 
    		(select * from
    			(SELECT assa.title, IFNULL(allcur.allcurrent,0) as allcurrent, assa.id as assid , IFNULL(SUM( res.weight),0) AS match_cnt 
    				ass_assignment assa LEFT JOIN 
    				(SELECT  DISTINCT pss.cv_i

    ёбаные лесенки...

    guest, 06 Марта 2009

    Комментарии (1)
  10. C++ / Говнокод #676


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    class vector_ptd    //pointed vector - вектор заданный 2 точками, т.е. привязанный к опр.месту в пространстве
    /*vector operator =(point& _p)
        vector _v;
        return _v;
    vector vectorp(point& _p)
    	vector _v;
    	return _v;

    Класс, реализующий вектор в трёхмерном пространстве (для трассировщика лучей). Автор не осилил оператор присваивания и тихо закомментил его, сделав вместо него функцию преобразования.

    guest, 06 Марта 2009

    Комментарии (1)
  11. PHP / Говнокод #670


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    $id = $_GET['id'];
    if( !$lore_system->db->id_exists( $id, 'lore_articles') )
    	$lore_system->te->assign('error_message', 'invalid_article');
    if( !$lore_db_interface->article_is_published( $id ) )
    	$lore_system->te->assign('error_message', 'article_not_published');
    $action = ( isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) ) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : 'article';
    switch( $action )
    	case 'print':
    		$article = $lore_db_interface->get_article_info( $id );
    		$article['comments'] = $lore_db_interface->get_article_comments( $id );
    		$lore_system->te->assign('category_path', $lore_db_interface->get_category_path( $article['category_id'] ));
    		$lore_system->te->assign('article', $article);
    	case 'article':
    		if( !@in_array( $id, $lore_user_session->session_vars['viewed_articles'] ) )
    			$lore_db_interface->increment_article_views( $id );
    			$lore_user_session->session_vars['viewed_articles'][] = $id;
    		$article			= $lore_db_interface->get_article_info( $id );
    		$article['comments']		= $lore_db_interface->get_article_comments( $id );
    		$article['num_comments']	= count($article['comments']);
    		$article['attachments']		= $lore_db_interface->get_article_attachments( $id );
    		$article['allow_comments']	= $lore_db_interface->can_comment_on_article( $id );
    		$article['related_articles']	= $lore_db_interface->get_related_articles( $id );
    		if( $lore_user_session->has_article_write_permission( $id ) )
    			$article['display_edit_link'] = true;
    		if( $lore_system->settings['enable_glossary_popups'] )
    			$glossary_terms = $lore_db_interface->get_glossary_terms();
    			if( count($glossary_terms) )
    				$term_html = array();
    				$html_tags = array();
    				$term_c = 0;
    				// strip out HTML tags first
    				@preg_match_all("/<[^>]+>/", $article['content'], $matches);
    				for( $i = 1; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++ )
    					// save html tag for later
    					$html_tags[$i] = $matches[0][$i];
    					// parse in placeholder
    					$article['content'] = str_replace( $matches[0][$i], "{{h$i}}", $article['content']);
    				foreach( $glossary_terms AS $term )
    					// Add "i" (NOT case sensitive) modifier to regular expression if necessary
    					$case = ( $term['case_sensitive'] ) ? '' : 'i';
    					$term['definition'] = ereg_replace("[\n\r]", '', $term['definition']);
    					$lore_system->te->assign('term', htmlspecialchars(str_replace("'", "\\'", $term['term'])) );

    guest, 05 Марта 2009

    Комментарии (1)