1. C++ / Говнокод #10587


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    BOOL CIniFile::LoadIniFile()
      CString csBuff;
      CFile oIniFile;
      if (oIniFile.Open(csIniFileName, CFile::modeRead))
        ULONGLONG lenReal = oIniFile.GetLength();
        DWORD dwLen = (DWORD) lenReal;
        if (lenReal > UINT_MAX)
          dwLen = UINT_MAX;
          TRACE("ERROR: CIniFile::LoadIniFile();  CFIle::GetLength() > UINT_MAX\n;");
        if (!dwLen)
          return FALSE;
        boost::scoped_array <char> cBuffer(new char[dwLen]);
        oIniFile.Read(cBuffer.get(), dwLen);
        LoadIniFromBuffer(cBuffer.get(), dwLen);
        if (GetCountRecords())
          return TRUE;
      return FALSE;

    boost::scoped_array... nuff said =(

    kovyl2404, 05 Июня 2012

    Комментарии (31)
  2. C++ / Говнокод #10569


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    bool ok = (state == 0) ? false : true;

    И это пишет человек, пишущий на плюсах уже много лет...

    glook, 05 Июня 2012

    Комментарии (156)
  3. C++ / Говнокод #10551


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    int ConditionsTuple(const bool Condition1, const bool Condition2)
    	return (Condition1<<1) + Condition2;
    template <bool Condition1, bool Condition2>
    struct TConditionsTuple
    	enum {Result = (Condition1<<1) + Condition2};
    float SignedIf(const bool Condition)
    	return Condition ? -1 : 1;
    switch (ConditionsTuple(
    		case TConditionsTuple<1, 1>::Result:
    			return PArc(new TArc(
    		case TConditionsTuple<0, 1>::Result:
    			throw TPrimitive1HalfLengthExpiredException();
    		case TConditionsTuple<1, 0>::Result:
    			throw TPrimitive2HalfLengthExpiredException();
    		case TConditionsTuple<0, 0>::Result:
    			throw TAllPrimitivesHalfLengthExpiredException();			

    Говногость, 04 Июня 2012

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  4. C++ / Говнокод #10550


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    bool EvtDecay::isCharm(EvtId xid){
    EvtId d0    = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("D0"));
    EvtId d0bar = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("anti-D0"));
    EvtId dp    = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("D+"));
    EvtId dm    = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("D-"));
    EvtId d0h   = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("D0H"));
    EvtId d0l    = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("D0L"));
    EvtId dstp   = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("D*+"));
    EvtId dstm   = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("D*-"));
    EvtId ds0    = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("D*0"));
    EvtId ds0bar = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("anti-D*0"));
    EvtId dsp    = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("D_s+"));
    EvtId dsm    = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("D_s-"));
    EvtId dsstp  = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("D_s*+"));
    EvtId dsstm  = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("D_s*-"));
    EvtId ds0stp = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("D_s0*+"));
    EvtId ds0stm = EvtPDL::getId(std::string("D_s0*-"));
     std::vector<EvtId> Vid; Vid.clear();
     Vid.push_back(ds0bar );
     Vid.push_back(dsp );
     Vid.push_back(dsm );
     Vid.push_back(dsstp );
     Vid.push_back(dsstm );
     Vid.push_back(ds0stp );
     Vid.push_back(ds0stm );
     bool flag=true;
     for(int i=0;i<Vid.size();i++){ if(xid == Vid[i]) return flag;}
     return false;

    физика высоких энергий, китайский говнокод

    blah, 04 Июня 2012

    Комментарии (1)
  5. C++ / Говнокод #10544


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    template<class TValueChanger>
        NContour::NPrimitives::PArc ChangePrimitive(NContour::NPrimitives::PArc Arc, const TValueChanger& ValueChanger)
            return ValueChanger(Arc);
        template<class TValueChanger>
        NContour::NPrimitives::PLine ChangePrimitive(NContour::NPrimitives::PLine Line, const TValueChanger& ValueChanger)
            return ValueChanger(Line);
    template<class TValueChanger1, class TValueChanger2>
        NContour::NPrimitives::PArc ChangePrimitive(NContour::NPrimitives::PArc Arc, const TValueChanger1& ValueChanger1, const TValueChanger2& ValueChanger2)
            return ValueChanger2(ValueChanger1(Arc));
        template<class TValueChanger1, class TValueChanger2>
        NContour::NPrimitives::PLine ChangePrimitive(NContour::NPrimitives::PLine Line, const TValueChanger1& ValueChanger1, const TValueChanger2& ValueChanger2)
            return ValueChanger2(ValueChanger1(Line));
    template<class TValueChanger1, class TValueChanger2, class TValueChanger3, class TValueChanger4, class TValueChanger5, class TValueChanger6>
        NContour::NPrimitives::PArc ChangePrimitive(NContour::NPrimitives::PArc Arc, const TValueChanger1& ValueChanger1, const TValueChanger2& ValueChanger2, const TValueChanger3& ValueChanger3, const TValueChanger4& ValueChanger4, const TValueChanger5& ValueChanger5, const TValueChanger6& ValueChanger6)
            return ValueChanger6(ValueChanger5(ValueChanger4(ValueChanger3(ValueChanger2(ValueChanger1(Arc))))));
        template<class TValueChanger1, class TValueChanger2, class TValueChanger3, class TValueChanger4, class TValueChanger5, class TValueChanger6>
        NContour::NPrimitives::PLine ChangePrimitive(NContour::NPrimitives::PLine Line, const TValueChanger1& ValueChanger1, const TValueChanger2& ValueChanger2, const TValueChanger3& ValueChanger3, const TValueChanger4& ValueChanger4, const TValueChanger4& ValueChanger5, const TValueChanger6& ValueChanger6)
            return ValueChanger6(ValueChanger5(ValueChanger4(ValueChanger3(ValueChanger2(ValueChanger1(Line))))));

    Говногость, 04 Июня 2012

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  6. C++ / Говнокод #10541


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    command = QString("sh -c \"echo \"nameserver %1\" > /etc/resolv.conf\"")
    QProcess process;

    Zielscheibe, 04 Июня 2012

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  7. C++ / Говнокод #10536


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    #include <iostream>
    #include <conio.h>
    using namespace std;
    char* find(char* str)
    	int i = 0, mlen=0;
    	char* minword = new char[100];
    	char* curword = new char[100];
    	while(str[i]==' ') i++;
    	mlen = i;
    	while((str[mlen]!=' ')&&(str[mlen])) mlen++;
    	mlen -= i;
    	strncpy(minword, str+i, mlen);
    	minword[mlen] = '\0';
    	i += mlen;
    		while(str[i]==' ') i++;
    		mlen = i;
    		while((str[mlen]!=' ')&&(str[mlen])) mlen++;
    		mlen -= i;
    		strncpy(curword, str+i, mlen);
    		curword[mlen] = '\0';
    		i += mlen;
    		if(strcmp(minword, curword) > 0)
    			strcpy(minword, curword);
    	return minword;
    void del(char*& str, char* str2)
    	int i = 0, j =0, st=0;
    	char* nstr = new char[200];
    			j = 0;
    				i++; j++;
    				strncpy(nstr, str+st, i-j);
    				nstr[i-j] = '\0';
    				st = i;
    	strcat(nstr, str+st);
    	str = nstr;
    void sort(char*& str)
    	int len = strlen(str);
    	char* nstr = new char[200];
    	char* buf = new char[200];
    	buf = find(str);
    	strcpy(nstr, buf);
    	del(str, buf);
    	while(strlen(nstr) != len)
    		buf = find(str);
    		strcat(nstr, " ");
    		strcat(nstr, buf);
    		del(str, buf);
    	nstr[len] = '\0';
    	str = nstr;
    void main()
    	char* str = new char[200];
    	str = "my little pony";

    Из вузовского компьютера.

    dos_, 03 Июня 2012

    Комментарии (18)
  8. C++ / Говнокод #10516


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    /// Get the x-axis
    b2Vec2 GetXAxis() const
    	return b2Vec2(c, s);
    /// Get the u-axis
    b2Vec2 GetYAxis() const
    	return b2Vec2(-s, c);

    Box2D, говнокомментарий

    tymofey, 01 Июня 2012

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  9. C++ / Говнокод #10478


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    int eger;

    dos_, 30 Мая 2012

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  10. C++ / Говнокод #10475


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    #pragma once
    #include <vector>
    #include <assert.h>
    class Obj
    	virtual ~Obj(void) { }
    class Sig
    	typedef void (Obj::*slot_t)(void*);
    	mutable std::vector<std::pair<Obj*, Sig::slot_t>> m_connSlots;
    	void operator()(void* arg) const
    		std::vector< std::pair<Obj *, slot_t> >::const_iterator iter = m_connSlots.cbegin();
    		while(iter != m_connSlots.cend())
    			Obj * object = iter->first;
    			slot_t slot = iter->second;
    	template<class obj_T> void connect(obj_T* object, void (obj_T::*slot)(void*)) const


    Xom94ok, 30 Мая 2012

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