1. Assembler / Говнокод #25370


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    format pe console 5.0
    entry start
    include 'win32ax.inc'
    section '.data' data readable
      _hello db 'Hello "https://www.govnokod.ru/"!',13,10,0
      _conout db 'CONOUT$',0
      align 8
      _conoutnt du '\??\CONOUT$',0
    section '.data?' data readable writeable
      bytes_write dd ?
      houtput dd ?
      length dd ?
    section '.text' code readable executable
      call _novice
      invoke Sleep,SLEEP
      call _advanced
      invoke Sleep,SLEEP
      call _psycho
      invoke Sleep,SLEEP
      invoke ExitProcess,0
      invoke GetStdHandle,STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
      mov [houtput],eax
      invoke lstrlen,_hello
      mov [length],eax
      invoke WriteConsole,[houtput],_hello,[length],bytes_write,0
      invoke CreateFileA,_conout,GENERIC_WRITE,0,0,OPEN_EXISTING,0,0
      mov [houtput],eax
      invoke lstrlen,_hello
      mov [length],eax
      invoke WriteFile,[houtput],_hello,[length],bytes_write,0
      invoke CloseHandle,[houtput]
      push ebx
      sub esp,40
      mov ebx,esp
      mov word[ebx+24],22
      mov word[ebx+26],24
      mov dword[ebx+28],_conoutnt
      mov dword[ebx+0],24
      mov dword[ebx+4],0
      lea eax,[ebx+24]
      mov dword[ebx+8],eax
      mov dword[ebx+12],$00000040
      mov dword[ebx+16],0
      mov dword[ebx+20],0
      lea eax,[ebx+32]
      invoke NtCreateFile,houtput,$40100080,ebx,eax,0,0,0,1,$60,0,0
      invoke lstrlen,_hello
      mov [length],eax
      lea eax,[ebx+32]
      invoke NtWriteFile,[houtput],0,0,0,eax,_hello,[length],0,0
      invoke NtClose,[houtput]
      add esp,40
      pop ebx
    section '.import' data import readable
      import ntdll,\
      include 'api\kernel32.inc'
    section '.reloc' fixups data readable discardable

    Интересно какой из методов (_novice, _advanced, _psycho) вывода в консоль является говнокодом?

    chiacorp, 10 Февраля 2019

    Комментарии (57)
  2. C++ / Говнокод #25369


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    #pragma once
    #define ENUM_DECLARE_BEGIN(enum_class, enum_value) \
    class enum_class##__enum__##enum_value : public enum_class {
    #define ENUM_DECLARE_END(enum_class, enum_value) \
    }; extern const enum_class##__enum__##enum_value enum_value;
    #define ENUM_DEFINE(enum_class, enum_value, enum_namespace) const enum_class##__enum__##enum_value enum_namespace enum_value;

    UsernameAK, 10 Февраля 2019

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  3. JavaScript / Говнокод #25366


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    function plusD() {
    	var data_plus = new Date(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24),
    	us_Mill = data_plus.getTime();
    	return us_Mill;

    unicorn, 10 Февраля 2019

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  4. PHP / Говнокод #25365


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    public function passes($attribute, $hostname)
            if (!mb_stripos($hostname, '.')) {
                return false;
            $domain = explode('.', $hostname);
            $allowedChars = ['-'];
            $extenion = array_pop($domain);
            foreach ($domain as $value) {
                $fc = mb_substr($value, 0, 1);
                $lc = mb_substr($value, -1);
                if (
                    hash_equals($value, '')
                    || in_array($fc, $allowedChars)
                    || in_array($lc, $allowedChars)
                ) {
                    return false;
                if (!ctype_alnum(str_replace($allowedChars, '', $value))) {
                    return false;
            if (
                !ctype_alnum(str_replace($allowedChars, '', $extenion))
                || hash_equals($extenion, '')
            ) {
                return false;
            if (filter_var($hostname, FILTER_VALIDATE_DOMAIN) === false) {
                return false;
            return true;

    валидация домена...

    websbkinfo, 09 Февраля 2019

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  5. JavaScript / Говнокод #25364


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    //We want to create a range of N elements (from 0 to N-1 for simplicity)
    const N = 10;
    const res1 = Array.apply(null, {length: N}).map(Number.call, Number);
    const res2 = [...Array(N).keys()];
    const res3 = Array.from({length: N}, (val, i) => i); 
    const res4 = Array(N).fill().map((e,i)=>i);

    Давайте создавать числовые последовательности.
    Бонусные баллы если в Вашем языке возможно также задать начальное значение и шаг.

    bootcamp_dropout, 08 Февраля 2019

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  6. C++ / Говнокод #25363


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    struct Data { /* ... */ };
    class Items {
      void insert(Data&& data) {
      std::vector<Data> _storage;

    Dumb luck. Nuff said.

    Elvenfighter, 08 Февраля 2019

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  7. PHP / Говнокод #25362


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    “Если в скрипт не переданы аргументы, то мы создадим директорию для persistent-данных по дефолтному пути. Например /tmp/persistent”

    gueest8, 08 Февраля 2019

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  8. JavaScript / Говнокод #25361


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    EventBus.$on('drag-element', (element) => {
                    if (element.type !== 'form') {
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            this.dragging = true
                        }, 1000)
                EventBus.$on('change-element-order', data => {
                    this.manageElementOrder(data, this.page.elements)
                EventBus.$on('change-removed-powered-by', data => {
                    this.isRemovedPoweredBy = this.theme.isRemovedPoweredBy;
                EventBus.$on('select-element', (element, flags = {}) => {
                    let isElExist = false;
                    if (isElExist) return;
                    if (element.type !== 'form' || flags.isFormCreated) {
                        EventBus.$emit('update-email-form', element);
                        if (flags.isFormCreated) {
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            this.dragging = true
                        }, 1000)
                    } else {
                        EventBus.$emit('set-modal-data', 'email-providers');
                EventBus.$on('remove-element', element => {
                    if (!this.page.elements) return;
                    if (element.type == 'form') {
                EventBus.$on('updateBackground', (data) => {
                    this.backgroundImage = data.image;
                this.$root.$on('onSetPopupPosition', this.setPopupPosition);

    Центральное хранилище - не, не слышал!

    websbkinfo, 07 Февраля 2019

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  9. SQL / Говнокод #25360


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    CREATE TABLE `test` (
        `id` INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
         `parent` INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
          `name` VARCHAR(50),
         PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
    INSERT INTO test (id, parent, name) values (1, 0, '10'),(2, 1, '21'),(4, 3, '43'),(5, 0, '50'),(6, 5, '65'),(7, 6, '76'),(8, 7, '87'),(9, 8, '98');
    SELECT t1.name AS lev1, t2.name as lev2, t3.name as lev3, t4.name as lev4, t5.name as lev5, t6.name as lev6, t7.name as lev7 FROM `test` AS t1 LEFT JOIN test AS t2 ON t2.`parent` = t1.`id`  LEFT JOIN test AS t3 ON t3.`parent` = t2.`id`  LEFT JOIN test AS t4 ON t4.`parent` = t3.`id` LEFT JOIN test AS t5 ON t5.`parent` = t4.`id` LEFT JOIN test AS t6 ON t6.`parent` = t5.`id` LEFT JOIN test AS t7 ON t7.`parent` = t6.`id`;

    взять последнего парента с седьмого колена!
    я просто похлопаю :)

    websbkinfo, 07 Февраля 2019

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  10. C++ / Говнокод #25359


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    // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curiously_recurring_template_pattern
    // The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP)
    template<class T>
    class Base
        // methods within Base can use template to access members of Derived
    class Derived : public Base<Derived>
        // ...

    > The Microsoft Implementation of CRTP in Active Template Library (ATL) was independently discovered, also in 1995 by Jan Falkin who accidentally derived a base class from a derived class. Christian Beaumont, first saw Jan's code and initially thought it couldn't possibly compile in the Microsoft compiler available at the time. Following this revelation that it did indeed work, Christian based the entire ATL and Windows Template Library (WTL) design on this mistake.

    А какая ошибка по-вашему положена в основу всего дизайна языка C++?

    j123123, 06 Февраля 2019

    Комментарии (119)