1. C++ / Говнокод #25401


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    constexpr void foo(int &a, const int b)
      a = b * 2;
    constexpr void foo2(int *a, const int b)
      *a = b * 2;
    constexpr int shit = []() constexpr {int a = 0; foo(a, 666); return a;}();
    constexpr int shit2 = []() constexpr {int a = 0; foo2(&a, 666); return a;}();

    Итак, время обсирать крестоговно. Вот есть там такая фича - можно по ссылке и указателю хуйню через constexpr присваивать. Только вот эта тупая херня под названием лямбда, она обязательно требует инициализации некоторого говна, передаваемого куда-то там, если она объявлена как constexpr. На кой хрен мне что-то инициализировать, если это говно я в constexpr не читаю, а только присваиваю? И сделайте там какие-нибудь write-only переменные, которые через ссылку или указатель пробрасывать можно, ну чисто чтоб поржать

    j123123, 23 Февраля 2019

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  2. PHP / Говнокод #25400


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    	$i = -1;
    	while ($i == $i)
    		$i = $i + (1);
    		echo($i + "," + " ");


    GenkaFF, 23 Февраля 2019

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  3. Си / Говнокод #25399


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    // https://github.com/ghc/ghc/blob/e204431e5a5e2fd16da52b04bda2798f16c51344/rts/Interpreter.c#L1184
            case bci_PUSH8: {
                int off = BCO_NEXT;
                *(StgWord8*)Sp = *(StgWord8*)(Sp_plusB(off+1));
                goto nextInsn;
            case bci_PUSH16: {
                int off = BCO_NEXT;
                *(StgWord16*)Sp = *(StgWord16*)(Sp_plusB(off+2));
                goto nextInsn;
            case bci_PUSH32: {
                int off = BCO_NEXT;
                *(StgWord32*)Sp = *(StgWord32*)(Sp_plusB(off+4));
                goto nextInsn;
            case bci_PUSH8_W: {
                int off = BCO_NEXT;
                *(StgWord*)(Sp_minusW(1)) = *(StgWord8*)(Sp_plusB(off));
                goto nextInsn;
            case bci_PUSH16_W: {
                int off = BCO_NEXT;
                *(StgWord*)(Sp_minusW(1)) = *(StgWord16*)(Sp_plusB(off));
                goto nextInsn;
            case bci_PUSH32_W: {
                int off = BCO_NEXT;
                *(StgWord*)(Sp_minusW(1)) = *(StgWord32*)(Sp_plusB(off));
                goto nextInsn;


    > The linker lives in rts/Linker.c and is responsible for handling runtime loading of code into a Haskell process. This is something of a big blob of unpleasant code, and see DynamicGhcPrograms for information about efforts to reduce our dependence on this linker.

    Итак, тут у нас стековая машина из хачкеля, которая вродекак отвечает за динамическую загрузку какого-то говна.

    j123123, 22 Февраля 2019

    Комментарии (101)
  4. Куча / Говнокод #25398


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    syoma, 22 Февраля 2019

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  5. Си / Говнокод #25397


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    // https://github.com/alpertron/calculators/blob/15607feafb0ddb1c075bb326dc6ea2224a4c50bb/siqs.c#L3720
                switch (NumberLengthA)
                case 7:
                  dRem = (double)*(piDividend + 6) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp6 +
                    (double)*(piDividend + 5) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp5 +
                    (double)*(piDividend + 4) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp4 +
                    (double)*(piDividend + 3) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp3 +
                    (double)*(piDividend + 2) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp2 +
                    (double)*(piDividend + 1) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp1;
                case 6:
                  dRem = (double)*(piDividend + 5) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp5 +
                    (double)*(piDividend + 4) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp4 +
                    (double)*(piDividend + 3) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp3 +
                    (double)*(piDividend + 2) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp2 +
                    (double)*(piDividend + 1) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp1;
                case 5:
                  dRem = (double)*(piDividend + 4) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp4 +
                    (double)*(piDividend + 3) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp3 +
                    (double)*(piDividend + 2) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp2 +
                    (double)*(piDividend + 1) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp1;
                case 4:
                  dRem = (double)*(piDividend + 3) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp3 +
                    (double)*(piDividend + 2) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp2 +
                    (double)*(piDividend + 1) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp1;
                  dRem = (double)*(piDividend + 2) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp2 +
                    (double)*(piDividend + 1) * (double)rowPrimeTrialDivisionData->exp1;

    Generic two integer variable equation solver
    This calculator can solve equations of the form a⁢x² + b⁢x⁢y + c⁢y² + dx + ey + f = 0 where the unknowns x and y are integer numbers.

    j123123, 22 Февраля 2019

    Комментарии (6)
  6. Куча / Говнокод #25396


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    syoma, 22 Февраля 2019

    Комментарии (1549)
  7. C++ / Говнокод #25395


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    // https://github.com/CVC4/CVC4/blob/14b9dbaa0c9e8dce52d1a28595dc1cc80756abed/src/expr/pickler.cpp
    static Block mkBlockBody4Chars(char a, char b, char c, char d) {
      Block newBody;
      newBody.d_body.d_data = (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | d;
      return newBody;
    static char getCharBlockBody(BlockBody body, int i) {
      Assert(0 <= i && i <= 3);
      switch(i) {
      case 0: return (body.d_data & 0xff000000) >> 24;
      case 1: return (body.d_data & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
      case 2: return (body.d_data & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
      case 3: return (body.d_data & 0x000000ff);
      return '\0';
    // ...
    void PicklerPrivate::toCaseString(Kind k, const std::string& s) {
      d_current << mkConstantHeader(k, s.size());
      unsigned size = s.size();
      unsigned i;
      for(i = 0; i + 4 <= size; i += 4) {
        d_current << mkBlockBody4Chars(s[i + 0], s[i + 1],s[i + 2], s[i + 3]);
      switch(size % 4) {
      case 0: break;
      case 1: d_current << mkBlockBody4Chars(s[i + 0], '\0','\0', '\0'); break;
      case 2: d_current << mkBlockBody4Chars(s[i + 0], s[i + 1], '\0', '\0'); break;
      case 3: d_current << mkBlockBody4Chars(s[i + 0], s[i + 1],s[i + 2], '\0'); break;

    Очередное переизобретение какой-то байтоебской поеботы типа ntohl(). И вообще, тут UB.

    j123123, 21 Февраля 2019

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  8. Kotlin / Говнокод #25394


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    private fun GetDeviceInfo(request: HttpServerRequest): HashMap<String, Info>
    		val deviceInfo = request.getParam(NAME_ID)?.let { id ->
    			(Ports.ById(id) ?: Ports.ByDeviceId(id))?.let(DeviceInfo.Companion::Create)
    			?: Files.FromPath(id)?.let { file ->
    			} ?: (Core.GetTask(id) as? Scenario)?.SourceFile?.let(::FileInfo)
    		return deviceInfo?.let { hashMapOf(REQUEST_RESULT to it) } ?: hashMapOf()

    jadedolej, 21 Февраля 2019

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  9. VisualBasic / Говнокод #25393


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    sub addleft
    	for i = 1 to 4
    		for j = 1 to 3
    			if a(i,j)<>0 and a(i,j) = a(i,j+1) then
    				moved = true 
    				a(i,j) = a(i,j)+1
    				a(i,j+1) = 0
    				score = score + integer ( 2**a(i,j) )
    			end if
    		end for
    	end for
    end sub
    sub left
    	for i = 1 to 4
    		for k = 1 to 3
    			for j = 1 to 3
    				if a(i,j) = 0 and a(i,j+1) <> 0 then
    					moved = true
    					a(i,j) = a(i,j+1)
    					a(i,j+1) = 0
    				end if
    			end for
    		end for
    	end for
    end sub
    rem addright, addup, adddown, right, up, down в том же духе
    rem . . .
    rem главный суслик
    while true
    		xy = touchdown()
    		if xy <> -1 then
    			x = xy/65536&0x0000ffff
    			y = xy&0x0000ffff
    				sleep 10
    				xy = touchup()
    			until xy <> -1
    			x = x - (xy/65536&0x0000ffff)
    			y = y - (xy&0x0000ffff)
    			if (abs(x)>100) <> (abs(y)>100) then
    				moved = false
    				if abs(x) > 100 then
    					if x > 0 then
    					end if
    					if y > 0 then
    					end if
    				end if
    				if moved then
    				end if
    			end if
    			sleep 10
    		end if
    		sleep 50
    	end while

    Не визуальный, но всё-таки барсик (могильный).

    Hu3KoypoBHeBblunemyx, 21 Февраля 2019

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  10. Java / Говнокод #25392


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     * Copyright (c) 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     * published by the Free Software Foundation.
     * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
     * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
     * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
     * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
     * accompanied this code).
     * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
     * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
     * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
     * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
     * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
     * questions.
    /* @test
       @bug 4890726
       @summary Check the correctness of KOI8_U by comparing to KOI8_R
    import java.util.*;
    import static java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock;
    public class UkrainianIsNotRussian {
        private static String decode(byte[] bytes, String encoding) throws Throwable {
            String s = new String(bytes, encoding);
            equal(s.length(), 1);
            check(Arrays.equals(s.getBytes(encoding), bytes));
            return s;
        private static void realMain(String[] args) throws Throwable {
            final byte[] bytes = new byte[1];
            int differences = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 0xff; i++) {
                bytes[0] = (byte) i;
                final String r = decode(bytes, "KOI8_R");
                final String u = decode(bytes, "KOI8_U");
                if (! r.equals(u)) {
                    final char rc = r.charAt(0);
                    final char uc = u.charAt(0);
                    final UnicodeBlock rcb = UnicodeBlock.of(rc);
                    final UnicodeBlock ucb = UnicodeBlock.of(uc);
                    System.out.printf("%02x => %04x %s, %04x %s%n",
                                      i, (int) rc, rcb, (int) uc, ucb);
                    check(rcb == UnicodeBlock.BOX_DRAWING &&
                          ucb == UnicodeBlock.CYRILLIC);
            equal(differences, 8);
        //--------------------- Infrastructure ---------------------------
        static volatile int passed = 0, failed = 0;
        static void pass() {passed++;}
        static void fail() {failed++; Thread.dumpStack();}
        static void fail(String msg) {System.out.println(msg); fail();}
        static void unexpected(Throwable t) {failed++; t.printStackTrace();}
        static void check(boolean cond) {if (cond) pass(); else fail();}
        static void equal(Object x, Object y) {
            if (x == null ? y == null : x.equals(y)) pass();
            else fail(x + " not equal to " + y);}
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
            try {realMain(args);} catch (Throwable t) {unexpected(t);}
            System.out.printf("%nPassed = %d, failed = %d%n%n", passed, failed);
            if (failed > 0) throw new AssertionError("Some tests failed");}


    j123123, 21 Февраля 2019

    Комментарии (169)