1. PHP / Говнокод #13004


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    try {
                die(@date("d.m.Y H:i:s") . "\t" . $this->x($id, true) . "\r\n");
    } catch (Exception $e) {
                die(@date("d.m.Y H:i:s") . "\tERROR: " . $e->getMessage() . "\r\n");

    остаться в живых

    Lure Of Chaos, 15 Мая 2013

    Комментарии (15)
  2. C++ / Говнокод #13002


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    // precondition: you already have a boost::shared_ptr<> to this or a derived object
    template<typename T>
    inline boost::shared_ptr<T> get_shared_ptr()
                // this cast lets the compiler verify the type compatibility
                assert( dynamic_cast<typename boost::shared_ptr<T>::element_type*>( &(*shared_from_this()) ) != 0);
                return *(boost::shared_ptr<T>*) &shared_from_this();


    blackhearted, 15 Мая 2013

    Комментарии (24)
  3. C# / Говнокод #13001


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    class MainClass
            public static char[,] titato = new char[3, 3] { { ' ', ' ', ' ' }, { ' ', ' ', ' ' }, { ' ', ' ', ' ' } };
            static bool CheckWin(char s)
                if ((titato[0, 0] == titato[1, 1] & titato[1, 1] == titato[2, 2] & titato[0, 0] != ' ') ||
                      (titato[0, 1] == titato[0, 2] & titato[0, 2] == titato[0, 0] & titato[0, 1] != ' ') ||
                       (titato[1, 1] == titato[1, 2] & titato[1, 2] == titato[1, 0] & titato[1, 1] != ' ') ||
                        (titato[2, 1] == titato[2, 2] & titato[2, 2] == titato[2, 0] & titato[2, 1] != ' ') ||
                         (titato[1, 0] == titato[2, 0] & titato[2, 0] == titato[0, 0] & titato[1, 0] != ' ') ||
                          (titato[1, 1] == titato[2, 1] & titato[2, 1] == titato[0, 1] & titato[1, 1] != ' ') ||
                           (titato[1, 2] == titato[2, 2] & titato[2, 2] == titato[0, 2] & titato[1, 2] != ' ') ||
                            (titato[2, 0] == titato[1, 1] & titato[1, 1] == titato[0, 2] & titato[2, 0] != ' '))
                    return true;
                return false;
            public static void PrintTicTacToe(char s)
                Console.Write(" ");            
                Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; 
                for (int i = 0; i < titato.GetLength(0); i++)            {
                     Console.Write(" {0} ", i); 
                for (int i = 0; i < titato.GetLength(0); i++)            {
                     Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                     Console.Write("{0}", i);
                     for (int j = 0; j < titato.GetLength(1); j++)                { 
                        Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                         if (titato[i, j] == 'x')                    {
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; 
                        else if (titato[i, j] == 'o')                    { 
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; 
                        else                    { 
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                         Console.Write(" {0} ", titato[i, j]); 
                Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; 
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                if (CheckWin(s))            {
                    Console.WriteLine(s + " win!!!");                
             public static void PushXO(int i, int j, char s)
                titato[i, j] = s; 
             public static void Main(string[] args)
                bool symbolX = true; 
                char s = 'x'; 
                int i = 0, j = 0; 
                do            { 
                    Console.WriteLine("TIC TAC TOE!"); 
                    if (symbolX == true)                {                    
                        Console.WriteLine("Ходит Х");
                        Console.WriteLine("Введите номер столбца а затем введите номер строки:"); 
                        s = 'x'; 
                        symbolX = false;  
                    else                { 
                        Console.WriteLine("Ходит О");
                        Console.WriteLine("Введите номер столбца а затем введите номер строки:");
                        s = 'o';                    
                        symbolX = true; 
                     i = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); 
                    j = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    PushXO(j, i, s);
                    //   Console.ReadLine();
                } while (true);


    Psilon, 14 Мая 2013

    Комментарии (163)
  4. ActionScript / Говнокод #13000


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    _testMode = new uint(1);
    _appID =  new String("blah_blah");

    Продолжаю вкуривать в новый чужой проект. Не устает радовать.

    crazy_horse, 14 Мая 2013

    Комментарии (85)
  5. C++ / Говнокод #12998


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    #define SET_VTYPE_AND_VARREF(type, val) \
      this->vt = VT_ ## type | VT_BYREF; \
      V_ ## type ## REF (this) = val;
    TVariantT& operator=(System::Currency* src)
      return* this;

    Быдлер такой быдлер
    стырено отсюда http://habrahabr.ru/company/pvs-studio/blog/179615/

    govnomonad, 14 Мая 2013

    Комментарии (0)
  6. C++ / Говнокод #12997


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    #include <iostream>
    namespace dynamic {
    template <class T> class scope;
    template <class T> class variable {
        variable() : initial(0), current(&initial) {}
        variable(const T &val) : initial(val, 0), current(&initial) {}
        operator T() { return current->val; }
        const T & operator = (const T & new_val) {
            return current->val = new_val;
        struct node {
            node(node *prev) : val(), prev(prev) {}
            node(const T &val, node *prev) : val(val), prev(prev) {}
            T val;
            node *prev;
        node initial;
        node *current;
        friend class scope<T>;
    template <class T> class scope {
        scope(variable<T> &var) : var(var), node(var.current) {
            var.current = &node;
        scope(variable<T> &var, const T &val) : var(var), node(val, var.current) {
            var.current = &node;
        ~scope() {
            var.current = node.prev;
        variable<T> &var;
        typename variable<T>::node node;
    dynamic::variable<int> x(100500);
    void foo() {
        std::cout << x << std::endl;
    void bar() {
        dynamic::scope<int> x_(x, 42);
        x = 265;
    int main() {
        return 0;

    Навеяно http://govnokod.ru/12993.


    bormand, 14 Мая 2013

    Комментарии (11)
  7. C++ / Говнокод #12993


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    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstring>
    const char tag[] = "Secret tag!";
    const size_t tagSize = sizeof(tag);
    const size_t nameSize = 32;
    template<class T>
    struct Value
        Value(const char* name, const T& data) :
        std::strncpy(this->tag, ::tag, tagSize);
        std::strncpy(this->name, name, nameSize);
    char tag[tagSize];
    char name[nameSize];
    T data;
    int getStackDir()
        char a;
        char b;
        return &b > &a ? 1 : -1;
    template<class T>
    T getValue(const char* name)
        static const size_t stackSize = 1024 * 1024;
        const int stackDir = getStackDir();
        char begin;
        for(char* p = &begin, *end = &begin - stackSize * stackDir; p != end; p -= stackDir)
            Value<T>* value = (Value<T>*)p;
            if(std::strcmp(value->tag, tag) != 0) continue;
            if(std::strcmp(value->name, name) != 0) continue;
            return value->data;
        return T();
    #define SET(type, name, value) Value<type> name(#name, value)
    #define GET(type, name) getValue<type>(#name)
    void test()
        std::cout << GET(int, x) << std::endl;
    int main()
        SET(int, x, 13);

    Отсюда http://www.rsdn.ru/forum/cpp/5163916.flat#5163916

    Artur, 13 Мая 2013

    Комментарии (19)
  8. Python / Говнокод #12992


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    import sys, os, time, httplib
    if sys.platform == 'linux' or sys.platform == 'linux2':
     clearing = 'clear'
     clearing = 'cls'
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
     print "\n|-------------------------------------------------------------|"
     print "|               Admin login finder     v2.0                     |"
     print "| Help: admin-find.py -h                                        |"
     print "|---------------------------------------------------------------|\n"
    for arg in sys.argv:
     if arg == '-h':
    	print "\n|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|"
    	print "|                Admin login finder     v2.0                                    |"
    	print "| Usage: admin-find.py www.site.com                                             |"
    	print "| Example: admin-find.py site.com                                               |"
    	print "|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n"
    site = sys.argv[1].replace("http://","").rsplit("/",1)[0] 
    site = site.lower()
    admin_path = ['admin.php','admin/','administrator/','moderator/','webadmin/','adminarea/','bb-admin/','adminLogin/','admin_area/','panel-administracion/','instadmin/','memberadmin/','administratorlogin/','adm/','admin/account.php','admin/index.php','admin/login.php','admin/admin.php','admin/account.php','joomla/administrator','login.php',
    'admin_area/admin.php','admin_area/login.php','siteadmin/login.php','siteadmin/index.php','siteadmin/login.html','admin/account.html','admin/index.html','admin/login.html','admin/admin.html','admin_area/index.php','bb-admin/index.php','bb-admin/login.php','bb-admin/admin.php','admin/home.php','admin_area/login.html','admin_area/index.html','admin/controlpanel.php','admincp/index.asp','admincp/login.asp','admincp/index.html','admin/account.html','adminpanel.html','webadmin.html','w    ebadmin/index.html','webadmin/admin.html','webadmin/login.html','admin/admin_login.html','admin_login.html','panel-administracion/login.html','admin/cp.php','cp.php','administrator/index.php','administrator/login.php','nsw/admin/login.php','webadmin/login.php','admin/admin_login.php','admin_login.php','administrator/account.php','administrator.php','admin_area/admin.html','pages/admin/admin-login.php','admin/admin-login.php','admin-login.php','bb-admin/index.html','bb-admin/login.html','bb-admin/admin.html','admin/home.html','modelsearch/login.php','moderator.php','moderator/login.php','moderator/admin.php','account.php','pages/admin/admin-login.html','admin/admin-login.html','admin-login.html','controlpanel.php','admincontrol.php',    
    'admin/adminLogin.html','adminLogin.html','admin/adminLogin.html','home.html','rcjakar/admin/login.php','adminarea/index.html','adminarea/admin.html','webadmin.php','webadmin/index.php','webadmin/admin.php','admin/controlpanel.html','admin.html','admin/cp.html','cp.html','adminpanel.php','moderator.htm    l','administrator/index.html','administrator/login.html','user.html','administrator/account.html','administrator.html','login.html','m    odelsearch/login.html','moderator/login.html','adminarea/login.html','panel-administracion/index.html','panel-administracion/admin.html','modelsearch/index.html','modelsearch/admin.html','admincontrol/login.html','adm/index.html','adm.html','moderator/admin.html','user.php','account.html','controlpane    l.html','admincontrol.html','panel-administracion/login.php','wp-login.php','adminLogin.php','admin/adminLogin.php','home.php','adminarea/index.php','adminarea/admin.php','adminarea/login.php','panel-administracion/index.php','panel-administracion/admin.php','modelsearch/index.php','modelsearch/admin.php','admincontrol/login.php','adm/admloginuser.php','admloginuser.php','admin2.php',    'admin2/login.php','admin2/index.php','adm/index.php','adm.php','affiliate.php','adm_auth.php    ','memberadmin.php','administratorlogin.php']
    print "\n|-------------------------------------------------------------|"
    print "|                Admin login finder     v2.0                    |"
    print "|---------------------------------------------------------------|\n"
    print "\n[-] %s" % time.strftime("%X")
    print "[+] Target:",site
    print "[+] Checking paths..."
     for admin in admin_path:
      admin = admin.replace("\n","")
      admin = "/" + admin
      connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(site)
      response = connection.getresponse()
      print "%s %s %s" % (admin, response.status, response.reason)

    Оригинал тут:

    lancerok, 13 Мая 2013

    Комментарии (14)
  9. PHP / Говнокод #12991


    1. 1
    $this->t = (date('w')+1)>6?0:(date('w')+1);

    фак мой мозг

    CRRaD, 13 Мая 2013

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  10. PHP / Говнокод #12990


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    $useDummy = true;
            do {
                if (!file_exists($filename)){ break; }
                require_once $filename;            
                if (!class_exists($className)){ break; }                        
                $useDummy = false;
            } while(false);

    Новый оператор ветвления do ... while

    dimkich, 13 Мая 2013

    Комментарии (81)