1. Си / Говнокод #29085


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    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    	size_t buflen;
    	size_t i;
    	char *obuffer;
    	if (argc != 2) {
    		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s 'some ASCII string'\n", argv[0]);
    		fprintf(stderr, "\tconvert the string into overlong UTF-8.\n");
    		return 1;
    	buflen = strlen(argv[1])*2+1;
    	obuffer = malloc(buflen);
    	if (obuffer == NULL) {
    		fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot allocate %zd bytes of memory.", buflen);
    		return 2;
    	for (i=0; argv[1][i]; i++) {
    		obuffer[2*i]   = 0xC0|(argv[1][i]>>6);
    		obuffer[2*i+1] = 0x80|(argv[1][i]&0x3F);
    	obuffer[2*i] = '\0';
    	return 0;

    В UTF-8 запрещено использовать кодовые последовательности не минимальной длины, например юникоды с номером до 127 требуется кодировать именно в один байт, а не в 2,3 и так далее. А если так всё-таки сделать, полученная фигня называется оверлонгом (overlong). Вот этот код их как раз и создаёт. Но только из ASCII символов и расширяя их только до двух байт. Написание более универсального варианта, если вдруг кому-то надо оставляем как упражнение для читателя.

    Что интересно, некоторые текстовые редакторы, если в них открыть файл, сделанный этой программой, увидят обычный текст.

    Threadwalker, 03 Февраля 2025

    Комментарии (4)
  2. Си / Говнокод #29082


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    // https://github.com/AlexCeleste/C99-Lambda
    // # C99-Lambda: nested functions, lambdas, and closures, in ISO C99
    // https://github.com/AlexCeleste/C99-Lambda/blob/57583080392d5f3f626034bbb3292eb0070ba304/c_lambda.h#L110
    // Internal lambda builder functions
    #define FN_8CL_ARG_TYPE(T) , T
    #define FN_8FEXP(call, p, f, R) { FN_8GETTYPE_8fn f = fn f; call(M_ID p M_IF(M_2ORMORE R, (_fun, M_REST_ R), (_fun))); }
    #define FN_8CLEXP(call, p, c, R) { void * _fun = cl c; call(M_ID p M_IF(M_2ORMORE R, (_fun, M_REST_ R), (_fun))); }
    #define FN_8EMIT_NS(N, H, B, Q) FN_8EMIT_NS_((FN_8GET_NL(N, B)), H, (M_ZIP_W2(FN_8EMIT_ELEM, B, M_ILIST)), Q)
    #define FN_8EMIT_NS_(NL, H, BL, Q) (8ZIPNE,(NL, BL, Q), FN_8EMIT_BODY(NL, H, BL))
    #define FN_8GET_NL(N, B) M_ZIP_W2(FN_8GET_NL_1, M_ENLIST(_8anon_##N##_, M_NARGS B), M_ILIST)
    #define FN_8GET_NL_1(A, B) , M_CONC_(A, B)
    #define FN_8EMIT_ELEM(E, _) ,M_CONC_(FN_8EMIT_, E)
    #define FN_8EMIT_8blk(...) (1, 0, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define FN_8EMIT_8fn(...) (0, 0, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define FN_8EMIT_8cl(...) (0, 1, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define FN_8EMIT_BLOCK(P, N) M_IF(M_FIRST P, (M_REST2 P), (FN_8EMIT_NAME((M_REST P, r, a, o), N)))
    #define FN_8EMIT_NAME(P, N) M_IF(M_FIRST P, (FN_8EMIT_CL(N, M_ID P)), (N))
    #define FN_8EMIT_CL(...) FN_8EMIT_CL_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define FN_8EMIT_CL_(n, _, r, a, o, ...) (void*)&(struct n##_env_t){ \
      n,sizeof(struct n##_env_t) M_FOR_EACH(FN_8CL_SND, M_ID o) }
    #define FN_8CL_SND(P) , M_REST_ P
    #define FN_8EMIT_ENV(E, Q) (8DO_Q, (Q), FN_8EMIT_ENV_(E))
    #define FN_8EMIT_ENV_(n, rt, a, o) struct n##_env_t { \
      FN_8CTYPE(rt, n, a, _fun); size_t _size; M_FOR_EACH(FN_8FLDS, M_ID o) };
    #define FN_8FLDS(F) M_FIRST_ F M_REST_ F;
    #define FN_8CL_DEC(rt, n, a) static rt n(void * _envV, M_ID a) { struct n##_env_t * _env = _envV; 
    #define FN_8FTYPE(rt, C, a, pn) rt(* C pn)a
    #define FN_8CTYPE(rt, n, a, pn) rt(* pn)(void *, M_ID a)
    #define FN_8GETTYPE_8fn(rt, a, ...) rt(* _fun)a
    #define FN_8CLSZ(T, N) T M_CONC(_, N);
    #define FN_8ZIPNE(NL, BL, Q) (8FLTNE, ((M_ZIP_W2(FN_8ZIPNE_, NL, BL)), Q))
    #define FN_8ZIPNE_(N, B) ,(M_FIRST_ B, N, M_REST_ B)
    #define FN_8FLTNE(EL, Q) (8POPEM, ((0 M_FOR_EACH(FN_8FLTNE_, M_ID EL)), Q))
    #define FN_8FLTNE_(E) M_IF(M_FIRST_ E, (), (,(M_REST_ E)))
    #define FN_8POPEM(FL, Q) M_IF(M_2ORMORE(M_ID FL), ((8F2NS, ((M_REST_ FL), Q))), ((8DO_Q, (Q))))
    #define FN_8F2NS(FL, Q) (8DO_Q, ((M_FOR_E2(FN_8F2NS_1, M_ID FL), M_ID Q)))
    #define FN_8F2NS_1(F) ,FN_8F2NS_2 F
    #define FN_8F2NS_2(n, isC, rt, a, ...) M_IF(isC, \
      ((8EMIT_NS_NX, (n, (FN_8CL_DEC(rt, n, a)), M_REST(__VA_ARGS__))), (8EMIT_ENV,(n, rt, a, M_FIRST(__VA_ARGS__)))), \
      ((8EMIT_NS_NX, (n, (static rt n a), __VA_ARGS__))))
    #define FN_8DO_Q(Q) (M_ID(M_FIRST_ M_FIRST_ Q),(M_ID M_REST_ M_FIRST_ Q, (M_REST_ Q)))
    #define FN_8EMIT_NS_NX(...) (8EMIT_NS, (__VA_ARGS__))

    Ммм, дерьмецо

    j123123, 30 Января 2025

    Комментарии (3)
  3. Си / Говнокод #29073


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    /* Python:
    def A004086(n):
    return int(str(n)[::-1])
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    int A004086(int n) {
        char str[12]; // Enough to hold the string representation of an int
        sprintf(str, "%d", n);
        int len = strlen(str);
        char reversed[12];
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            reversed[i] = str[len - 1 - i];
        reversed[len] = '\0'; // Null-terminate the string
        return atoi(reversed);

    Результат переписывание с "Python" на "C". A004086 это последовательность из OEIS https://oeis.org/A004086

    j123123, 02 Января 2025

    Комментарии (21)
  4. Си / Говнокод #29064


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    /* Windows doesn't support the fork() call; so we fake it by invoking
       another copy of Wget with the same arguments with which we were
       invoked.  The child copy of Wget should perform the same initialization
       sequence as the parent; so we should have two processes that are
       essentially identical.  We create a specially named section object that
       allows the child to distinguish itself from the parent and is used to
       exchange information between the two processes.  We use an event object
       for synchronization.  */
    static void
    fake_fork (void)
      char exe[MAX_PATH + 1];
      DWORD exe_len, le;
      HANDLE section, event, h[2];
      struct fake_fork_info *info;
      char *name;
      BOOL rv;
      section = pi.hProcess = pi.hThread = NULL;
      /* Get the fully qualified name of our executable.  This is more reliable
         than using argv[0].  */
      exe_len = GetModuleFileName (GetModuleHandle (NULL), exe, sizeof (exe));
      if (!exe_len || (exe_len >= sizeof (exe)))
      sa.nLength = sizeof (sa);
      sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
      sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
      /* Create an anonymous inheritable event object that starts out
         non-signaled.  */
      event = CreateEvent (&sa, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
      if (!event)
      /* Create the child process detached form the current console and in a
         suspended state.  */
      xzero (si);
      si.cb = sizeof (si);
      rv = CreateProcess (exe, GetCommandLine (), NULL, NULL, TRUE,
                          CREATE_SUSPENDED | DETACHED_PROCESS,
                          NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);
      if (!rv)
        goto cleanup;
      /* Create a named section object with a name based on the process id of
         the child.  */
      name = make_section_name (pi.dwProcessId);
      section =
                             sizeof (struct fake_fork_info), name);
      le = GetLastError();
      xfree (name);
      /* Fail if the section object already exists (should not happen).  */
      if (!section || (le == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS))
          rv = FALSE;
          goto cleanup;
      /* Copy the event handle into the section object.  */
      info = MapViewOfFile (section, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0);
      if (!info)
          rv = FALSE;
          goto cleanup;
      info->event = event;
      UnmapViewOfFile (info);
      /* Start the child process.  */
      rv = ResumeThread (pi.hThread);
      if (!rv)
          TerminateProcess (pi.hProcess, (DWORD) -1);
          goto cleanup;
      /* Wait for the child to signal to us that it has done its part.  If it
         terminates before signaling us it's an error.  */
      h[0] = event;
      h[1] = pi.hProcess;
      rv = WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForMultipleObjects (2, h, FALSE, 5 * 60 * 1000);
      if (!rv)
        goto cleanup;
      info = MapViewOfFile (section, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
      if (!info)
          rv = FALSE;
          goto cleanup;

    Из исходников wget.


    rOBHOBO3Hblu_nemyx, 06 Декабря 2024

    Комментарии (12)
  5. Си / Говнокод #29055


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    int IsEven(long long int number){
    	if (number == 0) return 0; 
    	long long int loc_num = 0;
    	if (number == loc_num+1) {return 1;
    	} else if (number == (loc_num+1)*(-1)) { return 1;
    	} else {
    		if (number == loc_num+2) {return 0;
    		} else if (number == (loc_num+2)*(-1)) { return 0;
    		} else {
    			if (number == loc_num+3) {return 1;
    			} else if (number == (loc_num+3)*(-1)) { return 1;
    			} else {
    				if (number == loc_num+4) {return 0;
    				} else if (number == (loc_num+4)*(-1)) { return 0;
    				} else {
    					if (number == loc_num+5) {return 1;
    					} else if (number == (loc_num+5)*(-1)) { return 1;
    					} else {
    						if (number == loc_num+6) {return 0;
    						} else if (number == (loc_num+6)*(-1)) { return 0;
    						} else {
    							if (number == loc_num+7) {return 1;
    							} else if (number == (loc_num+7)*(-1)) { return 1;
    							} else {
    								if (number == loc_num+8) {return 0;
    								} else if (number == (loc_num+8)*(-1)) { return 0;
    								} else {
    									if (number == loc_num+9) {return 1;
    									} else if (number == (loc_num+9)*(-1)) { return 1;
    									} else {
    										if (number == loc_num+10) {return 0;
    										} else if (number == (loc_num+10)*(-1)) { return 0;
    										} else {
    												goto update;

    TurboLyudoed, 14 Ноября 2024

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  6. Си / Говнокод #29001


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    // https://github.com/micropython/micropython/blob/1b89c503db690967d50699abe0bfa942f6f6b15e/ports/qemu/mcu/rv32/interrupts.c#L131
    const char *lookup_cause(uint32_t mcause) {
        if (mcause & 0x80000000) {
            switch (mcause & 0x7FFFFFFF) {
                case 1:
                    return exception_causes[1];
                case 3:
                    return exception_causes[2];
                case 5:
                    return exception_causes[3];
                case 7:
                    return exception_causes[4];
                case 9:
                    return exception_causes[5];
                case 11:
                    return exception_causes[6];
                    return (mcause >= 16) ?
                           exception_causes[7] :
        switch (mcause) {
            case 0:
                return exception_causes[8];
            case 1:
                return exception_causes[9];
            case 2:
                return exception_causes[10];
            case 3:
                return exception_causes[11];
            case 4:
                return exception_causes[12];
            case 5:
                return exception_causes[13];
            case 6:
                return exception_causes[14];
            case 7:
                return exception_causes[15];
            case 8:
                return exception_causes[16];
            case 9:
                return exception_causes[17];
            case 11:
                return exception_causes[18];
            case 12:
                return exception_causes[19];
            case 13:
                return exception_causes[20];
            case 15:
                return exception_causes[21];
            default: {
                if ((mcause >= 24 && mcause <= 31) ||
                    (mcause >= 48 && mcause <= 63)) {
                    return exception_causes[22];
                return exception_causes[0];


    j123123, 18 Октября 2024

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  7. Си / Говнокод #28998


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    int iseven(long long int number)
    	struct Num {
    		unsigned int x:1;
    		unsigned int y:31;
    		unsigned int z:32;
    	} num = (*(struct Num*)(&number));
    	return num.x; //Если результат 1, то нечётное.

    Функция определения чётности числа посредством возврата младшего бита.

    TurboLyudoed, 11 Октября 2024

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  8. Си / Говнокод #28995


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    longlong ** FUN_14000e5a0(longlong **param_1,LPCWSTR param_2,int param_3,uint param_4)
      uint uVar1;
      longlong **pplVar2;
      longlong **hFile;
      longlong *plVar3;
      longlong **pplVar4;
      DWORD DVar5;
      LONG local_38;
      undefined4 uStack_34;
      pplVar4 = (longlong **)0x0;
      uVar1 = param_4 & 0x1f;
      if ((param_4 & 0x1f) == 0) {
        uVar1 = 2;
      pplVar2 = FUN_1400119f8(DAT_1400213a0,(longlong)param_1);
      if (pplVar2 == (longlong **)0x0) {
        return (longlong **)0x0;
      if (param_3 == 1) {
        DVar5 = (DWORD)((param_4 >> 0x11 & 1) != 0);
        if ((param_4 >> 0x12 & 1) != 0) {
          DVar5 = 7;
        hFile = (longlong **)
        if (hFile == (longlong **)0xffffffffffffffff) goto LAB_14000e7ad;
      else {
        if (param_3 == 2) {
          DVar5 = (DWORD)((param_4 >> 0x11 & 1) != 0);
          if ((param_4 >> 0x12 & 1) != 0) {
            DVar5 = 7;
          hFile = (longlong **)
          goto LAB_14000e70c;
        if (param_3 != 3) {
          hFile = (longlong **)CONCAT44(uStack_34,local_38);
          goto LAB_14000e70c;
        DVar5 = (DWORD)((param_4 >> 0x11 & 1) != 0);
        if ((param_4 >> 0x12 & 1) != 0) {
          DVar5 = 7;
        hFile = (longlong **)
        if (hFile == (longlong **)0xffffffffffffffff) {
          hFile = (longlong **)
          goto LAB_14000e70c;
      if (hFile != (longlong **)0x0) {
        if ((DAT_14001f140 == 0) || ((param_4 >> 0x13 & 1) != 0)) {
          pplVar2[1] = (longlong *)0x0;
        else {
          plVar3 = (longlong *)HeapAlloc(DAT_1400204cc,0,(longlong)DAT_14001f140);
          pplVar2[1] = plVar3;
        *pplVar2 = (longlong *)hFile;
        *(int *)(pplVar2 + 2) = DAT_14001f140;
        *(undefined4 *)((longlong)pplVar2 + 0x14) = 0;
        *(uint *)(pplVar2 + 4) = uVar1;
        *(uint *)((longlong)pplVar2 + 0x24) = (uint)(param_3 == 1);
        *(undefined4 *)((longlong)pplVar2 + 0x1c) = 1;
        if ((param_3 == 2) && ((param_4 >> 0x14 & 1) != 0)) {
          local_38 = 0;
        pplVar4 = hFile;
        if (param_1 == (longlong **)0xffffffffffffffff) {
          pplVar4 = pplVar2;
        if (pplVar4 != (longlong **)0x0) {
          return pplVar4;
      if (param_1 == (longlong **)0xffffffffffffffff) {
        param_1 = pplVar2;
      return pplVar4;

    BelCodeMonkey, 06 Октября 2024

    Комментарии (5)
  9. Си / Говнокод #28988


    1. 1
    char main[] = { 0xf0, 0x0f, 0xc7, 0xc8 };

    DartPower, 10 Сентября 2024

    Комментарии (4)
  10. Си / Говнокод #28950


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     Brainfuck-C ( http://github.com/kgabis/brainfuck-c )
     Copyright (c) 2012 Krzysztof Gabis
     Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
     of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
     in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
     to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
     copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
     furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
     The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
     all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #define OP_END          0
    #define OP_INC_DP       1
    #define OP_DEC_DP       2
    #define OP_INC_VAL      3
    #define OP_DEC_VAL      4
    #define OP_OUT          5
    #define OP_IN           6
    #define OP_JMP_FWD      7
    #define OP_JMP_BCK      8
    #define SUCCESS         0
    #define FAILURE         1
    #define PROGRAM_SIZE    4096
    #define STACK_SIZE      512
    #define DATA_SIZE       65535
    #define STACK_PUSH(A)   (STACK[SP++] = A)
    #define STACK_POP()     (STACK[--SP])
    #define STACK_EMPTY()   (SP == 0)
    #define STACK_FULL()    (SP == STACK_SIZE)
    struct instruction_t {
        unsigned short operator;
        unsigned short operand;
    static struct instruction_t PROGRAM[PROGRAM_SIZE];
    static unsigned short STACK[STACK_SIZE];
    static unsigned int SP = 0;
    int compile_bf(FILE* fp) {
        unsigned short pc = 0, jmp_pc;
        int c;
        while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF && pc < PROGRAM_SIZE) {
            switch (c) {
                case '>': PROGRAM[pc].operator = OP_INC_DP; break;
                case '<': PROGRAM[pc].operator = OP_DEC_DP; break;
                case '+': PROGRAM[pc].operator = OP_INC_VAL; break;
                case '-': PROGRAM[pc].operator = OP_DEC_VAL; break;
                case '.': PROGRAM[pc].operator = OP_OUT; break;
                case ',': PROGRAM[pc].operator = OP_IN; break;
                case '[':
                    PROGRAM[pc].operator = OP_JMP_FWD;
                    if (STACK_FULL()) {
                        return FAILURE;
                case ']':
                    if (STACK_EMPTY()) {
                        return FAILURE;
                    jmp_pc = STACK_POP();
                    PROGRAM[pc].operator =  OP_JMP_BCK;
                    PROGRAM[pc].operand = jmp_pc;
                    PROGRAM[jmp_pc].operand = pc;
                default: pc--; break;
        if (!STACK_EMPTY() || pc == PROGRAM_SIZE) {
            return FAILURE;
        PROGRAM[pc].operator = OP_END;
        return SUCCESS;
    int execute_bf() {
        unsigned short data[DATA_SIZE], pc = 0;
        unsigned int ptr = DATA_SIZE;
        while (--ptr) { data[ptr] = 0; }
        while (PROGRAM[pc].operator != OP_END && ptr < DATA_SIZE) {
    // (...)

    Интерпретатор Brainfuck.

    Полный код можно посмотреть тута:

    kNode, 02 Июля 2024

    Комментарии (6)