1. Лучший говнокод

    В номинации:
    За время:
  2. PHP / Говнокод #26008


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    guest8, 01 Ноября 2019

    Комментарии (19)
  3. Си / Говнокод #26006


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    // https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Directives-Within-Macro-Arguments.html
    // Occasionally it is convenient to use preprocessor directives within the arguments
    // of a macro. The C and C++ standards declare that behavior in these cases is
    // undefined. GNU CPP processes arbitrary directives within macro arguments in
    // exactly the same way as it would have processed the directive were the
    // function-like macro invocation not present. 
    // If, within a macro invocation, that macro is redefined, then the new definition
    // takes effect in time for argument pre-expansion, but the original definition is
    // still used for argument replacement. Here is a pathological example:
    #define f(x) x x
    f (1
    #undef f
    #define f 2
    // which expands to
    // 1 2 1 2

    Ну и хуйня.

    j123123, 31 Октября 2019

    Комментарии (6)
  4. Perl / Говнокод #26005


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    use Unicornify::URL;
    my $url = unicornify_url( email => '[email protected]' );


    PACTPOBblu_nemyx, 30 Октября 2019

    Комментарии (78)
  5. 1C / Говнокод #26004


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    Функция УбратьПробел(стрЧисло)
    	//убирает пустой пробел
    	нСтр = "";
    	Для п=1 По СтрДлина(стрЧисло) Цикл
    		р = Сред(стрЧисло,п,1);
    		Если р = "1" ИЛИ р = "2" ИЛИ р = "3" ИЛИ р = "4" ИЛИ р = "5" ИЛИ р = "6" ИЛИ р = "7" ИЛИ р = "8" ИЛИ р = "9" ИЛИ р = "0" ИЛИ р = "," Тогда
    			нСтр = нСтр+р;
    	Возврат нСтр;


    sandvich, 30 Октября 2019

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  6. Perl / Говнокод #26003


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    # Fetch all JS from govno
    use strict;
    use warnings FATAL => 'all';
    use LWP;
    my $res = LWP::UserAgent->new->request(HTTP::Request->new("GET" => "http://govnokod.xyz/"));
    die "Failed: " . $res->code unless $res->is_success;
    for (split /\n/, $res->content) {
        print if /<script/ ... /script>/ and !m/[<>]/;


    Официальный тред для ржания над пятым перлом

    MAKAKA, 29 Октября 2019

    Комментарии (43)
  7. Python / Говнокод #26001


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    import re, copy, json
    config = {}
    def domain_mapper(domain):
    	def injector(f):
    		if domain not in config:
    			config[domain] = []
    	return injector
    def default(f):
    	config['default'] = [f]
    	return f
    def google_filter(content):
    	regex = r"([^\!\?\.]*?offer.*?[\!\?\.])"
    	repl = r""
    	return re.sub(regex, repl, content, re.M)
    def another_google_filter(content):
    	return content
    def yandex_filter(content):
    	regex = r"<img src=[\"'](.+?)[\"'].*/>"
    	repl = r"\1"
    	return re.sub(regex, repl, content, re.M)
    def mail_filter(content):
    	regex = r"<img src=[\"'](.+?)\.gif[\"'].*/>"
    	repl = r"<img src='\1.png'/>"
    	return re.sub(regex, repl, content, re.M)

    Говно или нет?

    miwomare, 28 Октября 2019

    Комментарии (85)
  8. PHP / Говнокод #26000


    1. 1
    SCRIPT="<?php http_response_code(429); ob_clean(); //" php -S localhost:80 /proc/self/environ

    sql injection is for kids, grownups use environment variable injection

    Fike, 28 Октября 2019

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  9. Java / Говнокод #25998


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    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class ComputeTax {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Create a Scanner
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    // Prompt the user to enter filing status
        "(0-single filer, 1-married jointly or qualifying widow(er)",
        + "\n2-married separately, 3-head of household)\n" +
        "Enter the filing status: ");
    int status = input.nextInt();
    // Prompt the user to enter taxable income
    System.out.print("Enter the taxable income: ");
    double income = input.nextDouble();
    // Compute tax
    double tax = 0;
    if (status == 0) {// Compute tax for single filers
        if (income <= 8350)
              tax = income * 0.10;
        else if (income <= 33950)
              tax = 8350 * 0.10 + (income - 8350) * 0.15;
        else if (income <= 82250)
              tax = 8350 * 0.10 + (33950 - 8350) * 0.15 +
             (income - 33950) * 0.25;
        else if (income <= 171550)
              tax = 8350 * 0.10 + (33950 - 8350) * 0.15 +
             (82250 - 33950) * 0.25 + (income - 82250) * 0.28;
        else if (income <= 372950)
              tax = 8350 * 0.10 + (33950 - 8350) * 0.15 +
              (82250 - 33950) * 0.25 + (171550 - 82250) * 0.28 +
              (income - 171550) * 0.33;
              tax = 8350 * 0.10 + (33950 - 8350) * 0.15 +
             (82250 - 33950) * 0.25 + (171550 - 82250) * 0.28 +
             (372950 - 171550) * 0.33 + (income - 372950) * 0.35;
    else if (status == 1) {
    // Left as exercise
    // Compute tax for married file jointly or qualifying widow(er)
    else if (status == 2) {
    // Compute tax for married separately
    // Left as exercise
    else if (status == 3) {
    // Compute tax for head of household
    // Left as exercise
    else {
        System.out.println("Error: invalid status");
    // Display the result
    System.out.println("Tax is " + (int)(tax * 100) / 100.0);

    Ksyrx, 26 Октября 2019

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  10. JavaScript / Говнокод #25993


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    const getSizeString = (size: number) => {
        const mesuarments = ["Б", "кБ", "МБ", "ГБ"];
        let i = 0;
        for (; size/1024 > 1; size /= 1024, i++)
        return ${Math.floor(size) === size ? size : (size).toFixed(1)} ${mesuarments[i]};

    m_sandman, 25 Октября 2019

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  11. Python / Говнокод #25986


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    class Container:
        def __init__(self, liquid):
            self.liquid = liquid
        def look_inside(self):
            return f"{self.liquid} in container"
        def create_with(cls, liquid):
            return cls(liquid)
    class Bottle(Container):
        def look_inside(self):
            return f"bottle full of {self.liquid}"
    class Glass(Container):
        def look_inside(self):
            return f"A glass of {self.liquid}"
    for c in (c.create_with("beer") for c in [Glass, Bottle]):

    ми маємо class polymorphism

    DypHuu_niBEHb, 23 Октября 2019

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