1. PHP / Говнокод #12257


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    Здравствуйте, господа!
    Кто знает, как выяснить свободный порт виртуальной машины средствами PHP?

    Govnisti_Diavol, 06 Декабря 2012

    Комментарии (16)
  2. PHP / Говнокод #12256


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    function preDispatch() {
    		// Validate and redirect
            try {
                $this->_DB = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
                $time = $this->_DB->query('SELECT time FROM `CapturesList` WHERE InnerLink = \'' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '\' LIMIT 0,1;')->fetchAll();
    		@$this->view->time = $time[0]['time'];
                if ($time[0]['time'] != NULL) {
                    $times = split(', ', $time[0]['time']);
                    if (strtotime(($times[1]) . '/' . ($times[2]) . '/' . $times[0] . ' ' . $times[3] . ":00") < (int) (mktime())) {
                        if (strtotime(($times[1]) . '/' . ($times[2]) . '/' . $times[0] . ' ' . $times[3] . ":00") > 1347032555) {
                            $count = $this->_DB->query('SELECT *, COUNT(time) AS counts FROM `CapturesList` WHERE time IS NOT NULL;')->fetchAll();
                            $count = $count[0]['counts'];
                            @$newdate = strftime("%G, %m, %d, %H", strtotime(($times[1]) . '/' . ($times[2]) . '/' . $times[0] . ' ' . $times[3] . ":00 +" . ((int)($count / 2) + 1) . " weeks"));
                            @$this->_DB->query('UPDATE `CapturesList` SET `time` = \'' . ($newdate) . '\' WHERE InnerLink = \'' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '\';');
                            @$this->view->time = $newdate;
                        else{@$this->view->time = $time[0]['time'];}
                    } else {
                        @$this->view->time = $time[0]['time'];
                } else {
                    @$this->view->time = "NULL";
            } catch (Exception $exc) {
                echo $exc->getTraceAsString();
                @$this->view->time = "NULL";
            header('Refer: ' . $this->view->linktofunnel);
            if (session_id() == '')
            if ($this->_getParam('action') != 'save') {
                $_SESSION["domain"] = $this->view->domain;
                $_SESSION["owner"] = $this->OwnerData;

    Более говнокодного я давно не писал. Кажется я схожу с ума

    Stud, 06 Декабря 2012

    Комментарии (16)
  3. PHP / Говнокод #12250


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    $model->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',mktime(date('H'),date('i'),date('s'),date('m'),date('d'),date('Y')));

    берём текущую дату...

    blackray, 05 Декабря 2012

    Комментарии (7)
  4. PHP / Говнокод #12249


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    $sw = false;
    if($valid_from && $valid_to)
    	if( ($valid_from<=date('U')) && ($valid_to>=mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y'))) )
    		$sw = true;
    		$sw = true;
    		$sw = true;
    	$sw = true;

    Edd, 04 Декабря 2012

    Комментарии (20)
  5. PHP / Говнокод #12246


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    if(!empty($_SESSION['UserLogin']) or !empty($_SESSION['UserId']))
      header('Location: user');
      $UserName = $_POST['UserName']; 
      if($UserName == '') 
      $UserEmail = $_POST['UserEmail']; 
      if($UserEmail == '') 
      $UserLogin = $_POST['UserLogin']; 
      if($UserLogin == '') 
      $UserPassword = $_POST['UserPassword']; 
      if($UserPassword == '') 
    if (empty($UserName) or empty($UserEmail) or empty($UserLogin) or empty($UserPassword))
     header('Location: registration?error_code=1');
      $UserLogin = stripslashes($UserLogin);
      $UserLogin = htmlspecialchars($UserLogin);
      $UserLogin = trim($UserLogin);
      $UserPassword = stripslashes($UserPassword);
      $UserPassword = htmlspecialchars($UserPassword);
      $UserPassword = trim($UserPassword);
      $SelectQuery = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM Users WHERE UserLogin ='$UserLogin'", $db);
      $QueryResult = mysql_fetch_array($SelectQuery);
        header('Location: registration?error_code=2');
        $InsertQuery = mysql_query("INSERT INTO Users(UserName, UserSName, UserLogin, UserPassword, UserEmail, 
        UserPhone, UserStatus) VALUES('$UserName', 'Фамилия не указана', '$UserLogin', '$UserPassword', '$UserEmail', 'Телефон не указан', 'Статус не указан')");
        if($InsertQuery == true)
          header("Location: action_status?reg_code=good&UserLogin=$UserLogin&UserPassword=$UserPassword");
          header('Location: registration?error_code=3'); 


    Govnisti_Diavol, 04 Декабря 2012

    Комментарии (19)
  6. PHP / Говнокод #12245


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    function StringForCountryInt($countryInt)
    		switch ($countryInt)
    			case "1" : return 'Afghanistan'; break;
                case "2" : return 'Albania'; break;
                case "3" : return 'Algeria'; break;
                case "4" : return 'American Samoa'; break;
                case "5" : return 'Andorra'; break;
                case "6" : return 'Angola'; break;
                case "7" : return 'Anguilla'; break;
                case "8" : return 'Antarctica'; break;
    //          ....
    //          ....
    //          ....
                 case "239" : return 'Zimbabwe'; break;

    MODx, evolution. Сниппет WebLoginPE.
    В базе сохраняет ID страну, в классе вот такой метод для обратного преобразования :)

    MaXL, 04 Декабря 2012

    Комментарии (17)
  7. PHP / Говнокод #12238


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    function createOperator($a = [])
    	$IOperator = [
    		'index' => 1,
    		'iteration' => "",
    		'f' => 'print_r($a);if(++$a["index"] < $a["count"])
    				return eval($a["iteration"]);
    				return $a["result"];',
    		'run' => 'return eval',
    		$IOperator['run'] = '$a = $'.$a['title'] . '; ' . $IOperator['run'] . '($a["iteration"]);';
    		$IOperator['iteration'] = '$a = array_merge($a, ' . $a['operation'] . ');' . "\n" . $IOperator['f'];
    		$IOperator = array_merge($a, $IOperator);
    	return $IOperator;
    $fib = createOperator([
    	'first' => 1,
    	'result' => 1,
    	'count' => 5,
    	'title' => 'fib',
    	'operation' => '["first" => $a["result"], "result" => $a["first"]+$a["result"]]'
    echo eval($fib['run']);
    $fac = createOperator([
    	'result' => 1,
    	'count' => 5,
    	'title' => 'fac',
    	'operation' => '["result" => $a["result"]*$a["index"]]',
    echo eval($fac['run']);

    Меня потянуло сделать какую-то фигню. Встречайте, рефлексивное программирование.

    mkusher, 02 Декабря 2012

    Комментарии (12)
  8. PHP / Говнокод #12237


    1. 1
    1/-0 == 42


    serpinski, 02 Декабря 2012

    Комментарии (1)
  9. PHP / Говнокод #12236


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    This awesome yet simple and pragmatic PHP library performs an addition of two numbers.
    In early stages of Internet, developers were forced to work with poor, dry, functional, horrific languages. Everything had to be done through austere functions and operators. There was no objects. No interfaces. No dependency injection.
    For example, to make something as simple as an addition, our dads had to write: 1+1. Yeah, really.
    Hopefuly now, we have PHP 5.3 and its solid OOP implementation. SimplePHPEasyPlus lets you make this addition in a more fashionable way, using real OOP. It is fast, simple, flexible and tested. To add 1 to 1, all you have to do is:
    use SimplePHPEasyPlus\Number\NumberCollection;
    use SimplePHPEasyPlus\Number\SimpleNumber;
    use SimplePHPEasyPlus\Number\CollectionItemNumberProxy;
    use SimplePHPEasyPlus\Parser\SimpleNumberStringParser;
    use SimplePHPEasyPlus\Iterator\CallbackIterator;
    use SimplePHPEasyPlus\Operator\AdditionOperator;
    use SimplePHPEasyPlus\Operation\ArithmeticOperation;
    use SimplePHPEasyPlus\Operation\OperationStream;
    use SimplePHPEasyPlus\Engine;
    use SimplePHPEasyPlus\Calcul\Calcul;
    use SimplePHPEasyPlus\Calcul\CalculRunner;
    $numberCollection = new NumberCollection();
    $numberParser = new SimpleNumberStringParser();
    $firstParsedNumber = $numberParser->parse('1');
    $firstNumber = new SimpleNumber($firstParsedNumber);
    $firstNumberProxy = new CollectionItemNumberProxy($firstNumber);
    $secondParsedNumber = $numberParser->parse('1');
    $secondNumber = new SimpleNumber($secondParsedNumber);
    $secondNumberProxy = new CollectionItemNumberProxy($secondNumber);
    $addition = new AdditionOperator('SimplePHPEasyPlus\Number\SimpleNumber');
    $operation = new ArithmeticOperation($addition);
    $engine = new Engine($operation);
    $calcul = new Calcul($engine, $numberCollection);
    $runner = new CalculRunner();
    $result = $calcul->getResult();
    $numericResult = $result->getValue(); // 2
    This library is now available for production purposes. Enjoy!

    [КО]Складывает 2 числа[/КО]

    Vasiliy, 01 Декабря 2012

    Комментарии (8)
  10. PHP / Говнокод #12234


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    #101 Check PHP configuration in console
    $ php -r "phpinfo\(\);"

    Вот такой скрипт нашёл в дебрях локального битрикса под NDA.

    serpinski, 01 Декабря 2012

    Комментарии (10)