1. PHP / Говнокод #1263


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    class db {
    function db_conn ($host,$user,$pass,$db) {
    	if(!($this->link = @mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pass)))
    		echo "<font color=\"red\">Error:</font> connect to host: $host";
    		echo "<font color=\"red\">Error:</font> select database $db";
    	return $this->link;
    function sql_query ($query) {
    	$result = mysqli_query($this->link, $query);
    		if (!$result)
    			$this->error_msg = mysqli_error ($result);
    			return $this->error_msg;
    	return $result;
    function sql_fetch_assoc ($query) {
    		//$array = array();
    		$row = mysqli_fetch_array($res);
    		return $row;

    guest, 26 Июня 2009

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  2. PHP / Говнокод #1262


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    class db {
    function db_conn ($host,$user,$pass,$db) {
    	if((!$this->link = @mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pass)))
    		echo "<font color=\"red\">Error:</font> connect to host: $host";
    		echo "<font color=\"red\">Error:</font> select database $db";
    function sql_query ($query) {
    	$this->link = mysqli_query($this->link, $query);
    		if (!$this->link)
    			$this->error_msg = mysqli_error ($this->link);
    			return $this->error_msg;
    	return $this->link;
    function sql_fetch_assoc ($query) {
    		$array = array();
    		$row = mysqli_fetch_array($res);
    		return $row;

    guest, 26 Июня 2009

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  3. PHP / Говнокод #1261


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        $sess_del ="NEWCONTENT";
        $sd_flag  =base64_encode($sess_del);
    <td width="127"><a href="createeflyer.php?s_flag=<?=$sd_flag?>" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('Image12','','images/navig-ovr_12.jpg',1)"><img src="<?=$imagesrc2?>" alt="createflyer" name="Image12" width="127" height="39" border="0" id="Image12" /></a></td>

    Продолжение индийского эпоса (#1244-#1245, #1248-#1251)

    -Назовем это "Операция Ы"!
    -Почему "Ы"?
    -Чтобы никто не догадался

    guest, 26 Июня 2009

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  4. PHP / Говнокод #1253


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    global $scan, $scan1, $scan2, $pri1, $pri2, $host, $i1, $hits;
    global $server1, $server2;
    global $item;
    global $use_1, $term_1, $trun1, $bop_1;
    global $use_2, $term_2, $trun2, $bop_2;
    global $use_3, $term_3, $trun3, $bop_3;
    global $use_4, $term_4, $trun4, $bop_4;
    global $use_5, $term_5, $trun5, $bop_5;
    #echo $ver;
    if ($ver>42)extract($_REQUEST);
    if ($format == "1.2.840.10003.5.109.10") {
    if (($scan==tounicode("список"))||($scan1==tounicode("список"))||($scan2==tounicode("список")))
            if (strlen($term_2)>0)
            if (strlen($term_3)>0)
            $field1="@attr 1=" . $use_1;
            if (strlen($term1)==0)
    /*            {
                  echo "<title>z39.50</title><BODY bgcolor=FFFFE6 TEXT=000000 LINK=brown VLINK=brown topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0><center><table width=70% border=1 cellpadding=25 cellspacing=0><td valign=top><font face='arial,helvetica' size=6 color=#333333>Шлюз Z39.50</font><hr><font color=brown><p><b>Для просмотра списка введите, пожалуйста, первую букву поискового терма<p><br><a href='javascript:history.back()'><img src=back.gif border=0></A></td></table>";
                }  */

    guest, 25 Июня 2009

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  5. PHP / Говнокод #1252


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    unction int2hex($intega){
       $Ziffer = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    return $Ziffer[($intega%256)/16].$Ziffer[$intega%16];
    function url_encode($text){
       $text = urlencode($text);
               $in = "%".int2hex($i);
               $out = "%C3%".int2hex($i-64);
               $text = str_replace($in,$out,$text);
    return $text;
    function tounicode ($string){
    		if ($codcurrent<240):
    return $unistring;

    guest, 25 Июня 2009

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  6. PHP / Говнокод #1251


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    if($_SESSION["CONTACT_ID"]=="" || $_SESSION["CONTACT_ID"]==0)
    	$contact_id = $_SESSION["CONTACT_ID"];
    if($_SESSION["ORDER_ID"]=="" || $_SESSION["ORDER_ID"]==0)
    	$order_id = $_SESSION["ORDER_ID"];
    $selBillingInfo = "SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `contact_id`='".$contact_id."'";
    $resBillingInfo = $db->select_data($selBillingInfo);
    $selOrderInfo = "SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE `order_id`='".$order_id."'";
    $resOrderInfo = $db->select_data($selOrderInfo);
    <? $exesql=mysql_query("select * from admin_updation where id = 1"); 
    $rs=mysql_fetch_object($exesql); $to_mail=$rs->paypal_id;?> 
    <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    	<td width="30"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="30" height="1" /></td>
    	<td><form class="formclass" method="post" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"  id="myform" name="theForm" ><!--<form class="formclass" method="post" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"  id="myform" name="theForm" >-->
    		<input name="validate" value="1" type="hidden">
    		<input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="<?=$order_id?>" />
    		$paypal[return_method]="2"; //1=GET 2=POST
    		$paypal[currency_code]="USD"; //[USD,GBP,JPY,CAD,EUR]
    		$paypal[url]="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"; // For Test 
    		$paypal[post_method]="fso"; //fso=fsockopen(); curl=curl command line libCurl=php compiled with libCurl support
    		$paypal[display_comment]="0"; //0=yes 1=no
    		$paypal[continue_button_text]="Continue >>";
    		$paypal[background_color]="1"; //""=white 1=black
    		$paypal[display_shipping_address]="1"; //""=yes 1=no
    		$paypal[display_comment]="1"; //""=yes 1=no
    		<!--<input type="hidden" name="business" value="[email protected]">--><? // For Live ?>
    		<input type="hidden" name="business" value="<?=$to_mail?>"><? // For Test ?>
    		<!--<input type="hidden" name="business" value="[email protected]">--><? // For Test ?>
    		<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Говнобрэнд">
    		<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="<?=$paypal[cmd]?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="redirect_cmd" value="<?=$paypal[cmd]?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="image_url" value="">
    		<input type="hidden" name="return" value="<? echo "$paypal[site_url]$paypal[success_url]"; ?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" value="<? echo "$paypal[site_url]$paypal[cancel_url]"; ?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="<? echo "$paypal[site_url]$paypal[notify_url]"; ?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="rm" value="<?=$paypal[return_method]?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="<?=$paypal[currency_code]?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="lc" value="<?=$paypal[lc]?>"><input type="hidden" name="bn" value="<?=$paypal[bn]?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="cbt" value="<?=$paypal[continue_button_text]?>"><input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="<?=$paypal[display_shipping_address]?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="<?=$paypal[display_comment]?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="<?=$order_id?>"><input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?=$resOrderInfo[0]['amount']?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="first_name" value="<?=$resBillingInfo[0]['first_name']?>">	<input type="hidden" name="last_name" value="<?=$resBillingInfo[0]['last_name']?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="company" value="<?=$resBillingInfo[0]['company']?>"><input type="hidden" name="address" value="<?=$resBillingInfo[0]['address']?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="city" value="<?=$resBillingInfo[0]['city']?>"><input type="hidden" name="state" value="<?=$resBillingInfo[0]['state']?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="zip" value="<?=$resBillingInfo[0]['zip']?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="country" value="<?=$resBillingInfo[0]['country']?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="phone" value="<?=$resBillingInfo[0]['phone']?>"> 	<input type="hidden" name="email " value="<?=$resBillingInfo[0]['email']?>">	<input type="hidden" name="a3" value="<?=$resOrderInfo[0]['amount']?>">
    		<input type="hidden" name="p3" value="1">	<input type="hidden" name="t3" value="M"> <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1">
    		<input type="hidden" name="src" value="1"><input type="hidden" name="sra" value="1">
    		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    			<td class="text_body">&nbsp;</td>
    			<td align="left"></td>
    	<td width="15"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" /></td>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    objfrm = document.getElementById("myform");

    А вот занятный способ переброса посетителя на paypal.
    С помощью невидимой формы, который сама засабмитится (может быть).

    Источник тот же, что у #1244-#1245, #1248-#1250

    guest, 25 Июня 2009

    Комментарии (8)
  7. PHP / Говнокод #1250


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           {global $err;
    	    $err = array();
            /* Get autoincreament id before inserting */
    		   $sqlSelctNextMem = "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'slideshow'";
    	       $resSelctNextMem = mysql_query($sqlSelctNextMem);
    	       $rr = mysql_fetch_array($resSelctNextMem);
               $maxRetailId =  $rr['Auto_increment'];
    		   /* Get autoincreament id before inserting */
    	   for($img=0; $img < $TotalNoOfFile;$img++)
    		     $msg_dis.="<br><center><font class=required><img src=images/error.gif border=0>Image uploading failed.</font><center>";
    				$filename = basename($_FILES['photo']['name'][$img]);
    				$my_firstfile=str_replace(" ","_",$_FILES['photo']['name'][$img]);
    		    	$extp = substr($f_name_file, strrpos($f_name_file, '.') + 1);
    			// $_SESSION["ext"][$img]= basename($_FILES['photo']['name'][$img]);
    			$mediafolder = "tmp/uploads/eflyers/";
    			//$target_path = "uploads/eflyers/slideshow/".$filename;
    			// $target_thumbnail_path="uploads/eflyers/slideshow/thumbnails/".$filename;
    			$target_path_org = $mediafolder."slideshow/".$f_name_file;
    			$target_path = $mediafolder."slideshow/".$new_filename;
    			$result = 0;
    			$pos = strpos($allowedfiletype,$filetypeext);
    				  /* if($hw[0] > 800 || $hw[1] > 600){
    					 $msg.=basename($_FILES['photo']['name'][$img])."-> exceed the limit of 800x600 pixel<br>";
    				   }else*/ if($pos === false)
    						  //$msg.=basename($_FILES['photo']['name'][$img])."->Only following jpg,jpeg,pjpeg,png,gif types are allowed<br>";
    						   $msg_dis.=basename($_FILES['photo']['name'][$img])."->Only following jpg,jpeg,png,gif,bmp types are allowed<br>";
    					// chmod ($mediafolder, 0777); 
    				 	 if(@move_uploaded_file($temp_file, $target_path)) 
    							//chmod ($mediafolder, 0755); 
    				        	if( $msg=="")
    							 $result = 1;
    							//$filesuploaded.=$_FILES['photo']['name'][$img]." Uploaded successfully<br>";
    							$filesuploaded.=str_replace(" ","_",$_FILES['photo']['name'][$img]).",";
    								// slideshow_id 	created slideshow
    							$sql_media="insert into slideshow(`slideshow_id`,`created`)values('{$maxRetailId}','{$creat_time}')";
    						        $sql_slideframe="insert into slideshow_frame(`frame_id`,`slideshow_id`,`title`,`smallfilename`,`filename`,`order_number`)values('','{$maxRetailId}','{$f_name_file}','{$new_filename_small}','{$new_filename_middle}','{$img_id}')";

    guest, 25 Июня 2009

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    И снова кусок кода из той же золотой жилы, что и #1248.
    Хитрый перевод времени в 24х-часовой формат.

    $_POST['schedule_meridian'] - 0 или 1, означает AM/PM.
    $_POST['schedule_hour'] - час от 1 до 12.

    guest, 25 Июня 2009

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    /* for Shedular date */
    	$sh_date=date ("d-m-Y-h-A", $shd_Date);
    	/* for Shedular date */

    И снова индусский (как выяснилось по камментам там и сям) код. Источник тот же, что у #1244 и #1245.

    guest, 25 Июня 2009

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  10. PHP / Говнокод #1247


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    if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
    $strings = ($row[1]) + 1;
    $words = $row[2] + (substr_count(trim($parse[count($parse)-6]), ' ') + 1);
    $letters = $row[3]+strlen($parse[count($parse)-6]);
    $result = mysql_query("UPDATE `stat` SET `strings`='".$strings."', `words`='".$words."', `letters`='".$letters."', `last_say`='".$parse[count($parse)-6]."', `last_say_date`='".date('Y-m-d G:i:s')."' WHERE `id`=".$row['id']) or die(''.mysql_error($link));
    } else $result=mysql_query("INSERT into `stat` (`host`, `strings`, `words`, `letters`) VALUES ('".$parse[count($parse)-2]."', '1', '".(substr_count(trim($parse[count($parse)-6]), ' ') + 1)."', '".strlen($parse[count($parse)-6])."')") or die(''.mysql_error($link));

    Скрипт обновления статистики

    guest, 24 Июня 2009

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