1. Список говнокодов пользователя cherepets

    Всего: 4

  2. C# / Говнокод #24237


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    public override bool IsViewFromObject(View view, Java.Lang.Object @object)
    			// actually... i don't know
    			return true;

    Прод код одного ведро-приложения, адаптер к листалке

    cherepets, 09 Мая 2018

    Комментарии (0)
  3. C# / Говнокод #23671


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    public static class TaskExtension
    		// Silences compiler warning: Because this call is not awaited,
    		// execution of the current method continues before the call is completed.
    		// Consider applying the 'await' operator to the result of the call
    		public static void NoWarning(this Task task) { }

    Коллеги добавили в код после введения правила treat warnings as errors

    cherepets, 25 Января 2018

    Комментарии (6)
  4. C# / Говнокод #22830


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    private readonly ScrollViewer _gestureListener = new ScrollViewer
                Background = new SolidColorBrush { Color = Colors.Transparent },
                Content = new Rectangle { Height = 5000 },
                HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Disabled,
                VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Hidden,
                IsScrollInertiaEnabled = false,
            private async void _gestureListener_ViewChanged(object sender, ScrollViewerViewChangedEventArgs e)
                if (_flipLock) return;
                var threshold = ActualHeight > 320 ? 48 : 32;
                var delta = 2500 - _gestureListener.VerticalOffset;
                if (e.IsIntermediate)
                    var abs = Math.Abs(delta);
                    var hit = abs > threshold;
                    var transparency = hit ? 0.5 : 1;
                    var currentDot = _counterCanvas.Children[SelectedIndex] as FrameworkElement;
                    var predictedDot = _counterCanvas.Children[delta > 0 ? PrevIndex : NextIndex] as FrameworkElement;
                    await AwaitAll(
                        _layer1Control.TranslateByYAsync(TimeSpan.Zero, null, -abs),
                        _layer1Control.ChangeOpacityAsync(MidAnimationLength, null, transparency),
                        _layer2Control.TranslateByYAsync(TimeSpan.Zero, null, abs),
                        _layer2Control.ChangeOpacityAsync(MidAnimationLength, null, transparency),
                        currentDot.ScaleAsync(QuickAnimationLength, null, hit ? 0.7 : 1.3),
                        predictedDot.ScaleAsync(QuickAnimationLength, null, hit ? 1.6 : 1),
                        currentDot.ChangeOpacityAsync(QuickAnimationLength, null, hit ? 0.5 : 1),
                        predictedDot.ChangeOpacityAsync(QuickAnimationLength, null, hit ? 1 : 0.5));
                    HandleGesture(delta, threshold);
            private void HandleGesture(double delta, double threshold)
                var down = delta < -threshold;
                var up = delta > threshold;
                if (down) FlipForward();
                if (up) FlipBackward();
                if (!down && !up) ResetPosition();

    UserControl, по поведению близкий к FlipView

    cherepets, 18 Апреля 2017

    Комментарии (0)
  5. C# / Говнокод #19990


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    _colorFlashlightAnimation = compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation(
                      "1.0 - min("
                    + "    1.0,"
                    + "    ("
                    + "        ("
                    + "            ( frame.Offset.x + (frame.Size.x * 0.5) + grid.Offset.x - (windowWidth * 0.5) )"
                    + "          * ( frame.Offset.x + (frame.Size.x * 0.5) + grid.Offset.x - (windowWidth * 0.5) )"
                    + "        ) + ("
                    + "            ( frame.Offset.y + (frame.Size.y * 0.5) + grid.Offset.y - (windowHeight * 0.5) )"
                    + "          * ( frame.Offset.y + (frame.Size.y * 0.5) + grid.Offset.y - (windowHeight * 0.5) )"
                    + "        )"
                    + "    ) / ( radius * radius )"
    + ")");

    Удивитесь, но это Microsoft

    cherepets, 12 Мая 2016

    Комментарии (31)