1. Список говнокодов пользователя dageru

    Всего: 2

  2. Си / Говнокод #3387


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    for (int x=0; x < TANK_SIZE; x++)
    		for (int y=0; y < TANK_SIZE; y++)
    			*((Uint32 *)(((Uint8 *)player_surface[DOWN]->pixels) + (TANK_SIZE - y - 1) * player_surface[DOWN]->pitch + (TANK_SIZE - x - 1) * player_surface[DOWN]->format->BytesPerPixel)) = *((Uint32 *)(((Uint8 *)player_surface[LEFT]->pixels) + (TANK_SIZE - x - 1) * player_surface[LEFT]->pitch + y * player_surface[LEFT]->format->BytesPerPixel)) = *((Uint32 *)(((Uint8 *)player_surface[RIGHT]->pixels) + x * player_surface[RIGHT]->pitch + (TANK_SIZE - y - 1) * player_surface[RIGHT]->format->BytesPerPixel)) = *((Uint32 *)(((Uint8 *)player_surface[UP]->pixels) + y * player_surface[UP]->pitch + x * player_surface[UP]->format->BytesPerPixel));
    			*((Uint32 *)(((Uint8 *)enemy_surface[DOWN]->pixels) + (TANK_SIZE - y - 1) * enemy_surface[DOWN]->pitch + (TANK_SIZE - x - 1) * enemy_surface[DOWN]->format->BytesPerPixel)) = *((Uint32 *)(((Uint8 *)enemy_surface[LEFT]->pixels) + (TANK_SIZE - x - 1) * enemy_surface[LEFT]->pitch + y * enemy_surface[LEFT]->format->BytesPerPixel)) = *((Uint32 *)(((Uint8 *)enemy_surface[RIGHT]->pixels) + x * enemy_surface[RIGHT]->pitch + (TANK_SIZE - y - 1) * enemy_surface[RIGHT]->format->BytesPerPixel)) = *((Uint32 *)(((Uint8 *)enemy_surface[UP]->pixels) + y * enemy_surface[UP]->pitch + x * enemy_surface[UP]->format->BytesPerPixel));

    dageru, 03 Июня 2010

    Комментарии (5)
  3. Python / Говнокод #3335


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    import xml.parsers.expat
    text = 'lol'
    booltext = 'false'
    subs_temp = open('subs_temp.txt','w')
    def start_element(name, attrs):
    	if (name == 'rectRegion' and attrs['h']=='7.222' and attrs['y']=='92.778'):
    		subs_temp.write(attrs['t'] + '\n')
    		global text
    		subs_temp.write(text + '\n')
    	elif (name == 'TEXT'):
    		global booltext
    		booltext = 'true'
    def char_data(data):
    	global text
    	global booltext
    	if (booltext == 'true'):
    		text = data
    		booltext = 'false'
    p = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate("UTF-8")
    p.StartElementHandler = start_element
    p.CharacterDataHandler = char_data
    p.ParseFile(open("yt.xml", 'rb'))
    subs_temp = open('subs_temp.txt','r')
    subs = open('subs.txt','w')
    num = 1
    while num <= 44:
    	time1 = subs_temp.readline()
    	text = subs_temp.readline()
    	time2 = subs_temp.readline()
    	text = subs_temp.readline()
    	subs.write('00 --> ')

    Нус, зацените мой первый опыт с питоном. Говнецо редкое, жаль просто так смывать. Так что пусть полежит здесь.

    dageru, 27 Мая 2010

    Комментарии (29)