1. Список говнокодов пользователя Koren

    Всего: 1

  2. JavaScript / Говнокод #23526


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     * Queries the DOM for the HTML element based on selector string passed.
     * @param {String} selector Selector we are querying for.
     * @param {String} [parent] Parent is optional, if passed the function will look for a child element of that parent.
     * @param {Boolean} [returnEmptyList] If set to true the function won't throw an error even if the element is not found.
     * @return {Array} HTML objects.
    function getEl( selector, parent, returnEmptyList )
        var classOnly,
        classOnly = /^\.([\w\-]+)$/;
        match = classOnly.exec( selector );
        elPrefix = '.js-';
        selPrefix = selector.substring( 0, 4 );
        if ( ( selPrefix !== elPrefix || !typeCheck.isString( selector ) ) && match !== null )
            throw new Error( 'Please make sure you input a valid class name that begins with a proper prefix.' );
        if ( typeCheck.isString( parent ) )
            context = document.getElementsByClassName( parent.substring( 1 ) )[ 0 ];
        else if ( typeCheck.isElement( parent ) )
            context = parent;
            context = document;
        nodes = match === null ? context.querySelectorAll( selector ) : context.getElementsByClassName( match[ 1 ] );
        safeNode = nodes.length > 0 && nodes;
        if ( safeNode || !safeNode && returnEmptyList )
            return [].slice.call( nodes ); //converts it to a proper array.
            throw new Error( 'Element with selector "' + selector + '" does not exist on the page.' );

    Koren, 13 Ноября 2017

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