1. Список говнокодов пользователя Quatrix

    Всего: 1

  2. Python / Говнокод #23584


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    import tkinter
    import random
    # constants
    WIDTH = 540
    HEIGHT = 480
    BG_COLOR = 'white'
    MAIN_BALL_COLOR = 'blue'
    COLORS = ['aqua', 'fuchsia', 'pink', 'yellow', 'gold', 'chartreuse']
    NUM_OF_BALLS = 9
    MAX_RADIUS = 35
    MIN_RADIUS = 15
    DELAY = 8
    INIT_DX = 1
    INIT_DY = 1
    ZERO = 0
    # ball class
    class Ball():
        def __init__(self, x, y, r, color, dx=0, dy=0):
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.r = r
            self.color = color
            self.dx = dx
            self.dy = dy
        def draw(self):
            canvas.create_oval(self.x - self.r, self.y - self.r, self.x + self.r, self.y + self.r, fill=self.color,
        def hide(self):
            canvas.create_oval(self.x - self.r, self.y - self.r, self.x + self.r, self.y + self.r, fill=BG_COLOR,
        def is_collision(self, ball):
            a = abs(self.x + self.dx - ball.x)
            b = abs(self.y + self.dy - ball.y)
            return (a * a + b * b) ** 0.5 <= self.r + ball.r
        def move(self):
            # collision with the walls
            if (self.x + self.r + self.dx >= WIDTH) or (self.x - self.r + self.dx <= ZERO):
                self.dx = -self.dx
            if (self.y + self.r + self.dy >= HEIGHT) or (self.y - self.r + self.dy <= ZERO):
                self.dy = -self.dy
            self.x += self.dx
            self.y += self.dy
            if self.dx * self.dy != 0:
    # process the mouse events
    def mouse_click(event):
        global main_ball
        if event.num == 1:  # left mouse button
            if 'main_ball' not in globals():  # старт
                main_ball = Ball(event.x, event.y, MAIN_BALL_RADIUS, MAIN_BALL_COLOR, INIT_DX, INIT_DY)
                if main_ball.x > WIDTH / 2:
                    main_ball.dx = -main_ball.dx
                if main_ball.y > HEIGHT / 2:
                    main_ball.dy = -main_ball.dy
    # create a list of objects-balls
    def create_list_of_balls(number):
        lst = []
        return lst
    # games main loop
    def main():
        if 'main_ball' in globals():
        root.after(DELAY, main)
    # create a window, the canvas and start game
    root = tkinter.Tk()
    root.title("Colliding Balls")
    canvas = tkinter.Canvas(root, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, bg=BG_COLOR)
    canvas.bind('<Button-1>', mouse_click)
    canvas.bind('<Button-2>', mouse_click, '+')
    canvas.bind('<Button-3>', mouse_click, '+')
    balls = create_list_of_balls(NUM_OF_BALLS)
    if 'main_ball' in globals():  # for restarts
        del main_ball

    Quatrix, 14 Декабря 2017

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