1. Список говнокодов пользователя Avance

    Всего: 2

  2. C# / Говнокод #21965


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    public static class Md5Helper
            private static readonly char[] Chars = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
            public static string Md5Hash(this string source)
                byte[] hash;
                using (var hasher = MD5.Create())
                    hash = hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(source));
                var length = hash.Length << 1;
                var result = new char[length];
                for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 2)
                    var b = hash[i >> 1];
                    result[i] = Chars[b >> 4];
                    result[i + 1] = Chars[b & 15];
                return new string(result, 0, result.Length);

    Avance, 11 Января 2017

    Комментарии (5)
  3. C# / Говнокод #6515


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    public bool Read_XMl_File (XDocument Xml_Document, ref game_data Game_Data) { 
                bool Is_Success=false;          /* Captures this function's result */
                try { 
                    this.Xml_Data = (game_data)Game_Data;
    /*              Recursively read through entire XML Document */ 
                    Xml_Document.Root.RecursivelyProcess ( 
                    Is_Success = true;
                catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }
                Game_Data = this.Xml_Data;    /* Pass the data back to Xml_Data */
                return Is_Success;
     public static void RecursivelyProcess (
                    this XElement element,
                    Action<XElement, int> childAction,
                    Action<XElement, int> parentOpenAction,
                    Action<XElement, int> parentCloseAction) {  
                if (element == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException ("element"); } 
                element.RecursivelyProcess (0, childAction, parentOpenAction, parentCloseAction);  
     private static void RecursivelyProcess (  
                this XElement element,  
                int depth,  
                Action<XElement, int> childAction,  
                Action<XElement, int> parentOpenAction,  
                Action<XElement, int> parentCloseAction)  { 
                if (element == null)  { throw new ArgumentNullException ("element"); } 
                if (!element.HasElements) {         /* Reached the deepest child */
                    if (childAction != null) { childAction (element, depth); }  
                else  {                             /* element has children */
                    if (parentOpenAction != null)  { parentOpenAction (element, depth); }  
                    foreach (XElement child in element.Elements ())  {  
                        child.RecursivelyProcess ( depth,  childAction,  parentOpenAction,  parentCloseAction );  
                    if (parentCloseAction != null)  {  parentCloseAction (element, depth);  }

    Avance, 29 Апреля 2011

    Комментарии (11)