1. Список говнокодов пользователя ab368

    Всего: 1

  2. Java / Говнокод #6907


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    Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(
                            "select * from ("
                                    + "select g4.id as goodId, g4.name as goodName, g4.code as goodCode, "
                                    + "u4.name as uomName, sum(bgd.quantity_out) as quantityOut, "
                                    + " g4.productcode as goodProductCode, sum(bgd.quantity_return) as quantityReturn "
                                    + "from good g4 "
                                    + "inner join consignment cs1 on cs1.good_id = g4.id "
                                    + (customizationUtilSQL == null ? "" : customizationUtilSQL.buildCustomAttributesQueryInnerPart())
                                    + " inner join "
                                    + "(select gg.consignment_id, op.sourcestore_id as place_id, " +
                                    		" sum(gg.quantity) as quantity_out, sum(coalesce(srset.return_quantity, 0)) as quantity_return "
                                    + "from motion gg "
                                    + "inner join operation op " +
                                    		" on (gg.operation_id = op.id " +
                                    		" and op.company = gg.company" +
                                            (projectId == null ? "" : " and (op.project_id  = :projectId) ") +
                                            (contractId == null ? "" : " and (op.contract_id  = :contractId) ") +
                                    		") "
                                    + "inner join place pld on op.sourcestore_id = pld.id "
                            		+ " left outer join "
                    				+ " (select ds.demand_id as demand_id, srm.consignment_id as consignment_id, srm.sum as sum, " +
                    						" sum(srm.quantity) as return_quantity from demand_salesreturn ds " +
                    						" inner join operation sr on sr.id = ds.salesreturn_id " +
                    						" inner join motion srm on srm.operation_id = sr.id " +
                    						" where sr.dtype = 'SalesReturn' " +
                                            " and sr.deleted is null " +
                                            (!includeAboardOperations ? " and sr.applicable = true " : "") +
                                            " and (sr.moment between :upToDate and :toDate) " +
                                            " and " + SecurityUtil.companyFilterSQL("sr") +
                    						" group by ds.demand_id, srm.consignment_id, srm.sum) srset " +
                    						" on (srset.demand_id = op.id and srset.sum = gg.sum " +
                    						" and srset.consignment_id = gg.consignment_id) "
                                    + (agentId == null ? "" :
                                        " left outer join requisite tr on op.targetagentrequisite_id = tr.id "
                                        + " left outer join requisite sr on op.sourceagentrequisite_id = sr.id "
                                        + " left outer join agent agt on tr.agent_id = agt.id "
                                		+ " left outer join agent ags on sr.agent_id = ags.id ")
                                    + "where " + SecurityUtil.companyFilterSQL("op")
                                    + " and op.deleted is null "
                                    + (!includeAboardOperations ? " and op.applicable = true " : "")
                                    + " and (op.moment between :upToDate and :toDate) "
                                    + " and op.dtype = 'Demand' "
                                    + (agentId == null ? ""
                                        : " and ((ags.path || ags.id) like ( "
                                            + "select distinct (a21.path || a21.id || '%') from agent a21  where a21.id = :agentId) or "

    всё не влезло, вообще тут 65 строк. пожалуйста выскажите ваше мнение об этом коде. спасибо :)

    ab368, 09 Июня 2011

    Комментарии (29)