1. Список говнокодов пользователя fade

    Всего: 5

  2. C# / Говнокод #13568


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    private static OfficerResponse ToPerson<TField, TTitle>(IEnumerable<TField> fields, IEnumerable<TTitle> titles, Func<TField, string> getName, Func<TField, string> getValue, Func<TTitle, string> getTitle, bool active, TextType1 bio, YMDType birth, ContactInformationType contactInformation, string tickers, DegreeType1[] educationHistory, CertificateType[] certifications, PositionInformationType positionInformation, AffilationType[] corporateAffiliations, string officerId, OfficerDirectorType info,string repNo)

    нашел вот...

    fade, 08 Августа 2013

    Комментарии (17)
  3. C# / Говнокод #8889


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    private Excel._Application _excel;
    private void RefreshFormulas(FormulaRefreshOption formulaRefreshOption, object objectToRefresh)
    			//Где-то в дебрях километрового метода бросилось в глаза
    				Excel.Range intersection = selection, selection2 = selection;
    				while (selection2 != null)
    					intersection = _excel.Intersect(selection2, selection2.Dependents,
    						Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
    						 Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
    						  Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
    						   Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
    					excelUtilities.RecalculateRangeInstance(true, intersection/*_excel.Selection as Excel.Range*/);
    					selection2 = intersection;
    			catch (Exception) { /*ignore the exception because .Dependents will throw an exception if there aren't any dependents*/}

    fade, 04 Января 2012

    Комментарии (4)
  4. C# / Говнокод #7996


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    public static bool GetSafeBool(object val, bool defaultVal)
                //TODO: check functionality
                bool result = defaultVal;
                    if (val != null)
                        string str = val.ToString().Trim();
                        // compare ignore case, for performance
                        result = (0 == string.Compare(str, true.ToString(), true) || str == "1" || str == "-1");
                catch { }
                return result;

    Продолжая тему расовых индусов...

    fade, 27 Сентября 2011

    Комментарии (41)
  5. C# / Говнокод #2055


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    public string removeSpecialCharacters(string orig) {
                string rv;
                rv = orig.Replace("\\", " ");
                rv = rv.Replace("(", " ");
                rv = rv.Replace(")", " ");
                rv = rv.Replace("/", " ");
                rv = rv.Replace("-", " ");
                rv = rv.Replace(",", " ");
                rv = rv.Replace(">", " ");
                rv = rv.Replace("<", " ");
                rv = rv.Replace("-", " ");
                rv = rv.Replace("&", " ");
                rv = rv.Replace("'", "");
                rv = rv.Replace("\u2019", ""); // smart forward (possessive) quote.
                rv = rv.Replace(" ", "");
                rv = rv.Trim(' '); // Remove leading and trailing spaces.
                return (rv);

    fade, 27 Октября 2009

    Комментарии (19)
  6. C# / Говнокод #1504


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    if (Skin == null || ((Skin != null && Skin.Value == null) || (Skin != null && Skin.Value != null && Skin.Value.Length == 0))) {
    				Skin = new LocalString("...");

    проверочко.. ^_^

    fade, 10 Августа 2009

    Комментарии (5)