1. Список говнокодов пользователя 3Doomer

    Всего: 4

  2. Куча / Говнокод #13882


    1. 01
    2. 02
    3. 03
    4. 04
    5. 05
    6. 06
    7. 07
    8. 08
    9. 09
    10. 10
    11. 11
    12. 12
    13. 13
    14. 14
    15. 15
    16. 16
    	(MatchPattern MatData Pattern:"MeshID *: *") and (
    		local	Params = (FilterString (SubString MatData 8 -1) ":")
    		Params.Count == 2 and (
    			MatData = (TrimLeft (TrimRight Params[2]))
    			MID = (Params[1] as integer)
    				MID < 1 or
    				MID > 1000
    				InputOK = false
    then (

    Чумачечая валидация ввода информации о материале по несложному паттерну:
    MeshID <Mesh material ID, a number from 1 to 1000>: <Material name>
    Use LINQ, Luke!

    3Doomer, 01 Октября 2013

    Комментарии (7)
  3. Куча / Говнокод #13850


    1. 01
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    4. 04
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    6. 06
    7. 07
    8. 08
    9. 09
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    11. 11
    12. 12
    13. 13
    14. 14
    15. 15
    16. 16
    Синтаксический сахар в #MAXScript такой сахар!
    Надоели конструкции такого вида?
    if (SomeShit == undefined) then (...)
    Запили в парочку функций - и всё ок!
    fn Have Obj = (Obj != undefined)
    fn No Obj = (not (Have Obj))
    if (Have Beer) then (...)
    if (No Glass) then (...)
    Миллисекунда оверхеда на вызов функции - в подарок!

    Уроки ленивого программирования для самых ленивых или берегущих клавиатуру xD

    3Doomer, 24 Сентября 2013

    Комментарии (6)
  4. Куча / Говнокод #13694


    1. 001
    2. 002
    3. 003
    4. 004
    5. 005
    6. 006
    7. 007
    8. 008
    9. 009
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    11. 011
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    15. 015
    16. 016
    17. 017
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    99. 099
    100. 100
    fn AsText Val BufferID:undefined AppendLast:false Prefix:"" Postfix:"" ArraySeparators:#("#(", ",", ")") ValClass:undefined AncestorName:undefined PushVar:undefined = (
    	if PushVar == undefined then PushVar = GIMS.Core.BufferMgr.PushVar
    	case (ClassOf Val) of (
    			AsText Val BufferID:BufferID AppendLast:AppendLast Prefix:Prefix Postfix:Postfix ArraySeparators:ArraySeparators ValClass:Array AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar
    		Array: (
    			if BufferID != undefined then (
    				PushVar BufferID (Prefix + ArraySeparators[1]) AppendLast:AppendLast
    				for ItemID = 1 to Val.Count do (
    					if ItemID != Val.Count then
    						AsText Val[ItemID] BufferID:BufferID AppendLast:AppendLast Postfix:ArraySeparators[2] AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar
    						AsText Val[ItemID] BufferID:BufferID AppendLast:AppendLast AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar
    				PushVar BufferID (ArraySeparators[3] + Postfix) AppendLast:AppendLast
    			) else (
    				local	Res = (Prefix + ArraySeparators[1])
    				for ItemID = 1 to Val.Count do (
    					if ItemID != Val.Count then
    						Res += (AsText Val[ItemID] Postfix:ArraySeparators[2] AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar)
    						Res += (AsText Val[ItemID] AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar)
    				Res += (ArraySeparators[3] + Postfix)
    		String: (
    			if BufferID != undefined then
    				PushVar BufferID (Prefix + "\"" + (GIMS.Core.StringOps.ReplaceChars Val ReplaceTags:#(#("\"", "\\"), #("\\\"", "\\\\")) MultiChar:true) + "\"" + Postfix) AppendLast:AppendLast
    				(Prefix + "\"" + (GIMS.Core.StringOps.ReplaceChars Val ReplaceTags:#(#("\"", "\\"), #("\\\"", "\\\\")) MultiChar:true) + "\"" + Postfix)
    		Name: (
    			if BufferID != undefined then
    				PushVar BufferID (Prefix + "#" + Val as string + Postfix) AppendLast:AppendLast
    				(Prefix + "#" + Val as string + Postfix)
    		BitmapTexture: (
    			GIMS.Core.MaterialOps.FixTexName Val
    			local	FileName = (GetFileNameFile Val.FileName)
    			if BufferID != undefined then (
    				if (DoesFileExist Val.FileName) then (
    					local	FilePath = (GIMS.CurrentGame.ResourceCachePath + AncestorName + "/")
    					MakeDir FilePath All:true
    					CopyFile Val.FileName (FilePath + (FileNameFromPath Val.FileName))
    				PushVar BufferID (Prefix + "(GIMS.Core.MaterialOps.CreateBitmapFile (GIMS.CurrentGame.ResourceCachePath + \"" + AncestorName + "/\") \"" + FileName + "\")" + Postfix) AppendLast:AppendLast
    			) else
    				(Prefix + "(GIMS.Core.MaterialOps.CreateBitmapFile \"" + (GetFileNamePath Val.FileName) + "\" \"" + FileName + "\")" + Postfix)
    		default: (
    			local	VarType = (SuperClassOf Val)
    			if VarType == StructDef or VarType == GeometryClass or VarType == Material then (
    				if BufferID == undefined then
    					throw "Undefined BufferID!"
    				local	AllTagNames = (GetPropNames Val),
    						StructNameTagID = (FindItem AllTagNames #StructName),
    						StructName = (
    						if StructNameTagID != 0 then
    							(GetProperty Val AllTagNames[StructNameTagID])
    							((ClassOf Val) as string)
    						Tags = (
    							for TempTag in AllTagNames where
    								TempTag != #StructName and
    								not (IsKindOf (GetProperty Val TempTag) MAXScriptFunction)
    				if Tags.Count == 1 then
    					PushVar BufferID (Prefix + "(" + StructName + "())") AppendLast:AppendLast
    				else (
    					PushVar BufferID (Prefix + "(") AppendLast:AppendLast
    					PushVar BufferID (StructName + " \\") AppendLast:AppendLast
    					case VarType of (
    						GeometryClass: (
    							PushVar BufferID ("Name:" + (AsText Val.Name AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar) + " \\") AppendLast:AppendLast
    							PushVar BufferID ("Pos:" + Val.Pos as string + " \\") AppendLast:AppendLast
    						Material: (
    							PushVar BufferID ("Name:" + (AsText Val.Name AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar) + " \\") AppendLast:AppendLast
    							PushVar BufferID ("ShowInViewPort:" + Val.ShowInViewPort as string + " \\") AppendLast:AppendLast
    					for TagID = 1 to Tags.Count do
    						AsText (GetProperty Val Tags[TagID]) BufferID:BufferID AppendLast:AppendLast Prefix:(Tags[TagID] as String + ":") Postfix:" \\" AncestorName:AncestorName PushVar:PushVar
    					PushVar BufferID (")" + Postfix) AppendLast:AppendLast
    			) else (
    				if BufferID != undefined then
    					PushVar BufferID (Prefix + Val as string + Postfix) AppendLast:AppendLast
    					(Prefix + Val as string + Postfix)

    MAXScript. Сериализация от бога!

    3Doomer, 29 Августа 2013

    Комментарии (4)
  5. Куча / Говнокод #13105


    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
    6. 6
    7. 7
    8. 8
    	HeapSize += 268435456 -- +100500 могучих байт в кучу во имя производительности
    catch (
    		HeapSize += 67108864 -- жалкая попытка добавить хоть что - то
    		GIMS.Core.SystemMgr.ThrowError "init error" "Cannot extend the heap :(" -- сглотнуть обиду, поднасрав в лог

    GC, you shall not pass!
    Первая ступень попыток ускорить тормозной MAXScript

    3Doomer, 04 Июня 2013

    Комментарии (4)