1. Список говнокодов пользователя itgovnokod

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  2. PHP / Говнокод #17480


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    class ITForm extends ITTable
    public function __construct($tbl)
    //путь с скрипту который удаляет файлы по tblname record_id filename
    public function printForm($i, $action, $head, $submitvalue='', $captcha=0)
    $form = $this->generateFormData($i, $action, $head, $submitvalue, $captcha);
    print "<h1>$form->head</h1>
    foreach($form->inputs as $k=>$v)
     print "<tr id='itforms_$k'" . ($this->columns[$k]->blockclass?' class="' . $this->columns[$k]->blockclass . '"':'') ."><td>$v->name</td><td>$v->input</td></tr>\n";
    print "</table>
    <hr><input type='submit' value='$form->submitvalue'></form>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    var itform;
       itform = new ITForm($('#$this->tbl$i->id'));
    public function insertForm($head, $submitvalue='', $i=0)
      $i = new stdClass();
     $copy_id = intval($_GET['copy_id']);
      $r=exec_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $this->tbl WHERE id='$copy_id'");
      foreach($row as $k=>$v)
        $i->$k = $v;
     //чтобы можно было загрузить файлы делаем временный id в диапазоне от 10^7 до 2*10^9
     $i->id = 'r' . rand(10000000, 2000000000);
     $this->printForm($i, 'insert.php', $head, $submitvalue);
    public function updateForm($id, $head, $submitvalue='')
     $this->printForm($this->getObject($id), 'update.php',  $head, $submitvalue);
    if(mysql_numrows(exec_mysql_query("SELECT id FROM it_updatelog WHERE tbl='$this->tbl' AND record_id='$id'")))
     print "<a href=/crm2/log/?w_tbl_2=$this->tbl&w_record_id_1=$id>История изменений</a><br>"; 
    public function deleteForm($id, $head, $submitvalue='')
     $this->printForm($this->getObject($id), 'delete.php',  $head, $submitvalue);
    public function updateForm4Object($o, $head, $submitvalue='')
     $this->printForm($o, 'update.php',  $head, $submitvalue);
    if(mysql_numrows(exec_mysql_query("SELECT id FROM it_updatelog WHERE tbl='$this->tbl' AND record_id='$o->id'")))
     print "<a href=/crm2/log/?w_tbl_2=$this->tbl&w_record_id_1=$o->id>История изменений</a><br>"; 

    Продолжение: http://govnokod.ru/17479

    itgovnokod, 19 Января 2015

    Комментарии (7)
  3. PHP / Говнокод #17479


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    class ITForm extends ITTable
    public function __construct($tbl)
    //путь с скрипту который удаляет файлы по tblname record_id filename
    public function generateFormData($i, $action, $head, $submitvalue='', $captcha=0)
    global $itcmscfg;
    $form->submitvalue=htmlentities($submitvalue?$submitvalue:$head, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    $form->tbl = $this->tbl;
    if($this->files) $enctype='enctype="multipart/form-data"';
    $form->head = htmlentities($head, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    $form->begin = "<form  name='$this->tbl$i->id' id='$this->tbl$i->id' action='$action' method='post' $enctype>";
    $form->inputhidden .= "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='$i->id'><input type='hidden' name='referer' value='" . ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']?$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']:'./') . "'>\n";
    if($action=='delete.php') {$form->disabled = 'disabled'; $OPERATION = UPDATABLE;}
    elseif($action=='insert.php') $OPERATION = INSERTABLE;
    elseif($action=='update.php') $OPERATION = UPDATABLE;
      foreach($this->columns as $field=>$ftype)
       $itforms = " $form->disabled name='$field' id='input-$field'" . $this->getITFormsAttr($field);
       $value = isset($i->$field) ? $i->$field : ($_GET[$field] ? $_GET[$field]: $ftype->Default);
       if(!$ftype->htmlcode) $value = htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
       $itcmscfg->cfgfile = intval($itcmscfg->cfgfile);
       if($ftype->Key=='UNI') $itforms .= " data-async='false' data-unique='{cfgfile:$itcmscfg->cfgfile, tblname:\"$this->tbl\", record_id:\"$i->id\"}'";
       if($ftype->visibility & HIDDEN){$form->inputhidden .= "<input type='hidden' $itforms value='$value'>"; continue;}
        //если поле не RADONLY, то проверить задан ли regexp и разрешена ли операция
       if( !($ftype->visibility & READONLY) )
        if(!$ftype->pattern || !($ftype->visibility & $OPERATION))
       $form->inputs[$field]->name = "<label for='input-$field' id='label-$field'>$ftype->outputname</label>"; 
       //выводим элементы
        $form->inputs[$field]->input = $ftype->options->html($field, " $form->disabled " . $this->getITFormsAttr($field), $value);
         $form->js .= "itform.setCheckboxProperty('$field', 'sum', '$ftype->minselected', '$ftype->maxselected');\n";
         $form->inputs[$field]->input = "<script src=/include/ckeditor/ckeditor.js></script>
                                         <textarea class='ckeditor' name='$field'>$value</textarea>";
        $form->inputs[$field]->input = "<textarea rows='10' cols='80' $itforms " . ($form->disabled?' readonly':'') . ">$value</textarea>";
         $form->inputs[$field]->input = "<input type='$ftype->inputtype' value='$value' $itforms>";
        $form->inputs[$field]->input =  "<input type='text' value='$value' $itforms>";  
       $f1 = $ftype->func;
        $form->inputs[$field]->input .=  (' ' . $f1($value));
     foreach($this->files as $k=>$o)
      $itforms = "";
      //это только для action==insert.php можно, при редактирвоании не обязательно файл заливать
      $itforms .= ($o->required && $action=='insert.php') ? " data-min-length='1'" : '';
      $itforms .= $o->validExtentions ? " data-regexp='$o->validExtentions'" : '';
      if($o->help) $itforms .= " data-help='$o->help'";
        $itforms .= ' multiple';
        $multiple = '[]';
      $outputname = htmlentities($o->outputname, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');  
      $form->inputs[$k]->name = "<label for='input-$k'>$outputname</label>";
      $form->inputs[$k]->input = "<input type='file' name='$k$multiple' id='input-$k' $itforms>";
      $form->files = $itcmscfg->fs->getFiles4TblRecord($this->tbl, $i->id);
    return $form;

    itgovnokod, 19 Января 2015

    Комментарии (10)