1. Python / Говнокод #11964


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    def set_usage(self, db_thread, unhandled_exc_handler):
            if self.quota and unhandled_exc_handler != self.quota:
                d = dict(total_space=format_number(float(unhandled_exc_handler) / 1073741824L, frac_precision=1))
                if unhandled_exc_handler > self.quota:
                    arch.tray_icon.bubble(trans(u'Good news: you now have %(total_space)sGB of storage space on Dropbox.') % d, trans(u'Space increased'))
                    arch.tray_icon.bubble(trans(u'You now have %(total_space)sGB of storage space on Dropbox.') % d, trans(u'Space reduced'))
            self.in_use, self.quota = db_thread, unhandled_exc_handler
            specified_profiler = arch.tray_icon.can_click_bubbles()
            warning, caption = (None, None)
            last_warning = self.config.get('last_quota_warning')
            if db_thread > unhandled_exc_handler:
                warning = trans(u'Your Dropbox is full and cannot store more files. Upgrade and instantly get more space.')
                caption = trans(u'Dropbox full')
            elif db_thread * 100 / unhandled_exc_handler >= self.ui_flags.get('low_space_pct_threshold', 90):
                warning = trans(u'Your Dropbox is almost full. Upgrade and instantly get more space.')
                caption = trans(u'Dropbox almost full')
            elif last_warning:
                TRACE('Quota looks okay; clearing quota warning timer')
                self.config['last_quota_warning'] = None
            if warning and (not last_warning or time.time() > last_warning + self.ui_flags.get('quota_warn_interval', 172800)) and self.ui_flags.get('upgrade_prompt', False):
                if specified_profiler:
                    warning += ' ' + trans(u'(click here)')
                arch.tray_icon.bubble(warning, caption, self.bubble_context.make_func_context_ref(functools.partial(self.dropbox_url_info.launch_dropbox_url, 'plans')))
                TRACE('Displaying warning bubble (%s)' % caption)
                self.config['last_quota_warning'] = time.time()

    Из исходников официального клиента дропбокса.

    Запостил: serpinski, 20 Октября 2012

    Комментарии (1) RSS

    • DBDEV = os.getenv('DBDEV')
      IS_DEV_MAGIC = DBDEV and hashlib.md5(DBDEV).hexdigest().startswith('c3da6009e4')

      Защита от кого? Бывает.

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