1. PHP / Говнокод #18065


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    ini_set('memory_limit', '100M'); // to be safe we are increasing the memory limit for search
    include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/html/init.php'; // final lib include
    include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/s.php';
    include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/browse.php';
    include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/events.php';
    include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/websearch_classifier/websearch_classifier.php';
    $user = search_require_login();
    if ($_POST) {
      $arr = us_flatten_checkboxes($_POST, array('ii'));
      $qs = '?';
      foreach($arr as $key = > $val) {
        $qs. = $key.'='.urlencode($val).'&';
      $qs = substr($qs, 0, (strlen($qs) - 1));
    // If they performed a classmates search, these values are
    // needed to pre-populate dropdowns
    param_get_slashed(array('hy' = > $PARAM_STRING, 'hs' = > $PARAM_INT, 'adv' = > $PARAM_EXISTS, 'events' = > $PARAM_EXISTS, 'groups' = > $PARAM_EXISTS, 'classmate' = > $PARAM_EXISTS, 'coworker' = > $PARAM_EXISTS));
    $pos = strpos($get_hy, ':');
    if ($pos !== false) {
      $hsid = intval(substr($get_hy, 0, $pos));
      $hsyear = intval(substr($get_hy, $pos + 1));
    } else {
      $hsid = intval($get_hs);
      $hsyear = null;
    tpl_set('hs_id', $hsid);
    tpl_set('hs_name', get_high_school($hsid));
    tpl_set('hs_year', $hsyear);
    tpl_set('is_advanced_search', $get_adv);
    tpl_set('user', $user);
    tpl_set('count_total', 0); // pre-set count_total for the sake of ads page length
    // Events search calendar data
    param_get(array('k' = > $PARAM_HEX, 'n' = > $PARAM_SINT));
    if (($get_k == search_module::get_key(SEARCH_MOD_EVENT, SEARCH_TYPE_AS))) {
      $events_begin = strftime("%Y%m01"); // first of the month
      $events_end = strftime("%Y%m%d", strtotime(strftime("%m/01/%Y")) + (86400 * $EVENTS_CAL_DAYS_AHEAD));
      $events_params = array('dy1' = > $events_begin, 'dy2' = > $events_end);
      param_get(array('c1' = > $PARAM_INT, 'c2' = > $PARAM_INT), 'evt_');
      if (isset($evt_c1)) {
        $events_params['c1'] = $evt_c1;
      if (isset($evt_c2)) {
        $events_params['c2'] = $evt_c2;
      $results = events_get_calendar($user, $get_n, $events_params);
      tpl_set('events_date', $results['events_date']);
    // Holy shit, is this the cleanest fucking frontend file you've ever seen?!
    ubersearch($_GET, $embedded = false, $template = true);
    // Render it
     * login function for s.php
     * @author Philip Fung
    function search_require_login() {
      //check if user is logged in
      $user = require_login(true);
      if($user 0 && !is_unregistered($user)) { return $user; }
      // this is an unregistered user
        array('k' = > $GLOBALS['PARAM_HEX'], // search key (used by rest of ubersearch code)
      global $get_k;
      $search_key = $get_k;
      //Let user see event or group search if criteria are obeyed
      if ($search_key && (search_module::get_key_type($search_key) == SEARCH_MOD_EVENT || search_module::get_key_type($search_key) == SEARCH_MOD_GROUP) //event or group search
      ) {
        return $user;
      } else {

    * @author Mark Slee
    * @package ubersearch

    Фейсбук и даты. Можете топить.

    Запостил: inkanus-gray, 26 Апреля 2015

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    Ошибка компиляции комментария:
    1. Гости могут высказаться только во вторник, пятницу или субботу
    ava Где здесь C++, guest?!
    А не использовать ли нам bbcode?
    • [b]жирный[/b] — жирный
    • [i]курсив[/i] — курсив
    • [u]подчеркнутый[/u] — подчеркнутый
    • [s]перечеркнутый[/s] — перечеркнутый
    • [blink]мигающий[/blink] — мигающий
    • [color=red]цвет[/color] — цвет (подробнее)
    • [size=20]размер[/size] — размер (подробнее)
    • [code=<language>]some code[/code] (подробнее)
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