1. Куча / Говнокод #18341


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    'Check that the TGD exists
        If objFSO.FileExists(strTGDFileName) Then
            'Get the definition of the tag group
            objTagGroupFile.RetrieveDefinition strTGDFileName, intArrayLength, varSymbols, varSubstitutions, varDescriptions
            'Ensure that the supplied strings match the strings in the tag group
            If (UBound(strSymbols) = UBound(strSubstitutions) And UBound(strSymbols) = UBound(varSymbols) And UBound(strSymbols) = UBound(varSubstitutions)) Or _
            (blIgnoreAdditional And (UBound(strSymbols) = UBound(strSubstitutions) And UBound(strSymbols) < UBound(varSymbols) And UBound(strSymbols) < UBound(varSubstitutions))) Then
                For intLoop = 0 To UBound(strSymbols)
                    If Not (strSymbols(intLoop) = varSymbols(intLoop) And strSubstitutions(intLoop) = varSubstitutions(intLoop)) Then
                        'TDG is out of date; create tag group file
                        CheckTagGroup = IIf(CreateTagGroupFile(strSymbols, strSubstitutions, strDescriptions, strTGDFileName), 1, 0)
                        GoTo Way_Out
                    End If
                'TDG is out of date; create tag group file
                CheckTagGroup = IIf(CreateTagGroupFile(strSymbols, strSubstitutions, strDescriptions, strTGDFileName), 1, 0)
                GoTo Way_Out
            End If
            'TGD does not exist so create the file
            CheckTagGroup = IIf(CreateTagGroupFile(strSymbols, strSubstitutions, strDescriptions, strTGDFileName), 1, 0)
            GoTo Way_Out
        End If

    Всё равно получишь шайбу!
    Вот такие умные проверки нашёл перед вызовом одной и той же функции.


    Запостил: Domkrat, 15 Июня 2015

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