1. C++ / Говнокод #215


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    /* This is bad. Reaaly bad. It's a really, really bad hack. If you're an employee of 
     * Intertrode Communication, then I'm really, really sorry that you have to maintain
     * this. I was honestly planning on removing this tomorrow, but I've been known to 
     * forget things like this. It happens.
     * So here's the thing. I can't seem to figure out why the AccountId variable isn't 
     * set. I've looked and looked, but I gotta leave now. Anyway, I've found that I can
     * just grab the AccountID from the debugging logs.  I suppose that to fix it, you'd
     * have to locate where it's clearing out the ID.
     * Again, I'm sorry.
    if ( (AccountId == NULL) || (AccountId == "") ||
         (ServerSesion["AccountId"] == NULL) || (ServerSesion["AccountId"] == "") )
      //open session logs
      FileHandle file = f_open(LOG_PATH + "\sessionlog-" + LOG_FILE_DATE + ".log", 1);
      while (file != NULL)
        TString line = f_readline(file);
        //look for IP and changereg
        if ( (sfind(line,REMOTE_ADDR) != -1) && (sfind(line,"changereg") != -1) )
          //0000-00-00 00:00 /accountmaint/changereg/?AccountId=123456 ...
          //                                                    *
          AccountId = substr(line, 52, 6);
        if (f_EOF(file)) { f_close(file); file = NULL; }

    У чувака где то перетирается AccountId, так он берет данные из логов IIS'а :) Главное, что он сожалеет об этом.
    Отсюда: http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/The_Apologetic_Coder.aspx

    Запостил: guest, 18 Декабря 2008

    Комментарии (2) RSS

    • Alexander G:
      FileHandle file = f_open(LOG_PATH + "\sessionlog-" + LOG_FILE_DATE + ".log", 1);
        while (file != NULL)

      LOG_PATH + "\sessionlog-" + LOG_FILE_DATE + ".log"


      Вот что значит нормальная подсветка синтаксиса. Почему в Студии эскейпы так не подсвечивается ?
    • Developer:
      > Почему в Студии эскейпы так не
      > подсвечивается?
      Только в говностудии!

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